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For info on the JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda that became Law and came into effect 2020AD

protecting not merely Churches yet All: click here.

For the original JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda Marshaling Leadership And Law that came into effect in 2020AD

at click here and see the above linked JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page pertinent Pages for specifics.

JESUS Fire Sermon.

You Preaching as fully repentant and Baptized, is as Longsuffering to spark a fire, and the sparks are the JESUS Christ Name Spirit Words You Preach igniting in Each Heart of Each Soul Agreeing With The JESUS Christ Name Spirit Light Of Enlightenment.

To be with a Faithful Mass [They Go As You Send, yet if to return then] They are Anxious to return Faithfully Because You Give Them Best Living Way Spirit: if Best then Never have They found Better than Your Preaching [so Learn as You Ascend in JESUS Christ Name Spirit]. As Sent, [these things symbolically] They make tiny sparks in the next molecules so to speak and the fitting dry leaves the Bible Scrolls And Rather Pages Of The Living Bible [putting JESUS Spirit into the Holy Record, and] as They Go Preach Behold Your [Righteously Prophesying from JESUS Christ Original Plan] Perspective:

as some dry leaves bring forth especially in the Faithful Preacher the JESUS Words Flames Leaping!

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, alarmingly explains how to gain access to JESUS Christ Name Spirit Super Powers, from start to finish within the Law yet preferring in Control according to Best For Each And All Grace with a growing formulae like unto how a controlled burning superheated plasma burn can control a rocket neoplanet full of Preachers, Baptized x Living Word = JESUS.jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, alarmingly explains how to gain access to JESUS Christ Name Spirit Super Powers, from start to finish within the Law yet preferring in Control according to Best For Each And All Grace with a growing formulae like unto how a superheated plasma burn can control a rocket neoplanet full of Righteous Prophet Preachers controlling a raging fire Before The Fact, Baptized x Living Word = JESUS.

Above left Prepared Safety People surround with very mild breeze igniting left burning out to the right ( (

What is a Controlled Burn per se?, as written in 1 Corinthians 10:13 Berean Standard Bible "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide an escape, so that you can stand up under it.", so as written in 2 Corinthians 8:11 "Now finish the work, so that you may complete it just as eagerly as you began, according to your means.".

This is a Grace Message hence allowing People to ask even if to beg, though rather in

JESUS Christ Name Spirit Give "according to your means": example as written in Acts 3:6

"But Peter said, 'Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you:

In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up and walk!' "!

Rather than beg for money Loaves And Fishes, Give What You Have: Light Their JESUS Spirit Fire!

This Do for as Many as Worthy, and Behold this automatic safeguard JESUS Christ Original Plan Provides for the Novice: as You start to Preach, Beloved Friend, of Your tiny hope of a mere spark of JESUS Christ Name Spirit Faith, All Listeners Are Worthy! Later as You Utilize Higher Level Flaming Inferno Magma Magnifying Words such as Eucharist, then qualify [such as previous large font] for Listeners in Your Ascending Preaching (reference sparking in the romance relationship sense though in the Preacher sense of merely Words and in the Ministry of Minimizing Maintenance: JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page Definitions at

If if to control the fire then Be in JESUS Christ Best Way Original Plan 7th Seal (previous link) With Preparing Before The Fact [hence be Faithfully toward unselfishly becoming a Righteous Prophet (see above "what I have I give you")].

Therefore if if to control the fire, first is to Best Way Plan With JESUS, starting humbly Prayerfully with His Name Spirit Words, then having Planned, next is to Prepare Likewise.

Control the Fire / Give the JESUS Name Spirit Fire / Prepare the Control (see older Sermons in this Series on Church criteria [of individual Churches]) / JESUS Christ Best Plan.

Control the Fire in the low level Maintenance sense is easy to understand, such as to Send the Listeners to clean house: first sweep and garnish for to Host, Edifyingly instead of attacking potential future Assets, hence to pull the log out of Your own eye (Matthew 7:5) TO MERELY SEE THE GOOD JESUS WORK IN ALL OTHERS. If You know how to eat, then You know how to tell Others "how to eat" so first is Your "Self Control" (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Love Sermon at easy, right?

