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For info on the JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda that became Law and came into effect 2020AD

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JESUS Level Grace Begets JESUS Level Grace Sermon.

This JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series For Christian Leadership normally Broadcasts concerning the Desperately Loving Heart, yet now You are invited in Your Mind to Think of the Great Beyond Words Miracle that is coming in the next sentence, coming into Words from JESUS Christ Loyalty Leading His Best Way For All. Think of what You will be doing a billion years from now and rather a billion times a billion years from now, it is counted in the secular level as practically nothing and insignificant relative to Eternity, now think of the Eternal and how JESUS Christ came for Us in the Census, for this Civilization JESUS Christ was in the flesh as a Person Of This Civilization Among Us a mere 2,000 years ago.

And this JESUS the Christ being with Us as a Person was AD. People living BC were in desperate Hope for Christ to come to deliver the People up out of chaos. People hoped JESUS Christ would deliver the People out of wickedness morally, and out of crimes and bad behavior patterns that were proven wrong but that continued because perps were lazy and careless [some years ago i mentioned one of the gaps in the system through which a perp could illegally enter and a Security Supervisor responded that if a perp had to work that hard to illegally enter, the perp might as well do relatively easier legal work].

So BC People merely Hoped to be Lifted into Heaven. So what did it mean "to be Lifted into Heaven" in Their minds?, to see and live in as written: "Again, the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory" ( Berean Standard Bible with Lexicon emphasizing the word "Again") ( = "Again").

The BC People did not even know how to Hope.

So BC People merely Hoped to be Lifted into Heaven and note as stated above with their "bad behavior patterns", so in other words the Lifted People BC would contaminate Heaven so that Other People would not have so much fun enjoying Heaven, like unto a Family Vacation but looters and threat makers and fighters attacking on the first day.

Heaven is rather than divided into have nots and haves sections.

Shown below is the island of Hispaniola, with Haiti to the left as the have nots burned their trees

for exports and fuel..., and to the right the Dominican Republic was more wisely managed in long range planning.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Discovered A New Higher Level Heaven, new DNA, Hispaniola Dominican Republic Haiti map trees, gif.


In Eternity, We are the first Broadcasting to and for [JESUS Christ and] All Of Creation, all the Universe and beyond the currently seen and heard and senses and imagined; yet Righteously rather than to hope carelessly. In other words to care, in other words also to Desperately Give Caring Love in the Controlling sense in JESUS Christ Together in His Name And Spirit. To travel to a resort or other time and place and to Run things Better: to show Them the Way. To show Them in other words Edifyingly: no other better way. From JESUS Christ 2,000 years ago as We Ascend right to left:

We are there in rockets and jets / TV, Radio, and printing press Broadcasting starting / JESUS Christ and Apostles started walking around Preaching and Ministering.

Some People Are Alive Today In This Generation mindful of how merely 100 years ago BBC started. "1922 saw the formation of the nationally owned British Broadcasting Company, whose stations were to broadcast 'news, information, concerts, lectures, educational matter, speeches, weather reports, and theatrical entertainment' " (

Needles destructively scratched grooves into phonograph records, today experts grow information (gif below).

You and me, Friend(s), We are at the start of it All!

This Generation is the Start Of The Word Of JESUS The Christ Being Broadcast Into All Of The Created.

We Are The Seed.

We Are His Living Word.

We Are His Grace, His Prayers, The Best Leadership: In His Guidance We Are His Righteous Caring Hope.

Continuing Leading as JESUS Christ Did: We Are His Heaven!

For This Civilization, We Of This Generation Are Improving At A Quickening Pace like unto Adam as written in 1 Corinthians 15:45 Berean Standard Bible "So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living being;” the last Adam a life-giving spirit" yet We are the AD People and so increasingly more and Better like unto JESUS Christ [Victory Over unaware how to hope, Victory Over unaware how to long range plan Eternally including Over 2 John 1:11 (Church signs: Visitors Welcome)].

The previous JESUS The Ascending Miracle Sermon anewly revealed the currently pertinent JESUS Christ Momentum Miracle situation, even Edifying in secular levels comparing from the Godsling, some key Momentum Velocity Rates. Including ascending through secular grade levels and professional levels and titles of nobility: because of JESUS Christ a mere 2,000 years ago We The Caring With Awareness Of How To Best Hope And Long Range Plan Are Best Making Better Civilization Happen.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Ascending Flow, JESUS Spirit, Discovered A New Higher Level Heaven, new DNA, Hispaniola Dominican Republic Haiti map trees, gif.


10 December 2020.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, Discovered A New Higher Level Heaven, how to grow information, Broadcasting new DNA latest tech, Hispaniola Dominican Republic Haiti map trees, TV, radio, printing press, needles, phonograph records, gif.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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