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JESUS Easy From Point To Point Sermon.

It is a little yet Best Good hard work to do Faithfully, then for instance times 8 Billion merely in the census, it becomes Much Good Faith as the census world has never known since the Garden Of Eden [and 2,000 years ago JESUS Heaven On Earth].

Yet understand how the brain works and rather how the Soul of JESUS Christ Best Succeeds.

The brain (Main Page "Maintenance") ideas pathways are like how a path in the forest was started.

If the ground for walking is best on the roots [after-the-fact of finding roots] as shown then the path becomes a brain road.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, clarifies how the created brain has worked so rather how JESUS Christ Soul Functions, and Righteously Prophesyingly explains Victory Over the Future URGENTLY NEEDFUL Leap Of Faith, and values even if of Perps, roots, trail, rrtracks, turn, bend ahead,big bear


Rather than walk straight up, People gained knowledge from brain type Miracles as to walk left and right such as to see if slippery [a value amount though after the fact].

The Tree Of Knowledge mind has been "after-the-fact" of the brain ways "of finding roots" yet as JESUS Christ Finds The Worthy along the Better For All Walk Of Faith, invitingly JESUS Christ Lifts, symbolically like unto for the Newly Baptized.

Yet the JESUS Christ Best Way for You is according to Your Worthiness Level: for one Person is Given roots as shown above, for another Person is Given a lift from a helicopter.

The JESUS Christ former way was as to walk straight up the roots trail as Given. JESUS Christ UN is as to say walk over here rather than the "roots trail", there might be a little slime and thorns along the few meters distance, yet look and behold the next pic.

The previous Sermon solved "how to make a robot human", now this Sermon from the Soul Of JESUS Christ solved how to make You into JESUS Christ Exemplar.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, clarifies how the created brain has worked so rather how JESUS Christ Soul Functions, and Righteously Prophesyingly explains Victory Over the Future URGENTLY NEEDFUL Leap Of Faith, and values even if of Perps, train tracks with bend ahead, roots, trail


Straight And Narrow, though Righteously Prophesy, saying see how it bends ahead,

as much as to have Believed JESUS Christ and going to the tracks and seeing Faithfully for stragglers that don't see [and rather for All] to Hear.

Heavy Burdens New Responsibilities are Heaped On Your Back. A [new tech] train may be coming that so to speak [save a Miracle] cannot stop if You are in the way. To go to the railroad tracks there are multitudes of ideas to scare You away, such as stated above for to go through, though for to perhaps go through if a big bear is there yet if such as to save an injured Person's life and it is vital to go where the under dominion bear is then humbly Prayerfully Out Loud In JESUS' Name the Leap Of Faith exists (Matthew 9:29) though if to be exceedingly proud Over Dominion for selfish brain reasons more then toward failure.

Whether a train runs over a Person or an wormhole runs over a Civilization, it can happen in a flash or with many safety alarms prior. In the Bible it happened daily. The roots have a pattern, fitting the steps somewhat, the ties [and rails and gravel] have a pattern(s), fitting the steps somewhat. The bend ahead does not fit Save if JESUS Christ Deems(Deemed) for Our Sakes, and if "Deemed" then a great Comfort such as to not have to worry an amount about encountering slime nor a big bear.

Perps have opted to stay hidden during their moments of paranoia, so often the situation is that when Perps think bad stuff, They are not attacking in the open if They can attack while hidden; though be aware such hope to brag therefore to come out in the open into the light hence showing their vulnerabilities so be Kind They were so Brave as to come out from hiding rather to come for Higher Level Purpose, for JESUS Christ Within Them is Worthy Of The Glory.

All Best Way Leading Is Good! Many Members, 1 Body Of JESUS Christ. A Perp may have stolen something such as a map so if lost [perhaps if All are lost (JESUS Was Sent)] rather than catching and saying You stole that map, is to rejoice in the Lord for a map was found so glory for that Person too, and having had the map awhile perhaps They are aware of the Way out of the situation more than You starting to read the map. And of course this is not excuse to be a Perp. If with starving Children see many Sermons previously explaining in this Series. Many complications and heavier "big bear" and "bends ahead" situations will apply, so Best All Plan Before The Facts.

20 May 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, clarifies how the created brain has worked so rather how JESUS Christ Soul Functions, and Righteously Prophesyingly explains Victory Over the Future URGENTLY NEEDFUL Leap Of Faith, and values even if of Perps.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 33.

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