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For info on the JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda that became Law and came into effect 2020AD

protecting not merely Churches yet All: click here.

For the original JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda Marshaling Leadership And Law that came into effect in 2020AD

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JESUS Design Sermon.

Do You Believe JESUS Christ and that Heaven is Perfect for You through Him with Baptism and Eucharist and Ascending?, when the Internet began, multitudes were typing Sermons in the name of JESUS Christ. Radio has been in the sense of the passed away Holy Word: as good as it had been, it was counted as if temporary, here and gone. Yet it improved within the living Souls listening. So here are two types of recordkeeping, one within a Living Soul, the other as typed as in a book online yet a book with audio availability.

Devout Christians realized the Powerful Potential of the Internet Broadcasting. To hear opinions in lower level spirits realms is to hear selfishness mostly, in other words to hear the temporary desperate for Eternal Love, though again, selfishly. Proof is when the selfish contradicts the self, the selfish are told about the contradiction from Witnesses and the nearly automatic knee jerk response kick has been "I didn't say that".

Print or lie, your choice; but if to lie then to fail in the Court Of Hearers.

JESUS Christ Good Word Spirit is as a vapor, so make a selfish record for yourself though rather Broadcast, typing online!

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Prepare Your Sermon Online then to be ready when You Preach Personally In Public as You hand out Your JESUS Card with Your record online.

Prepare Prior To Encountering. Yesterday's Sermon spoke of critters "risking their lives to be friendly", and Preached on the "excellent supply and demand system".

The JESUS Design is innocent, as JESUS Christ presented it, including pertinence prior to Moses and Mosaic Law ("before Abraham was, I am" from John 8:58). With the 7th Seal (JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page at Innocent enables Perfect Absolute Power, with JESUS Christ Words on JESUS Christ Words fitting preceptingly for His Highest Purpose hence Ascendingly.

"So this JESUS Design key: if to agree in JESUS Living (Creator of the living multiverse, except sin for to be JESUS Converted per se) so Your Living JESUS Vessel Design agrees with the (ibid.) Living Outer Space (as much as according to their faiths, yet also according to JESUS You Converting [Faith amount]) then hardly need for multiple engines as one engine energy (pulse, line, group,...) for the inside should also be in JESUS Scaled To Size to fit the external as one should correspond in ratio specifics to the other"

"JESUS Christ Prophetic: "To do, make" ([JESUS Word With Heart] You Will be judged not only concerning full repentance and proper Christian Immersion Baptism yet also You Will be judged of Your works (Revelation 20.13)" "judged, each one of them according to their deeds" (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Warp Drive (JESUS True Warp Drive For Christian Leadership) Sermon at rather All Together JESUS Christ Lifts According To His Word And Work.

The selfish want absolute power for selfish sensual temporary pleasures, and while motivated [goodly], have found many selfishly made snares and pitfalls, the traps they set to protect the self that they forget about and become their own victims, such as to run a big money corporation then find mires of conditions. Yet the less selfish can oversee such big money corporations. And rather the Ascending can Best Guide. Online 1 Soul in JESUS Spirit can Guide Churches, another 1 Soul in JESUS Spirit can Guide Righteous Prophets, and Each Member of JESUS Body Mass so Ascending fit into 1 Soul in JESUS Spirit: 1 functions for Best while 1 functions for Best: some enjoy Baptizing, some enjoy Evangelizing New Church Members, and so on.

The Creator Of All Good, invites.

The Creator Of All Good Gathered The Best from All [People, ideas, work accomplishments,...] and made the Best Design at the start of Creating.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Renews Online Broadcasting Value Reasoning discussing flower power, Spirit as a mist, vapor, Large Hadron Super Collider Higgs Boson Physicists Cern equipment

("" such as on Google and such as "on GIFER - by Dianaris").

A Large Hadron Super Collider (reference such as secular Higgs Boson Physicists with Cern equipment) is with a system connected directly and/or intermittently with other systems.

And how to describe?, the Large Hadron Super Collider is like unto a flower producing seeds.

8 July 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, Renews Online Broadcasting Value Reasoning discussing flower power, Spirit as a mist, vapor, Large Hadron Super Collider Higgs Boson Physicists Cern equipment.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 33.

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