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For info on the JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda that became Law and came into effect 2020AD

protecting not merely Churches yet All: click here.

For the original JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda Marshaling Leadership And Law that came into effect in 2020AD

at click here and see the above linked JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page pertinent Pages for specifics.

JESUS Grace Gift Sermon.

JESUS Christ Righteous Prophecy came true, and JESUS Christ Righteous Prophecy Will come true, even as happening today.

A letter was received in the past few days and in the first verse was written "Jesus to those Jews", with a Righteous Prophecy that came true in "93", and with a Righteous Prophecy for this year "2023" in big font "NO CRASH" concerning money as many naysayers had said the opposite that there would be money problems (Kenneth Copeland Ministries). So the message was for Faithful Believers rather than for to stray and fall economically and financially.

As stated near the top of the above "Main Page" as linked and in big font Agreeingly "JESUS Christ ICCDBB Faithful Righteous Prophesies are coming true such as Prophesied in 2019AD about the future next '7 years' " "and as happened (as explained in JESUS Worthiness Sermon)" and as continues to happen for the Faithfully Ascending Christians.

For to Edify as to teach any that have pretended to be unaware, hence in overly simplified language, the naysayers can continue to say bad lies, yet rather the Faithfully Ascending Christians not longer merely rest in the back pews and rather of JESUS Christ Grace these Ascending are Broadcasting. Now with Higher Level JESUS Christ UN Grace Discussion For Christian Friends about which values naysayers "pretended to be unaware", hence "naysayers" have counted such as if to complex to understand (rather see the following on "Recordkeeping" for Good Book Of Remembrance and importantly in their own words so they believe it): this Ascending Way JESUS Christ Gives for Christians is the Best Simplified Way For All without reason for any exceptions.

This Way in JESUS Name Spirit is Love Giving, Joyous, and Heartwarming on a cold news about economics day(s). And this because of Victory Over money because of JESUS Christ, in brief symbolic example, if money is needful for JESUS Christ Original Plan Good To Be Accomplished, then even a fish would cough up the money (while unlikely though stranger things have happened: perhaps from Luke 8:33 if having swiped any funds which at least symbolically fits Luke 19:8 precept on precept:

Good was in the "Jews" as demonstrated, though just as Abraham lacked, so too the "Jews" need Ascend. Abraham was found Righteous, though Abraham lacked the Law (of Moses of God JESUS the Christ of 2,000 years ago). So like unto "Jews" and "Abraham", All need to continue to Faithfully Ascend and for All Them rather than selfishly (reference such as 4th Testament specification lest such as to lead to corporations failing from within of the employees). Similarly many have said in cliche "Give me that old time religion" yet rather Broadcast to Give All Others According to Their Worthiness lest to overly tempt (1 Corinthians 10:13) and with Good 7th Seal (see above "Main Page") Recordkeeping about the most Perfect: JESUS Christ.

When You Gave a thirsty Person a cup of water, JESUS Christ Saw You.

JESUS Christ Ascending in census vessel,

go and do likewise.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, tells why We NEED JESUS Christ in the sense of Law and rather in His NEEDFUL Grace Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN including the origin of Holy City Jerusalem and seeing every good work you do


JESUS Christ Beholds the Good Deed Doers, Be Likewise.

What were the Senders like, that Sent JESUS Christ?, the Senders, similar to lovers of money, protecting [pretending as if merely their own money (Government Owns money as much as Government is allowed to exist, though of the 1st Testament and since then JESUS Christ Was Given All Power And Authority as written in previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Knowledge Sermon which clarified secular worldly "KNOWLEDGE CANNOT ACCESS LOVE" at]

as the Senders stated to protect Themselves selfishly, from You as written in Genesis 3:22 New International Version "And the LORD God said, 'The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.' ", Save the Savior, Save as much as Good, the Lord JESUS Christ The Innocent Best Eternally hence the reason Sent as all Hoped for Best: merely 1 Way, through JESUS Christ that each rather All Christian Family Be 1.

