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JESUS Enlightening Growing Sermon.
JESUS Christ Spirit Lifted Much, Praise The Lord. It used to be said of Faithful Preachers as proven in the Bible, likewise this is proven in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series as You should be posting Faithfully too. Such Proving Anewly Best and online for All, since as yesterday's Sermon stated "corrects the Original Hebrew again, improving for All to Best be Perfect Perfecters": therefore a Multitude of Faithful Preachers and other Christians and others should be strongly motivated to full repentance.
Many perps of many of the former leaderships of the nations including in this generation, have for instance conducted tests such as causing enemies' or other brains to malfunction merely to see what would result, and such have included high positions in governments, including having not yet fully repented [in census, and in lower level purgatory spirits] [and this Sermon is for their opting full repentance rather than persecuting them under Law].
JESUS Christ Healed the blind, and Lives. Naysayaers have said prove it (1st sentence after title).
JESUS Christ Original Himself Guides [if others don't / given situations] in His [Best For All, and in Your amount] Future Life Faithfulness Best Moments
( ("under the fig tree") ("blind to see").
Confessing, those "perps" of "leaderships" positions are my fault, as much as in the past i opted to not correct the Original Hebrew and Broadcast, in JESUS' Name.
What else need i confess?, likewise as written in the worldly as if we don't have enough problems scientists have been "spearheading genetic research that could engineer dinosaurs back into existence" "Within the Next Few Years" (Stamford Advocate March 30, 2020). Do the local residents know "Most of Stamford’s budget is funded by local taxes. About $581.6 million in revenue comes from local taxes." ( If escapees, what is the local feeding ground?
JESUS Christ ICCDBB Righteous Prophecy as Proven "7 Years" and then...(examples of Proofs and related info in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Christ King 1 Sermon at and Page 35 of JESUS Christ ICCDBB, and previously).
Shall i continue confessing, or shall We start checking on safety, Stamford locals?, [and i confess i too was there showing a small group of students how sound, ultrasond, radar, and sonar works, though now as stated above].
We can see TRex illustrated on TV and online. We can also see the more hidden such as smaller than eyes can see, and such as the cloaked. NEEDFUL is the Good as stated above. Enough Good to Overcome, yet Continue!
Here's some of what is not seen of Many: JESUS Christ the Living Original.
Also there is a population explosion. According to sightings there is a Hittite [Bigfoot] population explosion.
There is an explosion of new pest control resistant insects
and with an explosion of people making it happen to see the results (paid similar to above Stamford example).
UFOs living with You and many imagine You're not supposed to know (even though Law was passed these recent years).
With our population explosion, there is with explorers and campers and residential sprawl; a reducing of natural areas where other entities dwelt,
so as asked above where will be their "feeding ground"?
As written in an older JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon, in the 1800s they thought they knew everything except to merely figure out the details,
was their mere knowledge approach right?, no.
"Connecticut's saltmarsh mosquitoes, are very prolific breeders and can lay from 1,000 to 10,000 eggs per square foot" (
"Aedes albopictus or the Asian Tiger mosquito, is a very aggressive species and, over the last 30 years, has expanded its geographic range and brought the Chikungunya virus along with it" (
There are far more critters and spirits than there are people, here is a symbolic example.
21 August 2023 AD.
tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, shocks about what's happening today locally, such as at Stamford, CT, and Righteously Prophesies of Your Future Life Faithfulness Best Moments, and the population explosion of critters anxious to eat people, Hittite, Bigfoot, sound, ultrasond, radar, and sonar.
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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 35.
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