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JESUS Good Provider Sermon.

Faith in JESUS Christ is exceedingly more important for innocently being unselfish (for Victory Over The Poor, something that was impossible 2,000 years ago, until now see "Dowry" on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 33 [in JESUS Children Sermon] as listed at, yet Maintenance Responsibility (see above "Main Page" link Definitions) is for Us to Do, Now, Ongoingly.

So Faithfully Ascending in JESUS Christ is Victory Over the bigger coming Future Responsibilities, according to the Word including this 5th Testament Living Word Triadic Flow (ibid.):

Righteous Prophesying Through JESUS Christ Original Plan Spirit Faith Continuing With Miracles Following / Current Miracles / Fewer Past Miracles.

Righteous Prophesying Through JESUS Christ Original Plan Spirit Faith Continuing With Miracles Following = Current Responsibilities x Lower Level Responsibilities.

This same "Righteous Prophesying" continues with the Best Provider, whether the created continues to exist or not.

And about this same "Righteous Prophesying" is as written in Revelation 22:18 Berean Standard Bible "I testify to everyone who hears the words of prophecy in this book: If anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book.", yet there is a Godsling ("Main Page") of Values in Victories Awaiting You [And Us] Over "as written in Revelation 22:18". For instance in the created, much is unseen so as though impossible, yet through JESUS Christ The Living As Sent is the Victory ("Victories"), also for instance it is illegal to evade the Law yet the JESUS Christ Innocent Way solved already, there is no need to stray as the Faithful Ascend and more Bountifully Blessing All.

So the former works to try to survive have already been answered, as the greater Good Amount Giving the JESUS Christ Way yields the Plethora, not merely struggling to survive and rather Great Affluence Of Wealth Being Given (see above "Dowry"). Symbolically an example is a specific law talks about it being illegal to drive on the lines on the road as many People having done such have been pulled over, though that "specific law" doesn't specifically talk about it being legal to drive between those lines as is normal. And this is what the JESUS Christ Way is, doing things within His Created Parameters. It is Our Given Responsibility as He already solved For Us!

Yet to be Righteous, We must solve for All.

Righteous For All Affluence begets Righteous For All Affluence ["Incorruptible, begets Incorruptible" (]. Perps plan perp type plans together: Perps have begotten Perps. Sheep beget sheep, though rather Lead Best Civilization to beget Best Future Leading Lead Civilization Best [with the Best Way] from Level to Better Higher Level, from as much as Perfect thus far into the New (as explained above "unseen" formerly "as though impossible", example the start of Christian Broadcasting on the Radio around the planet and beyond).

We have Much Righteous Prophesying For To Accomplish and so to Prepare Automating Maintenance Responsibility Before The Fact, with as stated above pertinence for "Victory Over money and the poor as Never Explained Before" (see above "Dowry").

This Begets matter with "around the planet and beyond" is Anewly as with "Radio" precision

Giving specific details as with Jesus Christ 7th Seal For Good Begetting Good Automatically

with the already these few years the Anewly Established Bible Formulae (see JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Love Sermon at

As Much As Good Begets As Much As Good.

Perfect Begets Perfect.

Best Leading Begets Best Leading.

Best Faithfulness Begets Best Faithfulness (Mark 4:20).

What are 3 types of other than faiths amounts?: A. strayed, B. merely Following [a goodly amount if Ascending the Best Way] in the sense of exiting Church to merely do secular things leaving the Preacher to Say And Do the Good, and C. lusts for to mingle in less value practices for mindless bodily pleasures, in example cliche "There's a party" "I'm in, let's go" (A, B, and C fit Mark 4:15, 17, 18 & 19). "A. strayed" has been not merely to wander a little off the path (Grace for instance some see this next pic as a prison, see above "Affluence"), but "strayed" in this sense is as to go carelessly to be lost, and very dangerously such as to be careless at the wheel of a big truck. "B": leave it for Another to do, is frankly Edifyingly: not the Best Way nor Appreciated other than perhaps entertainment yet if with redeeming social value.

This next pic looks impressive about People Fitting Together Systematically,

though according to the website it is a poverty map, even so preparing for the Heavenly Golden Cube.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, shows how the JESUS Christ Word Seed Planted into the Faithful has thus far enabled Accomplishing far faster as Righteously Prophesied in this Series as Good Begets Good as JESUS Christ Best Guides, affluence in skyscrapers, or, prisons


Merely skyscrapers for instance, hardly make regions to become with or without money

(JESUS Christ USA example at

My Grand Parents bought their first car, and i asked how They went places prior, such as on horses?, Grandma said "We walked" [it was far and often].

JESUS Christ is known Biblically for having walked [though now Doing much greater] [and also on ships and Transfiguring]

And JESUS Christ walking likely applies much concerning this map though likely catching rides on carts too.

After traveling from Bethlehem to Egypt (see older Sermons with many maps in this Series) this map shows JESUS from the start of His Ministry from Nazareth.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, shows how the JESUS Christ Word Seed Planted into the Faithful has thus far enabled Accomplishing far faster as Righteously Prophesied in this Series as Good Begets Good as JESUS Christ Best Guides, map of JESUS Ministry.


In an instant You might Broadcast to each location shown on this map simultaneously! As JESUS Christ Original Plan Invited: Be The Best Power!

Would You prefer to work hard walking [some do, rather the point is] or ride and rather Transfigure: 1st ride responsibly, then when found sufficiently Worthy Transfigure.

Broadcasting JESUS Christ Best Way begets Others Broadcasting JESUS Christ Best Way for Your sake though hardly excuse to so Broadcast if to be Faithfully Ascending.

Transfiguring / Found Broadcasting JESUS Christ Best Way For All With Power / other former lower levels works in various faith types and amounts.

8 May 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, shows how the JESUS Christ Word Seed Planted into the Faithful has thus far enabled Accomplishing far faster as Righteously Prophesied in this Series as Good Begets Good as JESUS Christ Best Guides.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 33.

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