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JESUS Gives Signs Sermon.

One of the greatest Guidance Helps JESUS Christ Brought into this Civilization was His unselfishness.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Gives many signs including His Faithfulness Miracle fitting the Tube Level Horizontal Stray Parameter to the Vertical Level Ascending [or Desending] Parameter, Precept On Precept Best Way For All and Continues Prophesies yet Anewly that Mount of Olives Will split in two in Victory Over Eucharist and whether in or self omitted, easter, crucifixion, cross, meaning, once for all, symbolizes, easter season eternal victory


Even when JESUS Christ spoke of Himself He spoke concerning as Sent, and He spoke for All Ours Sakes.

Signs are Given Before The Fact, in His Holy Heavens revealing when Easter Day is to occur, in 2023 April 16.

The definition and meaning of "Maundy" is "the ceremony of washing the feet of poor people, especially commemorating Jesus' washing of His disciples' feet on Maundy Thursday.

This meaning also concerns beyond mere Preaching, yet in JESUS Spirit With Maintenance Work hence Maundy Charity in preparation for the Easter Week [after Easter Sunday] Holiday Celebration.

A similar type of interpretation came from National Today "Orthodox Easter Day, which takes place on the Sunday after the first full moon after Passover, is a sacred season and the most significant celebration of the Eastern Christian".

Faith as in Churches including Your Christian Online Broadcasting

JESUS Christ Sermons which is with satellites hence in TV cliche


The JESUS Given sign of the Full Moon comes Tuesday the 7th as the first Full Moon Easter Season sign after the 7th Seal Officially became Public / Worthiness. And this includes according to "The March full moon" the [New Beginning] New Year Moon and "the Full Worm Moon, supposedly due to the emergence of earthworms" [hence to rather in JESUS Christ Spirit Way "March" rather walk through the JESUS Christ Gate Wormhole] "according to the Old Farmer's Almanac, also known as "the Sugar Moon, as it was when maple tree sap was harvested". Note a wormhole is like unto a link and like unto a bridge, and for safety in secular cliche to "Break formation", to Cross, ascending Once For All lest to pass away from the census needlessly.

This previous sentence Agrees with the previous Sermon Over how to handle Human and Robotic Kidnappers shooting machine guns as Snipers and bomb Terrorists through JESUS Christ Faithfuness Broadcasting Before The Fact for such Miraculous Victory yet unselfishly. This point being to Ascend into JESUS Christ Righteous Prophesying Faith: this according to Your Broadcasting [faith type, amount, rate of ascending falling or straying, and situations: yet rather JESUS Christ Faithfulness in You Likewise].

Easter applies such as about perp Herod, over the law of the land of the region in the census counted years of JESUS Christ though crucifixion related [Eucharist body broken hence blood serving all Members]. The law of the land of the region of perps such as Herod, now Given in JESUS Christ Spirit Awareness Righteously Prophesying for to Broadcast is that that same former law Will Be broken in two, to separate the opted to separate, even the souls yet for their sakes in Miracle. Like unto the large Curtain Of The Temple having been torn in two of the earthquake about the amount of Conspirators, so too the "Herod" land Will Be "torn in two".

When "Jesus returns for the final climatic battle for Jerusalem that the Mount of Olives will split in two sections, with one half of the mountain moving north and the other half moving south. (Zechariah 14:4)" (

When the Mount Of Olives is "torn in two" to the North and to the South

JESUS Christ in His Second Coming Will come from the East toward Jerusalem filling the gap.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, map, Gives many signs including His Faithfulness Miracle fitting the Tube Level Horizontal Stray Parameter to the Vertical Level Ascending [or Desending] Parameter, Precept On Precept Best Way For All and Continues Prophesies yet Anewly that Mount of Olives Will split in two in Victory Over Eucharist and filling the Second Coming from the East gap whether in or counted as if self omitted, mount of olives, jerusalem.


Traveling into "Jerusalem filling the gap" is the sign of His Body Healed: hence Be inside Him or other.

