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JESUS Formulas Sermon.

JESUS Formulas Preceptingly of JESUS Christ Family, such as including: "Love = Joy x Peace", "Joy = Peace x Patience", and "Peace = Patience x Kindness", all fit Into 1 JESUS Unification Formulae in the former lower level sense, yet rather all fit Into 1 JESUS Living Planting Magnifying Growing Unifying Formulae ["Love = Joy x Peace"] begets and becomes Anewly:

Desperate Love Giving With Desperate Joy Giving With Desperate Peace Giving. Many have proffered that the Glory of the Lord cannot be measured, yet here You Just Did It, You weighed and measured pertinent parameters of "Kindness", "Joy", and "Love", as much as JESUS Christ has Currently Given unto Your Faith Level. Many for instance speak of "Peace" and "Patience", so if measured, such as the number of treaties and such as the timing of "Patience" amount, then to understand the specifically pertinent multiplication factor in the balance (also in this Sermon as explained: "added" applies).

So You now likely more than You ever in this Civilization understand exceedingly more what a Measure Of Your Faith means! The previous JESUS Civ Sermon taught about some of the Tree Of Knowledge about evolution [including Anewly], and the above in this Sermon taught some about the Tree Of Life about measures of unseen Faith amounts.

These formulas Fit, since of JESUS Christ Family Flows likewise: "Love / Joy / Peace", "Joy / Peace / Patience", "Peace / Patience / Kindness", and all these Flows fit Into 1 JESUS Flow "Love / Joy / Peace" (for more see JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Love Sermon at

This above is a Great Good Gift(s) from JESUS Christ, and here is Greater Goodness: when JESUS broke the unleavened bread, He understood what He was doing: making All to become increasingly More Worthy At A Better Rate Of Ascending, The Heavenly [Increasingly Family] Best Way For All; also JESUS Christ understood it was teaching All to be as He though with hardly any suffering, a light burden Before The Miracles for to understand Faithfully how to be Authority Over such coming situations in the census and in Higher Levels; and JESUS also understood the lower level thing that He was showing His census vessel would be broken though His internal Spirit would continue and Better even Best [Head of Family]!

JESUS let His body be broken and blood flow

and JESUS let Himself Invite All to become Worthy Likewise with the Lightest Of Burdens: as if to be without any burden is as to pretend total freedom hence carelessness, inconsideration, immorality, and falling from Grace, and to become worse than a Perp against the Law: behold: a Perp might go from court to jail to prison to death, though the immoral doesn't stop there as written in Mark 9:48 Berean Standard Bible "where ‘their worm never dies, and the fire is never quenched.' ".

Morally JESUS Christ was tempted often, being humble to Elders at the Temple and for Parents at age 12, also prior to His Time with His First Miracle, and after the Genealogy in the Book of Matthew, and continued in temptation hardships.

In ancient times [the better] larger Vineyards were to the North [better climate for grapes] toward the Ark's Vineyard Planters.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, JESUS Spirit, explains what JESUS Christ went through from Glory to Glory for Best Guiding All and what a Measure Of Faith means such as how to measure the specifically pertinent multiplication factor of Kindness hence how to be Authority Over coming situations so Rejoice In The Lord, vineyards of Israel map of the best wineries Noahs Ark


JESUS Christ allows People in Grace, as much as above the Law, to not be punished as in the former ways, such as the strayed ways Perps have been punished under Law, and such as under the whip and slavery. So to Ascend from under bondage, Many arose freely as if excuse to have no responsibilities hence to fall as lightning, such as opted homelessness and such as opted lost at sea pretending: care freely;

Others did the opposite: lust for money, greed, for things instead of for fellow human beings, for pets instead of for People, and often paying the price(s) as stuck-in-a-rut such as an ascending sense though exclusively secular worldly as in cliche climbing the corporate ladder trampling any in the way, though actual Ascending Best For All Cares for All hence is Worthy as JESUS Christ Lifts.

JESUS Spirit Family Works as much as Ascending as written in Matthew 6:11 "Give us this day our daily bread.", [also His daily bread census vessel flesh as in His Spirit Name, as symbolized as a minimum] so through JESUS Christ this unleavened bread is as stated above "how to be Authority Over" pertinent "coming situations"!: Rejoice (see above: measure of Joy)! Concerning names, JESUS Christ was with Adam to see what Adam would call [name] the critters and such. So Adam was with a level of knowledge. As much as Faithful, Adam was Ascending Centerline the Best Way Straight Up Flow. Strayed ways to the sides all around laterally ascend slower, and the far out [such as stated above "homelessness" and] idle, as the fallen went opposite, having to work to try again [and i confess this very sentence repeats: such as "stated above"].

So if Good, then name [from Adam (rather what would JESUS Christ name things?: see previous in this Series)] and position lose meaning if centerline: hence all about the Higher Levels, if centerline then to already know what such in that centerline Level position is called, hence with Conquering many lower levels of ideas that complicated things hardly needlessly as such had been very goodly for those lower levels, yet more and Better including in Higher Levels is added

as written in Matthew 6:33 "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.", and rather in example Acts 11:24 "Barnabas was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith, and a great number of people were brought to the Lord.".

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, JESUS Spirit, explains what JESUS Christ went through from Glory to Glory for Best Guiding All and what a Measure Of Faith means such as how to measure the specifically pertinent multiplication factor of Kindness hence how to be Authority Over coming situations so Rejoice In The Lord!

JESUS Christ With Devout "prayer before the Blessed Sacrament at Eucharistic Adoration"


31 January 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, explains what JESUS Christ went through from Glory to Glory for Best Guiding All and what a Measure Of Faith means such as how to measure the specifically pertinent multiplication factor of Kindness hence how to be Authority Over coming situations so Rejoice In The Lord!

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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