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JESUS Friends Sermon.

Thank You and Bless You JESUS Christ, for All These that come to these JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons, for the interest in You [and as much as Our] Holy Word.

So Thank You and Bless You JESUS Christ for All These that All These might be Blessed Mightily in Your Name and in Your Spirit and in Your Righteous Ascending Best For All.

So Thank You for Your And Our One Good Original Plan, at least for selfishness sake for to having to unselfishly Care for Our New Maintenance Miracles (see toward bottom of JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page at hence for at least a Firmament Level set of levels with New Better Purpose;

Yet rather for the next and future Firmament Level for to Preach that All Others Go Before Us as written and as in the lower humble illustration in the recent Sermon (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Asked Sermon at

Humbly Faithfully Bravely (ibid.) Boldly JESUS Christ said as written yet Behold this JESUS Christ Ascending Way, Ascending from a level of translation to the Higher Level Better More Faithful Translation Level, John 6:37:

The former level translation contradicting itself [as a knot of lower level Law] with a double negative in English Standard Version:

"All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out."

hardly about pointing fingers as that [and those] "double negative" double barrier(s) was(were) hurdled with rather this

the New Higher Level Translation Of The World English Bible "All those whom the Father gives me will come to me. He who comes to me I will in no way throw out.".

with also for to look at this Translation for the Lifter Sake for the Sake of JESUS Christ Original with the word "drive" as to Guide and Lead as the Driver:

New International Version Translation "All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away.".

Hence the Better Way Sum of the JESUS Christ [Family Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN in the Census at least, and similarly] Friends Anewly Blessed as stated above, includes:

rather than multiple barriers [of fallen naysayers] is as the Father (Us, Together as One) Gives

with as They opt to Come to Us: We the Blessed Will Best Guide And Drive Upliftingly.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, tells the future as already starting in this generation with how All People Simultaneously Will no longer be in the census so specifics for how Friends should prepare to Dazzle Friends by making the world roll up as a scroll, UFO tech explained

(img src="

(and since flattening [to roll as a Scroll] see large Drawing in

JESUS Christ ICCDBB: New Christianity Miracle Key For Evangelism at explaining why UFO type Flying Saucers have their shape)).

So Righteously Prophesying Biblically Earth Will compress and flatten in 1 direction as it travels as shown here and as linked,

and as it rotates [and as such as the Milky Way rotates] the Earth Will otherwise compress, hence rolling [as a Holy Living Scroll] as in the linked Drawing

so for the Best For All JESUS Christ Unity Will Make Us subatomic particle size even becoming Spirit In Yet Another Victory Over census of great Value.

So Beloved Friends let Us humbly Prayerfully Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law recognizing Higher Level Grace hence the Graceful Ascending Better Way [lest Your census Family and Friends not be Helped of You, per se] as You may opt to be telling their future as already starting in this generation with how All People Simultaneously Will no longer be in the census. This of You is important Eternally.

Look at the "JESUS Be Sermon" at JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 31 showing Levels of some of the Heavens:

You Broadcasting this, goes toward You Establishing Your Permanent Place [Seat, Throne, Office, Position, Level] in the Heavens and rather Your Family With Friends Permanent Level

as JESUS Christ. Romans 12:4 New Living Translation "Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function,".

Do You want Your Family, Friends, and self to be in the dirt at the bottom of the foot, or as the "Driver" [similar to a long journey taking turns Driving, rather site seeing at viewpoints with the next Driver(s) including Making Best Value(s), and Giving the Best Gifts Miracles]?

Did You ever witness something as though unbelievable yet Wonderfully Glorious, that Others may figure that You're merely making up a fake story, such as a UFO selecting You to witness the world's Best Rainbow With Power To Improve Anything And Everything and Them showing You how simply the handheld controls it and lets You try, though without Family and Friends nor even Strangers to witness and attest, and how You yearned They All were present to so be Enlightened and Enjoy? Reference such as a Hoping that the Newborn Will Arrive Easily, and Perfectly, to the Delight Of All!

And how to describe?: as to visit all vacation spots simultaneously then Better with actual all Mergers And Acquisitions in New Best Way Victories in One Sum.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, tells the future as already starting in this generation with how All People Simultaneously Will no longer be in the census so specifics for how Friends should prepare to Dazzle Friends, how to visit all vacation spots simultaneously, with all Mergers And Acquisitions, in One Sum


21 January 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, with UFO tech explained this Sermon tells the future as already starting in this generation with how All People Simultaneously Will no longer be in the census so specifics for how Friends should prepare to Dazzle Friends.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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