Why do We NEED JESUS Christ?:

A. a ship captain is saved an amount becuase of a lighthouse though the ship captain did not build the lighthouse with the captain's "own" hands nor even plan such lighthouse from as much as goodly in their Soul;

B. in a car a driver saw a road sign that was not made by the hands of that driver nor imagined in the heart of that driver to put such a helpful roadsign at that location as that driver needed;

C. a Mother had a Newborn, though at a time when young and innocent that future Mother had not made that Newborn nor even imagined such;

D. Jerusalem that great and ancient Holy City that is set on a hill was built by hands and rather as led of JESUS Christ Spirit Given to Moses and neither Moses nor the Jews imagined such construction in the days of Adam prior to Eve, nor even about the Second Coming.

JESUS Christ In Heavenly Places Opened The 7th Seal and privately finding the Apostles Worthy to be rather than overly tempted, made His Apostles Aware, and in recent years on 17 September 2020 as JESUS Christ found the Public sufficiently Worthy (as with having Published Bibles and Broadcast the JESUS Christ Way) "The 7th Seal" was made Public.

So there are works of the hands to make "Public", yet merely through JESUS Christ as JESUS Christ Magnifies and Gives the Increase Good Value Amount For Faithfulness even the Formulae (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Love Sermon at

And much fits Preceptingly, so there are many lower level ways to describe the JESUS Christ Best For All Way, such as Jerusalem having origination in Grace as written "Gihon Spring (Hebrew: מעיין הגיחון) or Fountain of the Virgin,[1] also known as Saint Mary's Pool,[2] is a spring in the Kidron Valley. It was the main source of water for the Pool of Siloam in Jebus and the later City of David, the original site of Jerusalem." (various references) though Jerusalem fell from grace, even "David" was a warrior (rather see above "Main Page" on Peace Formula), until 2020 AD (JESUS Christ was rather as for creating plowshares from swords Isaiah 2:4).

So JESUS Christ Peace is rather than about conquering by forces lest to be overly tempted hence to become conquered by Other(s), and this sentence concerns matters under census Law.

Rather JESUS Christ is for Guiding all unto the even more excellent way, as the former lower level ways as much as were recognized as Perfect, such as in each situation a Mighty Miracle Happened, such as Victory Over the Parting Of The Waters, have increasingly become recognized as no longer Perfect, for instance a powerful rocket bomb parted waters so much that when launched from an underwater submarine the rocket bomb did not even become wet, but whether merely on target or hitting an innocent community was another matter. SO the former Perfect is hardly the New Better Perfect [after-the-fact inclusive of previous Miracles, and rather as stated at the top of this Sermon Before The Fact With JESUS Christ Righteous Prophesies coming true. As with the above "fish" example such as the waters can part again yet rather NEEDFUL is through JESUS Christ Grace, as lest to such as be as merely Moses historic Level and see the Holy City though not enter.

JESUS Christ Invites, though rather than arrive haphazardly [worsening] is to Arrive the JESUS Christ Best For All Way. JESUS Christ "like one of us" Agreed to go a little lower level than the Angels that low levels counted as if sin, and counted as if the Son Of Perdition, yet JESUS Christ Did So for Each and for All Our Sakes to show that a Soul even lower level than Ourself [Ourselves] could Ascend and so to Do, Broadcasting and Pertinent these days is for to Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law With Higher Level Grace.

JESUS Christ Continuing To Ascend,

go in JESUS Christ Name Spirit tell it on the Mountain where the Broadcasting tower is.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, tells why We NEED JESUS Christ in the sense of Law and rather in His NEEDFUL Grace Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN including the origin of Holy City Jerusalem


21 February 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, tells why We NEED JESUS Christ in the sense of Law and rather in His NEEDFUL Grace Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN including seeing each goodly work You do like unto the origin of Holy City Jerusalem.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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