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JESUS Chef Sermon.

Consider how a Top Chef with Staff of Chefs is hardly with extra joy if the Top Chef's newest Trainee Chef makes many unauthorized changes, similar are You if to Ascend into new [to You] Higher Levels and go not according to JESUS Christ Original Plan but opt to make unauthorized changes such as a small group of Christians not telling the High Priest but leaving a Church to secretely start their own Church then to be surprised by the enormous responsibility, hence struggling in survival mode hence hardly about immediate plans for becoming better than the previous Church and hence hardly about expanding;

and John 6:66 Berean Standard Bible applies as written "From that time on many of His disciples turned back and no longer walked with Him", wished upon none yet protecting the innocent (similarly if to continue and fall Mark 11:18). This also pertains to big business empires, and also pertains to small domestic Spousal squabbles.

Even so, if a Top Chef finds a Person with a Spirit for to Ascend from Diligent Trainee Level to Faithful Chef Level, the Top Chef is with a Joyous Love Thrill even if unspoken and even if not noticed (reference for instance how so many movies have had stern ship Captains hard against the Crew though with success proud for such Together having Accomplished one of a multitude of difficult missions.

The Garden Of Eden for instance offered figs, and the inside of today if figs are not available, the fig bar center can be applied onto skin cancer [perhaps appearing as unusual pimples after being out in the Sun, too much depending on many things (such as see older Sermons on metabolism)]

and after days of such treatments applying fig bar center goo to the skin cancer can goes away [(ibid.) merely to shield it from the Sun can be with Healing though the flesh unfed faints away], as i had experienced with Presbyterian Hospital Screenings and signed documents as proof (reference older Sermons in this Series) [note Unleavened Bread is for Eucharist for a reason pertinent to the previous verse].

The Garden Of Eden existed as Heaven On Earth, hence such as no cancer, why? Like unto the Top Chef, there is a proper JESUS Christ Way to go about constructing clothes. Leaves webpages of the Bible are for the Healing Of Nations as accomplished in JESUS Christ Name As Baptized Hence With JESUS Christ Spirit in 2020AD With JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Higher Level Grace, yet rather than destroying generations leading to the Birth Of JESUS Christ the allowing Grace allowed JESUS Christ fig fruits to Create With Us new skin where the former had been opted worn out.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, reveals Sacred Faith Over Purgatory Levels and the secular perceived knowledge that had been secret since the world began explaining how such and the Righteous Prophets NEED to Ascend Above after-the-fact lower levels of perceived ways about Miracles, fig bars cure cancer, Bible Foods, jellyfish regrows lost parts rather not contract skin cancer

(figs cancer gif).

The 1st Testament had many Righteous Faithful Prophets such as Abraham, Noah, and Moses. And concerning the lower levels of Each, Noah Ascended from merely about circumcisions and making Babies, and did as Abrahamic Level yet also Faithfully Moses Ascended into an even Higher Level than about woodworking, to construct Law. So the Spirit of Adam has to go through the Abrahamic Covenant and the Higher Level Noahic Covenant and the Mosaic Covenant, the Davidic Covenant, all the Covenants, and through JESUS Christ is so Accomplishing all the 1st Testament Covenants All at once, Together, simultaneously, and all the future Higher Levels according to the Gift of JESUS Christ to be able to opt [no longer stolen, see below, We no longer have to do as the "Perdition Position"].

As stated in the previous Sermon tags, the Sermon "specifies how ALL are to Go Through JESUS Christ as Sent with no exception hence including ALL the Senders, and exposes the so called Grand ultra mistake, discussed are NEEDFUL CREATING SIGNS AND BROADCASTING, along with prime rate strong forces and subatomic particles",

some opted to be in the secular level, so what happens to a group that cites Themselves

and their bank of knowledge hard precision works without referencing JESUS Christ?, such

opted to become as the above stated "hired" which "abandons the sheep" [their Coworkers

and Customers and Friends and importanly Key JESUS Christ], whether due to a takeover or a

lawsuit or a mistaken process: so as to leave the lizard tail bank of value amount.