If "other" then a self opted [pretended] impass Firmament Mountain (see previous in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series on moving a mountain through JESUS Christ Faithfulness rather than worldly risky works trying to scale a mountain [note: "scale" as about fish means the nasty part of the day]). So this previous sentence concerns rather Ascending vertically through Firmament Levels, yet to stray horizontally is with many Tube Parameter Levels. If to stray a little then as to be Better Guided of JESUS Christian Grace, so a Tube Parameter Level Horizontally, and at extreme a Grace Parameter Firmament.

If to stray more, against Law then to be chided and sent on Your way [a Tube Parameter secular level horizontally] of Mercy of the Officer. If to stray more then at a perp Firmament Level hence to fall in position status into incarceration, therefore Ascend Before The Fact, therefore Serve that All Ascend Before The Fact.

Even though this is said in Grace in this Sermon: this is the Law and the Prophets.

Therefore Ascend In JESUS Christ and treat His Grace as though the Law.

Look what was written in Isaiah between 740 and 700 years (according to before the birth of JESUS Christ:

"Context A Grave Assigned…11After the anguish of His soul, He will see the light of life and be satisfied. By His knowledge My righteous Servant will justify many, and He will bear their iniquities. 12Therefore I will allot Him a portion with the great, and He will divide the spoils with the strong, because He has poured out His life unto death, and He was numbered with the transgressors. Yet He bore the sin of many and made intercession for the transgressors." (

So it was written hundreds of years prior to the birth of JESUS Christ, hundreds of years prior to the Teaching of JESUS Christ, and hundreds of years prior to the crucifixion of JESUS Christ; so before JESUS Christ even Taught All Goodness and Exemplar, it was written: let Us do likewise. Let You Be The Great New for All to Behold sign humbly Prayerfully Bravely Anew! Do Christians not care about the Second Coming?, perish the thought save recordkeeping as much as needful. Do others about other faith types amounts not care?: even if to want to commit suicide is to care for hope of something to fix the situation, yet of the Creation Plan if to end something is the beginning of the result and [work to try again, and] rather Ascend for the Better Coming Discovery!

JESUS Christ Sent Us on Mission Work [among wolves (Matthew 10:16) so to speak (JESUS Christ is more Kind than Many have imagined: ibid. includes "innocent as doves" so there are Kind People out there too)] and i did some of His Mission Work including much Faithfully hence without secular logic experience nor secular education sense [without making sense Save Faith In JESUS Christ]. And JESUS Christ showed me a sign hours ago in a dream after having so worked in situations not making much sense to me, and after i felt weakened as if to start to faint physically though alert to be Faithful, and the sign was JESUS caught me at the start, prior to much slump to fall (somewhat similar to pic below though without challenge to be risky leaping per se: rather than as in the pic below is His Steadfast SureFooted Way) Smiling Assuredly and then We Smilling.

As written in Psalm 100:5 Berean Standard Bible "For the LORD is good, and His loving devotion endures forever; His faithfulness continues to all generations.", with as written in Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not being seen.". So there is a Firmament Horizontal Level of conviction under which is nasty, and there is a JESUS Christ Grace Mission Work Horizontal Tube Parameter Firmament Level like unto as written in Matthew 25:23 "His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Enter into the joy of your master!"!

Even a sign now is Given, looking out the window is a great [though straight] rainbow effect as the Sun starts to rise. And yesterday a rainbow sign appeared on the floor and another rainbow sign appeared on the arch above, and with a bare toe and a bare hand i touched both and filled the gap: do You Believe this sentence?: have a Happy Easter Victory With JESUS Christ Eternally!

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Gives many signs including His Faithfulness Miracle fitting the Tube Level Horizontal Stray Parameter to the Vertical Level Ascending [or Desending] Parameter, Precept On Precept Best Way For All and Continues Prophesies yet Anewly that Mount of Olives Will split in two in Victory Over Eucharist and whether in or self omitted, leap of faith, jesus will catch you

(Google: "JESUS" "catch You" "wordpress").

5 March 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit Gives many signs including His Faithfulness Miracle fitting the Tube Level Horizontal Stray Parameter to the Vertical Level Ascending [or Desending] Parameter, Precept On Precept Best Way For All and Continues Prophesies yet Anewly that Mount of Olives Will split in two in Victory, map, Over Eucharist and whether in or self omitted.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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