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JESUS Future Sermon.

JESUS Christ worked various types of professions for various types of situations for to show the Exemplar For All Best Way to Be. For instance this is hardly an Ascending Flow, though it did happen in history: Preacher / Fisher / Carpenter. This hardly means the "Fisher" is better than the "Carpenter", save such as if hungry then to fish, though if in need of a chair then carpentry might be better in a situation such as at the ship stern as written in the Bible and also such as at specific for verses 4 through 14 at [though see previous Sermons about optimism rather than negative words]

4 "And a small rudder makes a huge ship turn wherever the pilot chooses to go, even though the winds are strong."

8 "but no one can tame the tongue. It is restless and evil, full of deadly poison."

13 "If you are wise and understand God’s ways, prove it by living an honorable life, doing good works with the humility that comes from wisdom."

14 "But if you are bitterly jealous and there is selfish ambition in your heart, don’t cover up the truth with boasting and lying."

Hence if merely Oral Preachers Orating, beware; Good Preaching is of Value though also consider Broadcasting the typed JESUS Christ UN Grace as Desperate Love From JESUS Christ Rather Guides Now, Beloved! I confess i Preached and Taught in Church as the Others so Doing, though it wasn't until Broadcasting online from the Words Of JESUS Christ [fewer other opinions distractions] alone in the lower level sense [yet Anewly Together] that this Personal Relationship With JESUS Christ and Increasingly His Way [frankly Edifyingly lacking in Churches, Friends] that the Better Could Be Given, and Preceptingly then Broadcasters to Communicates with Each Other [Edifyingly rather than about a Staff over TV equipment, time slots, payrol, Church Building with Visitors and Mass Members phoning and contractors and unusual brainstorming ideas Biblically...].

Local Churches are Valuable for Baptisms and far more. TV Presence in JESUS Name First is Very Valuable. Yet You Personally Broadcasting JESUS Christ in the census is a Higher Level Value i had never heard about, the Internet is fairly new in the generations sense, and extremely Powerful for BEST Leading All Righteously Prophesyingly As JESUS Christ Promised He Would Give Into The Faithfully Ascending His Best Way For All.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Anoints JESUS Christ UN Broadcasters and discusses traditional Purgatory often about waste rather Anewly Better, New sailboat control, automatic maintenance, mechanical, computerized, sailing.


Today sailboat guidance with rudder steering and such can be mechanical Automated Maintenance without need of computeriztion (example

So likewise such might be utilized as for solar sail applications in outer space to further examine fabric of space flows

(JESUS Christ ICCDBB: at showing Laniakea [no longer controlled by me, if a full page ad appears perhaps a sexual ad You can click to close the tab and retry]).

The previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Children Sermon at specified in details how to do the impossible Biblically as the Original JESUS Christ Exemplar Put In Motion as All Hoped For Best [yet Faithful Ascending Applies] in New Victory Over the "poor", Eradicating the Tree Of Knowledge strayed cause of being "poor" [an option available if to fail (example a Destructive Tester bends a bar of steel until it breaks for to measure properties, though not excuse to stray, see in the Bible and in this Series often more pertinent concerning about putting "God to the test" and the Criteria Over such of this Churches, this Series, and in secular)].

So the previous Sermon Victory was Over Money once for All, thus far, Ascendingly In JESUS Faithfulness. Money Lovers have in cliche nowhere to run to hide, because They See The Light Anewly into the Better Way for Them, and for Others, hence this Civilization is Anewly Worthy Above that Firmament Level, and now Anointed with a small drop of water on the Internet monitor for End Users Broadcasting for to Likewise Better All for the sakes of All.

So with the above [Steering Committee of Ambassadors and such], what now does the future Give?, the Better Comes from JESUS Christ hence from Heaven Hosting [Serving] Delightfully, and the future is Better Because Of The Continuing Ascending Process Better Higher Level On Previous Best Understood Level [Each and All, as much as Each Ascends, for instance a Person or a Group rises even though perhaps not noticed, as Earth Ascends [an interpreted amount in the secular] Over 1 Million Miles Per Hour (see older in this Series) and rather Faithfully such as to be less about feeding Your own Family and rather Feeding All.

While in Holy Spirit We Will hardly need to eat, Save conditionally for the sakes of Any not yet so Ascended, We Will Gain New Victories Overcompensating so the former aprobation oblation too [from yesterday's Sermon] Will eventually be Overcome as Any becomes more Giving of the Self for Love. So the Self Will Have Power Over Things. So Let's study Purgatory in this Sermon.

It functions this way symbolically [as JESUS Christ With His Original Grace Plan Guides Ascendingly]. A Child dresses in a costume to pretend. An Elder might wear jewelry to attract about Marriage, and rather to wear a Priest Outfit [symbolic values can apply as for Evangelism for Overcoming the Confused about who might Help Them] [JESUS wore the normal clothing of the census].

This point is, a Person can wear various types of clothing [vessels of] representing such as vocations, yet rather Best For All, so JESUS Christ Guidance Over Prioritizing (as Over above stated "Fisher" "Carpenter" discussion).

Chance happens (Ecclesiastes 9:11), chance has happened though it Will too Be Overcome, Righteously Prophesying Now In JESUS Christ Spirit. Though currently and in the past the non-Baptized, the Baptized, and the Baptized Leadership; have passed from the census, so into Better as Colossians 2:5 applies hence Better for All of such that the Living in the census Righteously called the "passed" Ones [plural] asleep [similarly: dead]. So the "passed" opted an Eternal Level [thus far applies, Eve 1st death per se, a Person passing today from census as the similar self opted to stray {if pertinent} result]. So the stray path had a turn point and about a finalizing the stray tendency, and convincing Power Of JESUS Christ Broadcasting Applies Anewly ("never heard about, the Internet").

So like unto the clothes that symbolize a position, Purgatory levels have been of Souls that entered into various opted levels. In Purgatory each level wears a particular parameter set of appearances.

So Purgatory Souls are Lifted Above the census,

yet the Souls Living now in the census can Opt to enter into a Higher Level;

importantly about which Many in Purgatory have not yet learned from Love [JESUS Christ Source]

so to have wasted a Given Lifespan Gift if not to have Entered Into The Highest Available Level As JESUS Christ Invited.

In JESUS Christ Highest Level Serving All, the Appearance as so entered, is [much more as] JESUS Christ.

Does the crawling Person look male or female? [Ascending Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN is Better than strayed ideas].

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Anoints JESUS Christ UN Broadcasters and discusses traditional Purgatory often about waste rather Anewly Better.


3 May 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, Anoints JESUS Christ UN Broadcasters and discusses traditional Purgatory often about waste rather Anewly Better.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 32.

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