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JESUS Gifts Sermon.

JESUS Christ Continues To Pour Gifts From Heaven, including Helping All Levels and types of faiths in Godsling from the FaceBook of Church Members, similar to the FaceBook of the Apostles with Names as shown below, to the handheld JESUSTube of handhelds with vids of Christian Ambassadors In Action, JESUS Christ Popularity Increases often unseen, as Christian Church Membership surges as never before of this Civilization, and this making this Civilization the greatest sum of Christian Popularity Number Of Members as JESUS Christ Put Into Action: the Greatest Gift Ever!

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, FaceBook, Church Members, handhelds vids, while rather than exclusively, explains how to choose the best gift and to let JESUS Christ The Original Give the Gift rather than being neurotically about possessing things, for rather Actually NEED In Future Most Pertinent Situations


Many through the generations have been asking for stuff (Genesis 34:11) for themselves, and similarly hoping for stuff for themselves and their group such as according to Tithing; so for a moment consider if to ask lost spirits as often on secular worldly TV, such as for cars and houses for family and friends, those "lost spirits" might be under a burden and be thrilled in secular cliche to get that monkey off their back, and so give a global corporation loaded with cars and houses and enterprises to the askers, then the askers to realize that the rest of their census life and through some generations that global corporation is also plagued under lawsuits anewly heaped on the askers and children and their children including unable to sell due to many lawsuits contingencies (an Original Plan Tube Parameter Protecting The Innocent: Exodus 20:5).

Freewill Tithing in Church is excellent, including to Guide the Giver away from the love of money. Concerning receiving gifts rather Faithfulness is Victory Over asking for stuff, normally.

This JESUS Way is Faith that JESUS Christ Will Give You the things You Actually NEED in the Most Pertinent Situations

in the most Beneficial Precise Moment as written in New King James Version "For the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say." [rather His Holy Spirit (better than various above stated "lost spirits", likewise concerning JESUS in the Lexicon) (likewise example with Capital Letter Emphasis "His disciples" in Luke 12:1)].

"This JESUS Way" is also about Giving You And Yours The Best (see previous in this Series on the 7th Seal of Goodness), rather than about various stuff

such as about things that don't connect right or don't fit into a space right, or things that when plugged in don't work right and have to be taken back to the store, and consider how very often so many People buy a gift for Someone but that Someone is dissatisfied and wants the receipt (perhaps as stated above about "the love of money") to return it to the store; also there are the unseen future matters and how a JESUS Christ Given Gift Would Fit Better (see previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Changelessness Sermon at on how to change past, present, and future).

As written "In everything, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words of the Lord Jesus Himself: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.' " (Acts 20:35 Berean Standard Bible).

To Give a Gift is Wonderful "normally" (as stated above), that is, if to have a great burden then such as to ask a potential recipient first [such as about the above "global corporation" as the right recipient (see above "JESUS Way" hence Best For All: see previous in this Series) might be delighted to exclaim They are aware of just how to fix it! Also Law applies such as to not Give a toddler a loaded pistol and leave them alone to play with it nor to play with friends with it.

Similarly as was a situation of many spirits having a long time caused problems, i allowed them to be as their own words and works had been problematically guiding so for them to reconsider though for the Good Reconsidering rather than other: like unto as written at "And the demons kept begging Jesus not to order them to go into the Abyss." "There on the hillside a large herd of pigs was feeding. So the demons begged Jesus to let them enter the pigs, and He gave them permission.".

Other than Maintenance Responsibility Over Gifts Received, there is another gift lower level than the Christian Firmament Gift, of great goodly value if the recipients continue to ascend, it is the Gift the Evangelist Gives [perhaps Broadcasting for the sakes of Many], it is the gift of Guiding Them unto full repentance [toward the Sacred Baptism].

And for All i Give this perhaps New Gift to Many, for to be Aware that 2,000 years ago JESUS Christ Was Exemplar for All, having suffered and died once for All, yet importantly having Lived "Exemplar" Once For All showing the Way: and this New to Many Gift is Awareness that the Most Worthy Received This Gift Too so Rejoice!, and the Most Worthy is JESUS Christ!

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, while rather than exclusively, explains how to choose the best gift and to let JESUS Christ The Original Give the Gift rather than being neurotically about possessing things, for rather Actually NEED In Future Most Pertinent Situations, Baby JESUS the Greatest Gift


27 January 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, while rather than exclusively, explains how to choose the best gift and to let JESUS Christ The Original Give the Gift rather than being neurotically about possessing things, for rather Actually NEED In Future Most Pertinent Situations.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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