So of Your Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN 7th Seal Sum Of Good, such as Moses and Abraham become Victory Over yet with record of JESUS Superior Level Sermon. What have You to do with it?, if Another Preacher Preached it, what need have You to repeat it?: it is as a vote and 1 voted Yea though the other 99 voted nay; and it is as to be as a chain with a missing link needful as for to pull Your truck of goods out of a ditch.

Your Personal Broadcasting JESUS Christ Is Needful: JESUS Christ Gave You Your Vessel [Your Anomaly] and as a void yet to be Overflowing Pulsing His Sacred Blood; and as a Light that Enlightens All The Way JESUS Christ Original Plan Does: Your Maintenance Responsibility includes Enlightening Victories Over Your Personal secret escapisms addictions lusts within for to Best Guide All.

As a raging Fire Your Responsibility is to Enlighten within through JESUS Christ Name Spirit Enlightening All Without!

Yet in JESUS Christ Name Spirit Your "raging Fire" is to burn through as Superheated Plasma With Power From Above!: Super Power!

This is the JESUS Word Helpful Enlightening Guiding Flame so from You the Leaping Flow Given Generally For This Civilization With Formulae [with some ancient Righteous Faith Leader Names Symbolizing Leading Leaping Milestone amounts are in 1 Flow] is [and rather than about census vessels is to imagine the Names as Souls as Members of 1 Soul JESUS]:

JESUS / JESUS Christ Second Coming / JESUS Christ Mass Sufficiently Prepared / Mass / You / JESUS Christ / Saint Joseph Smith / John The Baptist / Moses / Abraham / [name unknown and little Faith amounts] Adam With Eve With JESUS Christ.

JESUS = JESUS Christ Second Coming x JESUS Christ Mass.

JESUS Christ Second Coming = JESUS Christ Mass Sufficiently Prepared x Mass.

JESUS Christ Mass Sufficiently Prepared = Mass x You.

Mass = You x JESUS Christ.

You = JESUS Christ x Saint Joseph Smith.

JESUS Christ = Saint Joseph Smith x John The Baptist.

Saint Joseph Smith = John The Baptist x Moses.

John The Baptist = Moses x Abraham.

Abraham = Adam With Eve x JESUS Christ.

To Ascend from above stated "John The Baptist = Moses x Abraham" Formula Of Good Current Value to Higher Level "JESUS = JESUS Christ Second Coming x JESUS Christ Mass" Formula is to create in You and hence as You for Listeners to create in All a Great Best Way Leap Of Faith!

And there's more: above formula "JESUS Christ = Saint Joseph Smith x John The Baptist" for instance is like unto:

JESUS Christ = Living Word x [as] Immersion Baptized.

Fit the Living JESUS Christ Name Spirit formulas into 1 Formulae, with JESUS Words Flames Leaping Above and where most needed, unseen, temporarily hidden away, symbolically in coal mine fires! Motivate lowest level tail Souls to Lead As Leaping Flames In JESUS Christ Name Spirit as 1. To lift the lowest Soul (a little lower than the Angels [Be A Good Angel]) to the Highest Level Glory is to Set The Best Example hence to Guide All The Best Way [similarly Edifyingly Victory Over The Worst, rather Victory With Allies Likewise Saying With Doing].

Fiery JESUS Name Holy Spirit Peace Dove Living Rainbow Power Blessing.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, alarmingly explains how to gain access to JESUS Christ Name Spirit Super Powers, from start to finish within the Law yet preferring in Control according to Best For Each And All Grace with a growing formulae like unto how a superheated plasma burn can control a rocket neoplanet full of Preachers, Baptized x Living Word = JESUS Name Fiery Dove Spirit


12 March 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, alarmingly explains how to gain access to JESUS Christ Name Spirit Super Powers, from start to finish within the Law yet preferring in Control according to Best For Each And All Grace with a growing formulae like unto how a superheated plasma burn can control a rocket neoplanet full of Best Ascending Righteous Prophet Preachers controlling Victories Over scorched Earths the 1 Best Way, Baptized x Living Word = JESUS.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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