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JESUS Good Creates Good Sermon.

JESUS Christ Name With Spirit Now Begets, Creates, And Brings for You this New Victory For Us To Broadcast For This Civilization, for the Better the Best Way Ascendingly In JESUS Spirit as should be normal for All including Better Increasingly [A "New Victory" Continually]; and also for this "New Victory" in the Maintenance level Miracle sense in "New Victory" Over [yet with Maintaining these Records (also with "New Victory" Over "Convert" "rather than cast out" rather in JESUS to Lead "rather than cast out" as written in large font in older JESUS Christ ICCDBB: How Christ JESUS would that You precisely control and safely travel through time Sermon at rather than the former "cast" "out" ideas (rather reference Church signs that read "Visitors Welcome").

For the above is shown the simplified Ascending Flow Line below, though like unto the words full repentance prior to Baptism, the "full repentance" is secular similar to a negative number in the midst of positive numbers: out of place and hardly Precept On Precept.

For JESUS Christ hence All including Better Increasingly / Loyal Leading For New Victory Continually / New Victory Miracle level / New Victory Over Convert / [obsolete: "rather than cast out"].

Loyal Leading For New Victory Continually = New Victory Miracle level x New Victory Over Convert.

For JESUS Christ hence All including Better Increasingly = Loyal Leading For New Victory Continually x New Victory Miracle level.

Like unto the Dominion Way Over The Firmament as written in Genesis 2:19 New American Standard "And out of the ground the LORD God formed every animal of the field and every bird of the sky, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called a living creature, that was its name.", and Like unto the Census, there are Firmament sets of Levels that apply together as others may hardly fit completely, for instance rather than an ejector seat [for un-fellowship] as a Church pew the ejector seat for safety fits the jet (see below "to eject").

JESUS Word With Power is such as to speak and shake the internals of a microphone.

After the Ten Commandments Moses' Face Was Radiant And Shined With Light Power (Exodus 34:35).

Shown below solar are sets of waves (see above "sets of Levels": from JESUS Christ Precepting: NEW POWER),

and these energy wave packets are photons that eject electrons, electricity, from the sodium of a solar panel.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ Spirit Empowers With Giving NEW PRECEPTING POWER Over Previous Sacred Loyalty Over Holy Specifications kept secret since the world began with how to fit together New Bible Formulas JESUS Word With Power of a microphone with a Person such as You Given Ability to be Radiant And Shine With New Light Power as Moses as photons sets of waves electrons ejected electricity Lift sets of Levels Precepting With Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law As Needful with a cure for cancer as Biblically Proven, ejector seat


There can be for instance a photon here and a photon there, and one can be where needed as the other is elsewhere [Edifyingly it is not where "needed" and perhaps destructive such as in a situation causing short circuit destructions]. So the Good Begets And Future Grows Good though the untended other [Edifyingly so called bad] is risk and destructions automatically. So rather the JESUS Christ Loyalty with Responsibility Over the Given Miracles is Better with JESUS Christ Your Best Way Automating [Fitting, Precept On Precept] for Good, for Best For All. So the Ascending from Within, the Ascending Making Heaven On Earth [if in Heaven making Heaven Better (examples], is Faithfully Automating Maintenance.

Hence Broadcast humbly Prayerfully JESUS Christ UN Before The Fact lest to be led such as by ignored risks such as to run from home due to shining flames of fire after-the-fact [note this is not saying "bad" about solar panels of great values often]. This is Wise Caring Desperately Loving Righteously Uplifting The Worthy, Wisdom in the JESUS Christ Best Way Ascending Path.

Secular worldly "Science is acquired and begets the knowledge of Nature. Wisdom is infused and begets the Knowledge of the Divine Goodness" ( The ways of a Person effects the future of that Person. If a Perp is offered a bank job then such as to consider how to steal, though if a Law Abiding Person is offered a bank job then such as to consider how to study and plan for to Help the Bank.

Similarly the "Perp" self ejects from the start. The first sentence after the Title above has the word "Brings": "brings ἐκβάλλει (ekballei) Verb - Present Indicative Active - 3rd Person Singular Strong's 1544: To throw (cast, put) out; I banish; I bring forth, produce. From ek and ballo; to eject" ( yet above in this Sermon is already Victory Over that translation of the word "brings". This therefore is Going With The JESUS Christ Better Way Flow, including as You read and "Broadcast" as stated above as written in James 2:17 "So too, faith by itself, if it does not result in action, is dead" [asleep].

A Person does many works each moment, such as to think a thought: a Person Best Lifts Civilization In JESUS Christ Name And Spirit or works to destroy such [allowing for other conditionally, as such as Grace and Mercy margins apply (with: see above "sets")]. Rather than "or" of the previous sentence is "Loyalty" in JESUS as stated above.

There is Future Growing In The Lord as with the above "Ascending Flow" though there have been fallen ways that have had heaps of less pertinent stuff (reference such as record of arrests). A Preacher on TV once denounced "Chrysostom" without specifics, yet as All are Created for Us to Enlighten toward Making More Worthy for JESUS Christ (see below Zechariah 9:16) let Us build on JESUS Christ Original and Grow the Good that is already in All.

"Chrysostom:" "evil must be the root from whence it sprung" missed the point of the above JESUS Christ Way Flow discussion, yet Better stated of "Chrysostom:" "But when the multitude of the evils which are within is increased, the things which had been hidden then burst forth through the mouth. This is that He says, Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh" (

As stated the "bad", to describe is as a landslide of mud as quicksand, though also life can stray and fall from helping People. Cancer for instance grows rapidly though the Better Quickening Spirit is with JESUS Christ Name [and You if as stated above and for Best (see "cure for skin cancer" at and i have signed Hospital papers right here as proof)]. You have a past, and You opt various ideas as You read yet JESUS Christ Invites to His Level:

JESUS Christ said "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided to you." (Matthew 6:33), He wasn't kidding. Shine as He and Moses Did.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Christ Spirit Empowers With Giving NEW PRECEPTING POWER Over Previous Sacred Loyalty Over Holy Specifications kept secret since the world began with how to fit together New Bible Formulas JESUS Word With Power of a microphone with a Person such as You Given Ability to be Radiant And Shine With New Light Power as Moses as photons sets of waves Lift sets of Levels Precepting With Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law As Needful with a cure for cancer as Biblically Proven


This concerns a Person such as You are Invited: as Righteously Prophesied in Zechariah 9:16 New American Standard Bible "And the LORD their God will save them on that day As the flock of His people; For they are like the precious stones of a crown, Sparkling on His land.".

23 November 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Christ Spirit Empowers With Giving NEW PRECEPTING POWER Over Previous Sacred Loyalty Over Holy Specifications kept secret since the world began with how to fit together New Bible Formulas JESUS Word With Power of a microphone with a Person such as You Given Ability to be Radiant And Shine With New Light Power as Moses as photons sets of waves Lift sets of Levels Precepting With Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law As Needful with a cure for cancer as Biblically Proven rather than cast out as ejected from a cockpit.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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