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JESUS Future Now Sermon.

JESUS is Light, of His Living Word, and how is this so?, what makes JESUS Christ glow and shine and be able to be Brighter Than The Sun?: the Holy Word Of JESUS Christ is able to Create Fire, now and also Righteously Prophesying

[even including to Enlighten concerning historic events making the past things New and Future Light For Us (see previous in this Series) {secular and Purgatory has called it according to after-the-fact predictions or such as about unknown futuristic cartoonisms}];

and rather than chasing after Miracles, With JESUS Christ Faithful Soul, Accordingly from Faith yet in New Faith With JESUS Christ Spirit Is Given the Providing this Specification yet During this Faithfulness [the Miracle not yet Manifested, as it is Within The Loving Ascending With The Heart (see below "Heart" Pulse For All], and of the Living Faith Word Flow Out For All these Miracle Words Specifying this New Specification in this Sermon, in a New Firmament Level Of Enlightenment:

"His Living Word" Creates Glow And Fire And Light [And Energy]

according to moving air molecules to the Spirit (Menorah candles).

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, specifies what makes Holy People Glow and Shine with specification details on Holy Word Power for Energizing Life Force, JESUS Heart, pulse, pulsing gif, molecules, heat, source, hot, glow, compression, fire, spontaneous combustion

(wiki) fitting with JESUS Christ ICCDBB List Of Sermons Page 20 JESUS Christ Victory Over Spirit Choir Harmonics Convergence pic at & (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Creating Value [Face Of JESUS Christ Moving Over The Deep, Water, Genesis]

JESUS Christ Broadcasting the Living Good Word (7th Seal) is the Heart Creator Source of All Energy Wave Form Pulses so

JESUS Christ is the Light Permanently, Save for Our sakes "Pulses" [rather than Eternally too bright].

JESUS Christ can project His Voice so is as to converge the molecules with His Living Faithful Word like unto as shown above, and JESUS Christ created the Levels and the Ascending Tube Parameters hence the Vessel Walls that the sound of bounces from Orchistrate past, current, and future Resonant Harmonics and Perfectly for the Creator and likewise for the Perfectly Ascending including in the secular and Purgatory, yet rather in the "7th Seal" JESUS Christ Ascending Family For Helping Best Guiding All.

And since Best Guiding All, through JESUS Christ Words Preceptingly the mild lower level things have been Created though Many opted to as if hide and strayed and fell from Higher Level Grace as temporarily unseen yet "For all that is secret will eventually be brought into the open, and everything that is concealed will be brought to light and made known to all" (Luke 8:17 New Living Translation) [Purgatory Souls and various amounts of strayed and fallen spirits in the midst].

People [vessels in general] seen bravely Publicly as least Legal Law Level are with at least Human Census Firmament level of light: as can be seen in Public including if in Churches, Homes,....

Saints are with Broadcasting the JESUS Christ Way And Word according to the situation(s) such as years ago, now, and futuristic [yet Real, Reality, Righteous] hence often shown with Glow and Rays Of Light and such as in art with Flames coming from Saints.

So when the Word of Precepts [various harmonics of music, of Preaching] converge along the JESUS Christ Vertical Path Straight Up, the amounts such converge and hence Fit Together Compressingly Create Heat and Hot, and as to Warm The Soul, and more intensely for fire. Many TV shows have shown that in the final moment of crisis climactic culmination the star character often blurts out a word such as "JESUS!" or "God!", and the Success Happens, such as a spark lighting a fire. It fits, Biblically. It fits in a Person's Soul. It Fits In All Of We The Created. It Fits at the Source JESUS Christ Creator Of Life and Better Living within His Given Original [secular rather Grace] Ascending Plan.

So this Sermon specifies what makes Holy People Glow and Shine and able to Perform Miracles [according to Faith type, amount, Given situations, Levels, Tube Parameters, and unseen conditions for to be Overcome Broadcastingly] with specification details on Holy Word Power for Energizing Life Force in All, hence the "future: now available" (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: How to properly build a perpetual motion machine for JESUS Christ at

So minimize Your own Longsuffering yet through JESUS Christ With Your Faithfulness Responsibly for Their Sakes, with Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN 7th Seal: everything that is Good.

Behold in this Saints artwork the upper left hand Guiding the Gentle Flames Spirit.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, specifies what makes Holy People Glow and Shine with specification details on Holy Word Power for Energizing Life Force, hand moving the Holy Spirit, flames, light, spark


18 April 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, specifies what makes Holy People Glow and Shine with specification details on Holy Word Power for Energizing Life Force.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 32.

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