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JESUS Equality Signs Sermon.

Yesterday in caring for my Wife [humbly (see next link on "humility", and "Bishop" discussion) Praying JESUS Christ Thankfully..., and chores], i moved a large carpet washing scrubbing machine into a room. Later at night my Wife asked me to rest at a location in that room. It was darker save bright light from the next room shining.

Behold, i saw Mother Mary with a simple scepter straight vertical with a handle as a walking staff, and then behind Her is saw JESUS Christ with a large halo. With JESUS was what i thought was a toddler, with more careful looking it appeared as a small Apostle with beard as shown here, even to look like me, though looking left up at JESUS Christ.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Gives a reminder of the future coming and Promotes Man, Woman, Apostle, and Your Sacred Rights Over matters kept secret since the world began with how to Before The Fact Have Mercy on the Children, with Proving Your Righteous Prophesying Distinguishing Ability and Be The Thanksgiving Prayerful Peace Blessing Family Leader Apostle James the lesser the first martyr rather James The Great in humility


The Miracles signs continue to be available to see today, it's 5AM and dark [until moving the equipment, until light changes,...] though in the daylight yesterday i had no reason such signs of A. Mother Mary, B. Scepter, C. JESUS Christ, D. Large Halo, and E. toddler ([with JESUS Christ] a pertinent key point in a recent Sermon as shown at as Apostle James and in the shadow "even to look like me".

So these signs Given of JESUS Christ Desperate Love are JESUS Equality Signs: the traditional vertical scepter has been associated with the Man and the ["halo"] circle, ring, and oval types of shapes have been associated with the Woman [and Love Giving] Save Marriage: ring to Woman and so key to this point: as the vertical scepter points the Way as held of a Man, Woman, Apostle, and You Pointing Straight Up.

The Halo and Scepter are rather than excuse to stray, such as to say a Man is a Woman, and such as a Woman is a Man, and rather than as if to treat a Person as if a chair, and rather than excuse to treat a Person as if a critter, and rather than excuse to stray from as written in Deuteronomy 22:5 New American Standard Bible "A woman shall not wear a man’s clothing, nor shall a man put on a woman’s clothing; for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God." (see above "Marriage" with pertinent Bible verses) (also see Rights at

Yet another sign was Given in the spiritual sense, similar to census, there were some Souls for Good, and there were Others yet to Ascend [making a point Edifyingly, yet] rather levels apply and JESUS Christ Lifts the Worthy though various spirits [Souls and other spirits such as large and small pieces (see previous Sermons on such as stardust and such as sand and such as puzzle pieces)] perhaps straying often in risky fun, though often struggling perhaps falling to former lower levels as symbolized in the gif below.

A Person can swim for fun, and rather for Best For All, such as to share the gif shown below. Dressed as You are if to submerge too long conditions apply, if to be launched on a platform into the sky conditions apply and more if to go into outer space and more if to go to the Sun. Best For All Conquer this Level [there is merely One Way: JESUS Christ] and then His next Precept.

Spirits questioning and arguing against All often have been heard day and night, such as seen often on TV, and for instance some like a new song on secular radio until with repeat listening to really being able to hear each word and consider the whole story of the song that often historically has been about lower levels things and former strayed ways: Before The Fact Have Mercy on the Children.

Naysayers, against JESUS Christ Name And Spirit As Baptized, often have said about JESUS Christ as if nothing to do with "dead" as some said, JESUS Christ, have often cussed at and threatened Many and said such as "He's right here", yet JESUS Christ makes His Presence Known even as Faith Levels and Tube Parameters apply, such as a crazy character on TV might have transgressed such as written in Exodus 20:7 "You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not leave him unpunished who takes His name in vain.": so if to work in the secular even if to act a role [and i have a past too, and current situations apply (see above "conditions")], such strayed message broadcasts works have been as Crucifixion spikes, hence against All including above stated "Children".

So some Better Spirit efforts were heard saying "He's over there" where thankfully i existed in the moment, per se, though rather Loyally Continuing With JESUS Christ Namd And Spirit And His With His Family Oneness (see above "Baptized") Best Way, New [to You] Higher Level Over former lower level. The Bible does not say do not hold a plowshare nor scepter though the Bible does provide that a Child should hardly drive a complex dangerous machine Save such as Law provides, such as in example Parental Supervision Over online websites, hence such as if to lease ad spaces then to consider what might be characterized.

Heard while considering the above pic was the word "chessboard" when the image appeared online, and though to search for Better Fitting options, because of JESUS Christ Spirit and Edifyingly as requested for such i clicked and found on that website also the above gif "Better Fitting" (Thank You JESUS Christ for "Better" for All). The chess game hardly fits even though so called equal, though the Masters are aware about so called "white has the advantage" since to "make the first move", also the King and Queen conditions apply. Many more "conditions" apply [even now i hear my Wife of years coughing so i leave for the moment (Luke 11:8 Berean Study) and She explained She was OK and i grabbed another eye opener coffee (concerning fun rather Joy, see above "JESUS", "share", "toddler", "conditions", and in the Bible as in this Series on "Exemplar" and "Grace" "Tube Parameter" "margin")].

So "She" is "OK", per se, "Thankfully" [a reminder of the future coming Thanksgiving (see above "JESUS Christ" Giving "Desperate Love")].

Behold this sign from this JESUS Christ Spirit Sermon with what is meant in the previous sentence:

"reminder of the future coming"

as You read it without blinking, without question, without wavering to turn nor stray

because it made sense: You thought Righteously Concerning JESUS Christ and the "future" as in the sense of one of Your memories.

The previous sentence said "You thought Righteously", therefore Your are able to not merely become a prophet right or wrong;

You already Agreed You can be a Righteous One concerning the future hence a Righteous Prophet

yet with JESUS Christ as You humbly Prayerfully Best Way For All Righteously Distinguish as pertinent [within the context, including Edifyingly] as stated above concerning the word "Precept" as You likewise read and continued without straying You through JESUS Christ Best Way can Righteously Prophesy Preceptingly.

Playing with Your Children [His, Your Responsibility,] in the water can be good clean fun, rather with age: Baptism: be the sign and Exemplar symbol for All.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Gives a reminder of the future coming and Promotes Man, Woman, Apostle, and Your Sacred Rights Over matters kept secret since the world began with how to Before The Fact Have Mercy on the Children, with Proving Your Righteous Prophesying Distinguishing Ability and Be The Thanksgiving Prayerful Peace Blessing Family Leader, Baptism, playing, swimming below water sun clouds water level


11 November 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit Gives a reminder of the future coming and Promotes Man, Woman, Apostle, and Your Sacred Rights Over matters kept secret since the world began with how to Before The Fact Have Mercy on the Children, with Proving Your Righteous Prophesying Distinguishing Ability and Be The Thanksgiving Prayerful Peace Blessing Family Leader.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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