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JESUS Experience Sermon.

From infancy We have seen heard perceived and learned what to do as much as in JESUS Christ Christian Family Wise Faith Giving unto Children and as the Children Agree Faithfully [without the rod of discipline]. So multitudes of People have experienced the seen, the tangible, the worldly secular and it's goodly fruits such as to suckle from a Mother.

People have seen heard and perceived the secular in the census.

This Sermon reveals much about the unseen that Many have wondered about,

like unto the Innocent Loving Heart and how JESUS put a Child in the midst of Them.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, explains many unseen types of things of the Living Higher Levels, and also beyond the grave, Madonna Mother Mary with Bible Book, Saints, Halos, formulas, Broadcasting With Charity = Church Member x Christian Baptism


JESUS Christ Soul Enters into You Soul as You Ascend, as You are Giving Your Soul for All People, and with none lost, and with Second Coming Harvest, then to lift any under dominion. For instance JESUS hardly appeared in the fiery pit for the lions, rather for to Save the People [away] from the lions. Likewise the Broadcasting Righteously Prophesyingly is seeing into the future yet rather than for selfish stocks investings, is Righteous Desperate Giving to and for All including if any so pretended competition, Higher Level than Relativity Predictiveness Assumptions, so rather the Righteous Future Awareness Prophetically Absolute, so Ascendlingly Likewise rather Higher Level GodMath.

The Previous Sermon stated "Proves More Righteous Prophesying as Prophesied Years Ago" so a Prophesy that was stated years ago was again Proven yet a New Better Way through the JESUS Christ Braodcasting Way Pertinence, hardly merely as sentence of Prophesying, rather the Whole Sermon fit, like unto all the elements fitting into the Periodic Table, and like unto all the proper ingredients fitting into a recipe.

A Parent knows how their Child behaves and fits into their Family; likewise is the previous Sermon fittingly Preceptingly toward Righteous Prophesying Unseen, on Voting, and the Voter did not go Lift Up their Candidate and Carry their Candidate to the Voting Place: so You know what Faith is. Faith is unseen, yet You know it exists. To opt to be with Child and with Candidate, is to be with a type of unseen faith that You think is Good: a Person knows this much, hence can Agree in Peace thus far [even if of a Tribe that has no voting or thinks voting is wrong, They can Agree that such as thing as Voting has existed and so can Agree even if to merely imagine such even if to pretend].

The Law, even Tribal Law, is the unseen, and to Agree is even if merely as stated such as in the secular "We agree to disagree" [frankly there are lost spirits similar to stuck in computer software loops, and there are swirling winds]. Starting to explain more the unseen the above info in this Sermon explained the Comprehensive Parameter of Faith for this Civilization.

From JESUS Christ in the title of this Sermon came the Comprehensive inclusively, with JESUS Love Giving Priority from the Heart.

JESUS Christ Better Mass As Agreed Thus Far / Comprehensive inclusively / JESUS Love Giving Priority from the Heart.

JESUS Christ Better Mass As Agreed Thus Far = Comprehensive inclusively x JESUS Love Giving Priority from the Heart.

JESUS Christ = Second Coming x Our Second Coming Preparation.

Second Coming = Our Second Coming Preparation x Broadcasting With Charity.

Our Second Coming Preparation = Broadcasting With Charity x Church Member.

Broadcasting With Charity = Church Member x Christian Baptism.

The previous Flow Line of Faith Path is a Living Line, it is where Life exists [and often nearby], the Good to the left, the Novice [also not shown in the "Line" is as Broadcast concerning for the sakes of the Many (see various Sermons in this Series on "repentance")]; as the previous Flow Line is Unseen yet known. Many have traveled it through the Many Generations including through Eternity(ies) [and through other Known Universe(s)]. So it is reasonable thus far to Agree We The Civilized Understand Unseen Faith this amount.

Many Souls [other than about census] Unseen asked me what i would do in the future, the previous "Flow Line" explains the Path for Them, and if already Accomplished, then They Have Already Been with the Second Coming.

So for Many what to do is stated in this above "Flow Line" [not merely about census type Earthlings]. JESUS Christ Helped with His Victory out from the tomb [and also with His Birth and Teaching, Victory On Victory Continuing Better]. Frankly it was plenty of Second Coming already, yet for the sakes of the yet to Ascend More is the census type Second Coming in the sky, in other words Higher Level than the Naysayers can accomplish and a little Higher Level than They can imagine even with magician trickery (1st Old Testament) as JESUS Christ Faith within Them Will Manifest into the form of Miracles [rather than previously in the forms of strayed ways].

Things Many may have not seen include such as Angels Singing Moving The Soul Delightfully, Visiting JESUS Christ Father Family One In Heaven, Playing such as an Adult riding a bicycle with JESUS Christ Likewise and JESUS showing how to ride beyond physics laws, and such as Guiding [You, Guiding a Soul, Guiding a Person, Guiding a spirit] to move and become a Better Spirit More Helpful for All. Other spiritual things include such as to be escorted to witness [and Attest, Broadcast] unseen Levels, and such as to see cartoons, and such as to see census Healthy Vibrant Family Members with Entertaining Each Other Hosting and Giving Of The Self as an important factor, even so the previous sentence and the "Flow Line" are with Greater Needfulness Faithfully, Ascendingly.

Spirit Family Members can for instance become other People, Transfiguring, and while talking with a Person there can be Transfiguring to be talking wiht JESUS Christ. Another thing as in recent days in a Spirit Realm was to astonish a Soul, as the Soul asked for [me to drive] transportation for Them though since They were aware i was busy with JESUS Christ Higher Level Faith i started my remote car for Them to utilize with a wave of my hand.

Also a more recent sign was on the wall: my Excellent Wife [They, 911, wrapped and took Her to where She did not want to go] had passed from the census and We sometimes communicate, and She had bought a big fancy dagger that had been horizontally attached to the wall, and there about the middle was a vertical rainbow line so as to somewhat form a cross, so from 2 faith types, Hers and mine, came forth the Miracle sign from JESUS Christ.

It is heartfelt to witness a Loved One pass from the census, including a Christian Loved One [such as "She"] so it is Good to Broadcast to Ascend Greatly lest to have to repeat some lessons in a Spirit Level, that JESUS Christ already Taught. Edifyingly, it is like unto fill the car with fuel prior to driving, lest to have to call for help. Do Grace Now, Give Help lest to have to call for help: JESUS Christ said in John 21:18 Berean Standard Bible "Truly, truly, I tell you, when you were young, you dressed yourself and walked where you wanted; but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.".

Our Lady Of Sorrows, Madonna,

yet Joyous With The Birth Of JESUS Christ, and as shown here.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, explains many unseen types of things of the Living Higher Levels, and also beyond the grave, Madonna Mother Mary Heart With Baby JESUS Christ, Our Lady Of Sorrows Madonna Mother Mary smiling with JESUS Christ smiling, formulas, Broadcasting With Charity = Church Member x Christian Baptism


30 March 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, explains many unseen types of things of the Living Higher Levels, and also beyond the grave, formulas, Broadcasting With Charity = Church Member x Christian Baptism.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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