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JESUS Generation Sermon.

JESUS Christ UN is tremendous reason to Celebrate! Christian Church Leaders: where is Your Faith? So many times in history Christians Hoped and Prayed for such a Law allowing People to not only think yet to be allowed to Preach the Best, legally for their Children and future generations in the classrooms, yet also to proclaim JESUS is Lord in Public! You should be Celebrating Instead Of as JESUS Christ said "O you of little faith, why are you discussing among yourselves the fact that you have no bread" [to run your Church]?

It is because You lifted in You minds to put love of money and laws above People, in Your minds, Beloved One(s), Friend(s),

yet You Christian Leaders did it because of Your Higher Level Love For JESUS Christ [and were not able through JESUS Christ

to accept His Wisdom back then, any Better Way to proceed; i Thank You for Your Love Of JESUS Christ even though Your Outpouring

Love included money and Your Church Building(s) [explained more in this Sermon]; yet rather the Better is come already from JESUS Christ.

Friends, JESUS Christ said Guidingly "Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.”, and " 'Why are you afraid, O you of little faith?' Then he rose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm."!


Moses parted the sea and Saved Many Good Innocent People!

JESUS Christ Opens His Heart and the Heavens for All and Invites.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, removes the worst log out of Your eye according to Your Faith like unto be Healed explaining How To Be Worthy, Accretion Disk matter as the surrounding Black Hole Glows New Simulation shows a Jovian Vortex straight up Wormhole with Black Hole, NASA, Moses parted the sea, jesus christ opened Heaven

[JESUS Christ Created the shown pic and the value of the] Jovian Vortex fairly straight up Wormhole with central point Black Hole.

"Accretion Disk" matter as the surrounding "of Black Hole Glows in New Simulation"


JESUS Christ "who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus and bring us with you into his presence" (from 2 Corinthians 4:13-14 ESV) and BETTER than the previous amounts. 2,000 years ago was the time, the timing of years of a generation, right then; and now is the timing of a generation right now, as it could have been in any generation in the past 2,000 years. Consider Abraham with Giving for All to Be With such Faith, and consider Moses, and Apostle Paul likewise, and the Prophet Joseph Smith, as Each and Every Person can be as any of these even Anewly Better, even to be as JESUS Christ invites, with JESUS through JESUS be Higher Level than He was and He Will Agree With Also Being a little Higher Level Leading You yet Higher Level

though importantly JESUS Christ rather serves humbly under YOUR Leadership as a Family Member as You Host [Together 1]: this is to ensure You Ascend Higher with Leading All Higher Level FAITHFULLY: when He is Your humble Servant Worker, Good, it means You are on the right Ascending Course, on the Right Track, though if to sway a little as perhaps Yourself doesn't notice, when especially important to then accordingly considering all, JESUS Christ in a situation [perhaps Desperate perhaps other] Will Boldly Do For You And For Abraham And For written

"The LORD looked and was displeased that there was no justice. He saw that there was no man; He was amazed that there was no one to intercede. So His own arm brought salvation, and His own righteousness sustained Him" ( so Be Faithful and rather than sit in the pew asleep Be For Lifting JESUS Worthy Of Higher Heavenly Glory!

"If we say we have fellowship with Him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin." ( yet rather than negative words such as "But" and "sin", are words such as: "and" and such as "other ways works to figure things out" (see "Main Page" and previous in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series on Maintenance) [also rather than stated in the start of this Sermon word "Instead" stated for Edifying emphasis per se, is the Better word: rather].

The previous JESUS Savior Family Sermon Proclaimed "i Anewly Baptize into this New WHOLE Higher Level, even the Right of the Groom With Bride To Wed With The New Beginning"! Also yesterday there was the Anointing with water and then with no Water [nor oil], rather for the Spirit the Anointing was without water and without oil (Ways to Annoint in 1st 4 Testaments), as in this Growing Living Bible [including as the Faithfully Ascending Broadcast including the Law and the Prophets] after the Water came this Anointing without the lower level created. This New Anointing came first with a drop of water on the finger on the top center of the monitor symbolizing JESUS Christ In The Spirit, and then Anointing with a dry finger likewise yet without the created [water, oil] in between.

