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JESUS Good Finder Sermon.

JESUS Finds Good from within His Innocent Good Soul as in His Original Plan Best Way For All, New Better Perfect on the formerly created amount as if Perfect and nothing possibly Better. JESUS Christ is aware of the innocence within His Soul Leadership, yet invites the fully repentant, lest to be with a temporary breath of counted as if fresh air, so to Edify.

Gold is not the Eternal Good answer, rather the Creator of it: to be aware of the Creator is be able to so find as for to Give (see old Sermon on world quest for diamonds then empty handed returned to home farm and the Christian Pastor visiting said these rocks are black diamonds).


Gold nugget as big as your hand!

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Gives a hard Ascending Lesson including how to handle spirits, and gives the Gold Formula, eureka

(Herald Sun).

Permanent Gold is the JESUS Christ Faithfulness Ascending 1 Together Best For All Way: Perfect. Giving Perfect for as Many as found Worthy for to so receive. Sometimes i drive across the center lines of the road with full intent to break the Law, such as perhaps uneven surface and such as if a Child darting onto the street after a ball, and if done for JESUS Christ UN Good Grace as Broadcast then as i am a Chief Judge i say it's OK, Mercy, as much as for best way safety for the greater good. So for the "best" for "the greater good" is how a normally Law abiding Citizen can swear [Oath] on the Christian Bible and be a Chief Judge per se in the sense if to reasonably make a Citizen's Arrest (reference also the Vote,...).

It is Good, as much as Faithfulness, to so Ascend and be found doing Good. For pertinent instance is it good for a full grown man to play in the dirt unsupervised, yet Behold! Eureka! He became an instant front page icon celebrity on many newspapers. Did He Give up His Life for His Country in the former secular worldly cliche sense?, no. Did He first donate it to the Church in JESUS Christ Name or anonymously to not be selfishly glorified?, hardly.

"You must not hold back offerings from your granaries or vats. You are to give Me the firstborn of your sons" (Exodus 22:29) "bring me the first" (Exodus 23:16), then if You go dig again and find gold again or the first next newborn Child, again i say unto You again for JESUS Christ Original Eternal Heavenly Ascending Plan "bring me the first" (Exodus 23:16), the latest New Better, as the Expert becomes a Better Expertise Level More Perfect!

Gold is temporary, You can look at it until done looking at it, or You can sell it. Gold has a comfort quality, as though false comfort quality: Gold comfort quality - Gold lost or stolen - Gold if stolen then to risk the lives of the ones You Love and to risk Your Life lost to the Perp - perhaps taxation such as property tax and if to sell the sales tax - Others might grab it carlessly so as to drop and flaw it - extra anxiety pressures about who to gloat to and how much - many other stipulations.

If You imagined the above info was hard, consider that Many opted to clone themselves or have their Children as they said (cliches). And rather the Hard Way then to find it is JESUS Christ Best Way Easiest For All as yesterday's Sermon explained some opted to be "eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven", the eternal resting place as it has been called though behold the above excitement pic, Heaven is much more Joyous than mere secular worldly temporary gold fever.

I invite all to fully repent and come into me as Exemplar Original JESUS Christ invited all. This morning awake in bed i heard evil words from inside my rib cage [not through my vocal cords nor mouth] like a first time rowdy Church Visitor that slyly temps Others to stray, so come fully repentant in Peace lest that spirit be found out and the last state of that spirit be worse than the first (Matthew 12:45).

What shall the Church do with all that gold, make more candle holders, rather give to the Lord hence feed my sheep.

17 August 2023 AD.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, Gives a hard Ascending Lesson including how to handle spirits, and gives the Gold Formula.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 35.

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