The Hireling started goodly as written in Genesis 6:21 Berean Standard Bible "You are also to take for yourself every kind of food that is eaten and gather it as food for yourselves and for the animals" but strayed (; rather as JESUS explained in Matthew 6:20 Berean Standard Bible "But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal." and the lower level "Genesis 6:21" Value Will Be Added To You (Matthew 6:33).

Often in Levels of Spirits You may find Yourself talking to a Person that becomes another Person, perhaps JESUS Christ, perhaps a Chef, perhaps a Hireling, perhaps a Perp, perhaps a census Friend,...perhaps a census Family Member. So to be in JESUS Christ Name Spirit is for You [and for Us] to treat All People Equally Good.

To be a Chef is to rather than be a Trainee, though some Corporate High Level People have gone into lower level missions for to check on the system.

For You to Ascend through JESUS Christ into a Higher Level is Victory Over [yet with record of] Your former lower level.

See older Sermons in this Series on JESUS Christ Victory Over the Son Of Perdition Position.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, reveals Sacred Faith Over Purgatory Levels and the secular perceived knowledge that had been secret since the world began explaining how such and the Righteous Prophets NEED to Ascend Above after-the-fact lower levels of perceived ways about Miracles, son of perdition, snake, lizard, lost tail, reptilian logic fleetingly

"The serpent actually represents christ."


Be with JESUS Christ Level Wisdom to be Aware, JESUS Christ did not stray, to be merely as had been perceived

in the strayed willfulness attitudes of knowledge of Adam And Eve as if JESUS Christ was under dominion

as He is not yet went a little as if, He went a "perceived" amount lower for Our sakes that none be eternally lost.

Righteously Through JESUS Christ Distinguish, as said "12The hired hand is not the shepherd, and the sheep are not his own. When he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf pounces on them and scatters the flock. 13The man runs away because he is a hired servant and is unconcerned for the sheep. 14I am the good shepherd. I know My sheep and My sheep know Me" (;

so concerning the above pic, some types of reptiles shed their tails such as done by a lizard when being chased and grow new tails, as the chaser eats a discarded fallen tail. The reptile was about the Tree Of Knowledge. The Tree Of Knowledge is similar to the lizard stomach, it feeds on the energy [similar to batteries] stored there, but if to cast away a large hard earned bank level of knowledge is a great cost and a risk against future livelyhood. Rather than be as the jellyfish and regrow lost parts, and rather than to contract skin cancer, is the JESUS Christ Maintenance Responsibility Way, and to automate Maintenance can be such as to innovate a wheel and cart rather than walk with a heavy burden, yet rather as to utilize the Church Bus if pertinent and Authorized and asked [rather Volunteer].

Of recent months my passed away Wife was quickly overwhelmed by many sicknesses and We Christians humbly Thankfully Prayed JESUS Christ that She be Healed and She was Healed, after passed away then JESUS Christ showed me Her in a Higher Level than Her Census Level had been, in a Level of Perdition, Better than i'd ever seen Her, Healthy, Vibrant, Sexy, and Joyous [so You see the word "Thankfully" continues to apply even if other lower levels things exist]. Perdition has horrible Perp level, somewhat Higher Level flip-of-coin Level as census mix, and Higher Level as to see Family And Friends All Delightful Healthy More Glorious Level.

Good Spirits in JESUS Christ Spirit, and also Original Eternal JESUS Christ Personally, Gave me tour of such included in Godsling of those in pool of magma and rather in Higher Heavenly Levels. Currently this is my Agreed Mission, these Sermons.

The Good Top Chef Gives merely the Good 1st Testament Word Food: Broadcast JESUS Christ UN.

12 February 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, reveals Sacred Faith Over Purgatory Levels and the secular perceived knowledge that had been secret since the world began explaining how such and the Righteous Prophets NEED to Ascend Above after-the-fact lower levels of perceived ways about Miracles and rather than jellyfish regrowing lost parts, and rather than to contract skin cancer.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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