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JESUS Civ Sermon.

If to be the Good Samaritan, such as to Help a JESUS Christ Family Member in need, then to be aware of who "a JESUS Christ Family Member" and similar matters such as what a member of this civilization is. At the Highest Level of the Godsling is JESUS Christ the Best Way For All Inviter, and if a Higher Level than Yourself then beyond ability to distinguish, Save in Christian Faithfulness to be aware it is JESUS Christ With His Family, even with All His as much as Good.

The lowest level of the Godsling is Your and Our Maintenance Responsibility [even yet as much as Good in JESUS Christ and this is a key for All Our sakes as much as plural].

Because of JESUS Christ Biblical Precepting, for to write these Sermons,

here is an example of Faithfulness Creating Miracles, as formerly the idea about Bigfoot, UFOs, and such had been according to evidence

such as to see vids, and footprints with castings, yet the JESUS Christ Ascending Way Precepting the 7th Seal revealed Better and more,

such as to be with JESUS Christ Convincing Power [according to my faith type and amount] and then find the [proof] evidence that fits.

"Just look at the Yeti's cousin in the United States."

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, offers new keys for JESUS Civilizing Spirit in corporate with military ultrasonic specifications Over invisibility cloaking uncloaking envelope laser tech fires controls night vision Yeti polar bear and Bigfoot classified fur hair fiber optics tapered tubes specifications


So Before The Fact was the JESUS Best For All Biblical Faith, hence solving Before The Fact of seeing the above photo, like unto 2 Experts on opposite sides of Earth not talking to each other yet simultaneously applying for the same patent.

How this "JESUS Christ Biblical Precepting" happened started in the normal JESUS Christ Faithfulness Way, making Sermon notes when so inspired, so of Course [The JESUS Ascending Way], after most prominent in mind were the most recent and most amazingly prominent of the already written JESUS quotes [a key] and JESUS Sermons [a key with Manifesting Miracles and with Recordkeeping], while doing things in this situation watching TV and the People on TV didn't know how to explain Bigfoot disappearing, from seen to unseen vanishing without hiding behind anything;

and the keys "with Manifesting" with Sermons about light, and having a Contractor background Over various Ultrasonic matters including pertinent Homeland Security matters; as JESUS Christ said in Matthew 13:52 Weymouth New Testament "Therefore," He said, "remember that every Scribe well trained for the Kingdom of the Heavens is like a householder who brings out of his storehouse new things and old.": and Faithfully these together fit to solve, and entered into the notes for this Sermon.

The polar bear to the left has fur hairs, and each hair like unto fiber optics rather than about reflecting sunlight, draws the sunlight inside to warm the polar bear [many other bears types do other things about sunlight such as reflect sunlight], and the Ultrasonics included both corporate specifications and the military specifications that included how ultrasonic waves traveled through tapered pipes reflecting increasingly [similar to laser tech] generating spurious heat.

Likewise of JESUS Christ Faith Applying Over All these, as with the fiber optics and invisibility exosuits, the Bigfoot [and in secular lingo evidently likely from Yeti root since in common with the polar bear fur (though first humbly Prayerfully through JESUS Christ Name Spirit Worthiness applies, then].

So this is how Bigfoot disappears or appears (reference how a porcupine can lay toward flatten it quills

or raise them in defense) (reference such as Chromatophores such as chameleon octopus changing color)

and this explains some of the Miracle part; though the greater good value Biblically is as with the giants

(see Bigfoot: JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Main Page at (see such as Deuteronomy 2:20).

And this "good value Biblically is as with the giants" includes as a key, that such spoke language!

Hence such have been with the Word Of God, JESUS Christ as Sent for to Best Solve for Each And Rather Key: For All!

So as with the previous as linked "Sermons", there is the noting that the known as Bigfoot type is Human, of Census People [even if to fly in a UFO or in a jet], as secularly proven such as concerning DNA samples. Here is a brief pertinent story: naysayers have accusingly asked "If Bigfoot exists then where are the bones?", though such as when i was a Child with perhaps 1,000 acres of forest and with the Children daily playing out there when weather allowed, and as older Teens hunting, it was extremely rare to find any bones at all, even though there were living critters out there and We were aware of so many of those critters such as aware of where such lived, and the somewhat distant farmers were very aware.

So Bigfoot types have awareness of Our former language at least in history (see such as "the ancient Hebrew" in previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Ice Fired Sermon at, so Our Maintenance Responsibility is awareness of such languages today for Evangelism (so with JESUS Evangelism Spirit: Scribes and Lexiconists and such have a starting point: ibid.).

While hardly about selfishness, this Evangelism is with Miracles as Incentives though Before The Fact JESUS Christ Spirit Faithfulness applies. The Miracles include JESUS Christ Family Body Members with talents such as invisibility cloaking and uncloaking talents, light and warming heat and perhaps how to light fires controls, and talents such as night vision, and Bigfoot already likes to imitate Us such as similarly constructing shelters and fish traps (as seen on TV): so to Evangelize with Blessings With Blessings Magnifyingly [though laws apply, also Baptism and Eucharist Grace applies along with criteria of the Churches for Morality] the Best Way For All.

Although perhaps about less able to comprehend, the Bigfoot type is not known on "TV" (ibid.) as having any awareness about money, hence innocent from love of money! Reference John The Baptist, Superb in His situation, yet rather JESUS Christ with the Widow that Gave All Her Living and with awareness of the money purse of His Disciples.

Biblically with JESUS Christ coming in the census, We are Over the Dominion Firmament of critters.

Though as shown below is a worldly idea, with Primates [People] to the left and bears to the right

so the start of Yeti and Bigfoot toward the center [Biblically rather than 2D consider a 3D sphere / seed Word sprouting Up With Our Civilizing].

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, offers new keys for JESUS Civilizing Spirit in corporate with military ultrasonic specifications Over invisibility cloaking uncloaking envelope laser tech fires controls night vision Yeti polar bear and Bigfoot classified fur hair fiber optics tapered tubes specifications, Classification system, Primates, Carnivora


30 January 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, offers new keys for JESUS Civilizing Spirit in corporate with military ultrasonic specifications Over invisibility cloaking uncloaking envelope laser tech fires controls night vision Yeti polar bear and Bigfoot classified fur hair fiber optics tapered tubes specifications.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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