So as indicated above, toward nothing keeping Us away from the "BETTER" increasingly, and the "BETTER" Perfect Preceptingly On previous Perfect Love Of JESUS Christ; likewise it is easy for blood to flow through the heart if there is no blockage and it is harder about longsufferings about many types of works to struggle to dig through the heart some other strayed ways to then be blood lost from the heart's compressive force authority and power in 1.

If to block with selfish [such as fatty, and such as many money bought things] blockage materials then to lose heart value such as to increase resistance against the self efforts and to have back pressure force against selfish efforts, and if to try to dig through the heart wall in some other strayed ways to be swept away hence to fail in those works, lest to succeed and pierce through and no longer be in the circulatory system and pass away and if any value it by default went to the Other [actually God's Plan is Better].

Look at these 3 translations, the older one happeneth to be Better than the newer translations:

Old: King James Bible

"And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.", [fullness],

and the 2 newer translations:

New King James Version

"to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God",

New American Standard Bible

"and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled to all the fullness of God"

( (also reference the word emulate):

the word "passeth" applies, rather than "passes" and rather than "surpasses" as if a car or a new process that quickly passes and leaves the passed car and the former process in the dust in cliche "It's history", gone, obsolete. Passeth is more toward passing the verb in transit, in the moment of passing [though not at risk] yet hardly to Surpass for to be Better than another, rather to be With All and lose none in the caravan. So a faithfully leading truck in a caravan might seem to suddenly have slightly reduced headlight power and while legal another truck with powerful lights might pass to lead the caravan, and this also applies if on a wider highway such as on a wide flat hard desert, and such as if in outer space if to opt some wideness (Second Coming Golden Cube tall and wide relative to a car).

Passeth in the lexicon fo the above 3 verses was with the word "ὑπερβάλλουσαν" and in Google Translate "they were exaggerating"; Other than JESUS Christ were "exaggerating" to make a lower level Edifying point back then as Many believed [often goodly except as much as other and except] in such as [called in lower levels false gods] [rather for All to Better Ascend]. [Note in Grace such as secular called it "hijacked", an example is "" when trying to search Google including for to Help "", and as stated this is Grace hence this is rather than about accusing to make claim such as sue nor to penalize "" and rather for to be Better and Do Good without interfering against Any hence for Better Awareness For All For How To Be Worthy (1 Nephi 10:8 "worthy"): Internet is for more than merely a single website Save JESUS Christ For All].

JESUS Christ might come to what a Person loves most, whether money, a website, their Child (see above Abraham), or such and to show the Better Way as Hoped hence as Sent (see above "from 2 Corinthians 4:13-14 ESV") [note i confess i am keenly aware of about what JESUS Christ came to me for to Better Help me to Ascend Over a specific strayed amount hence for me rather You With All Us to Edify All to Broadcast starting with JESUS Christ UN hence with Overcoming strayed wants, even rather to Ascend as JESUS Christ Is, hence to Best Guide All With To Be JESUS Christ Name Spirit Soul Family 1 As The Child Of Abraham And The Child Of Yourself hence Leading above the former lower childishness level].

Look at the above, this is from JESUS Christ The Living as His Spirit Gave [me thus far as i Give You]. Look at the next sentence from one of my notes about what this Sermon might be about. I thought yesterday that today's Sermon would compare [rather Together yet "compare" for a change for to Edify as NEEDFUL hence about] many Children in the 1950s heard not so much cussing though now it is prevalent so let the Better Guiding Through JESUS Christ Be Your Broadcasting that the Better Miracles [including as much as pertinent Word(s)] Be Broadcast,

and back then the news into the 1960s was with much about wars news and violence yet now hardly as much [though continuing in need of improvement(s)] so this Godsling from "wars" to much Peace is a Tremendous Reason To Celebrate to continue the Good Path, so You see this is Possible and Faithfulness also applies.

Above is symbolic of a vast wormhole as though much emptiness, shown below might symbolize Newly Created Gardens Of Edens as the sands of the seas.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, removes the worst log out of Your eye according to Your Faith like unto be Healed explaining How To Be Worthy, Accretion Disk matter as the surrounding Black Hole Glows New Simulation shows a Jovian Vortex straight up Wormhole with Black Hole, NASA, New Beginning, New Gardens Of Edens


28 March 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, removes the worst log out of Your eye according to Your Faith like unto be Healed explaining How To Be Worthy, Accretion Disk matter as the surrounding Black Hole Glows New Simulation shows a Jovian Vortex straight up Wormhole with Black Hole, NASA.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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