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For info on the JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda that became Law and came into effect 2020AD

protecting not merely Churches yet All: click here.

For the original JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda Marshaling Leadership And Law that came into effect in 2020AD

at click here and see the above linked JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page pertinent Pages for specifics.

JESUS Grace Level Sermon.

JESUS Christ Faithfulness with prior to year zero the Faith Of Abraham with prior as much as goodly [for instance although strayed from Faithfulness in the Garden Of Eden Adam with Eve together in low level similar to crime though prior to Law opted to be together to have fun so as much as them together and likewise as much as Legion spirits together there is a goodly value though temporary, yet rather the Better Way For All Righteously Eternally Best].

After the fact of the temporary the Legion types of hardships and the little faith Adan and Eve types of hardships mount. Though to longsuffer the temporary Good Faith First begets the future Blessings. Adam and Eve hardships continued throughout this entire Civilization Timeline, even the little faith amounts having left situations to be fixed that Adam and Eve were not able to fix. JESUS Christ showed Us how to fix, 1st humble Prayerful JESUS Christ Faithfulness First And Most Prevalent, then 2nd the lower level Works hence with "1st" the Working Of Miracles Of Faith Righteously [hardly Perfect Righteousness since under lower level than "1st", so for a Perfect Righteous manner Righteously as works of hands have been under Law Save as Much As JESUS Christ UN Grace Anewly Better Applying].

Black Hole travel ideas have been to travel as if virtually alone through empty space.

This ancient painting is the Traveling Together into the already fullness of Good JESUS Christ.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit,  explains Purgatory in a Formula Correlation with how the Straight And Narrow is with Better Liberty than confined under Law, in Father JESUS Spirit Oneness, and Oak Island Dove Hearts signs clarifying the shape of the Holy Grail, wormhole void alone vastness of outer space, filling the gap is JESUS Christ

Together in God "with the Signs of the Planets"


What is it for [His, and similarly] a Family to go on vacation?: They Travel Together, for the Best Time Of Their Lives!

In JESUS Christ Faithfulness Pertinence to Oak Island, signs were Given yesterday after the Sermon. Having weeks ago moved a somewhat large collection in a plastic carrying case, the Earth with Sun positioned so the morning light reflected anewly forming these signs simultaneously. First was the shadow of a tall Holy Grail/ There is a small map of Oak Island in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Christian Bible Code...Sermon at and it looks like an elephant without legs and where the bottom back of the mouth is, is where JESUS Christ pointed for to find the location of the deeply hidden Holy Grail (various Sermons had specifics though other have deleted hundreds of Sermons).

This proof with more shadows and light signs included the symbolic pouring out and somewhat upward [toward a pic of JESUS Christ] the JESUS Blood of the Holy Grail [like unto Eucharist Wine] for the Holy Spirit. This was beside a doorway symbolic of a lower Firmament Level for to Ascend Through JESUS Christ, with a form of a hazy Rainbow colored Dove [Holy Ghost] facing down [Agreeing with the Baptism Spirit Water with similar level 2 Heart shapes symbolic of JESUS Christ and Mother Mary [the Mother Mary Heart also Preceptingly symbolizing as in the recently updated JESUS Saint Valentine's Day Miracle Sermon on the Page 32 List of Sermons].

A reminder was Given yesterday on the Jewish Jesus TV show was explained that the "God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ" "first" gave us JESUS Christ so we are to go through "God and Father" to get to JESUS Christ. Thank You for that reminder

yet the Best Way For All is as written and shown in an old JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 17: When I Saw God Sermon at, and yet rather also as written in Treasury of Scripture "Jesus said to him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet have you not known me, Philip? he that has seen me has seen the Father; and how say you then, Show us the Father?" (

John 1:18 Berean Standard Bible "No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is Himself God and is at the Father’s side, has made Him known" yet also Treasury of Scripture "No man has seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he has declared him" ( so 2 places as once, the separated fallen from Grace under former ways of laws that did not make perfect of the "2", and rather the Better Higher Level Of Grace as JESUS Christ Invited as Written in this Generation in 2020AD in JESUS Christ UN Law!

Note in the above "Page 17" as linked, Purgatory has been as the "Formulas" Correlation Areas: "B", "C", and "D" (see previous in this Series with thanks to JESUS Christ Exemplar on my having been Lifted and Promoted of the Holy Spirit situations with having Ascended through such in perhaps an hour, and rather than with added crucifixion involved so Thank You including as much as "the Holy Spirit"].

Behold how the arms of JESUS Christ Agree With The Father And Holy Spirit.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, explains Purgatory in a Formula Correlation with how the Straight And Narrow is with Better Liberty than confined under Law, in Father JESUS Spirit Oneness, and Oak Island Dove Hearts signs clarifying the shape of the Holy Grail

"He (her spiritual guide) says" "pray with sincere pity for heretics"


Preceptingly Sermon On Sermon as explained in above linked Page 32 in JESUS Protecting Your Children Sermon.

The sick naysayers have been shown in the pit of distress at the bottom of many opted strayed works. These too should likewise "pray" Father JESUS Christ Holy Spirit One "with sincere pity for heretics" especially since to help the self: We in the created are All to count Ourselves at that "bottom" level, and yet as stated above "he that has seen me has seen the Father" as JESUS Christ Explained; also as i humbly explain bravely for Your sake for You to Likewise Wisely Do too.

How can You Lead Any into Better Eternally?, it is as to this humble Work.

Prior to JESUS Christ UN Law it was the secular prevalence yet the Word has been Broadcast Gathering More, Few and Few, Little with Little, line upon line until JESUS Way Prevalance Now Worthy Generation!

And so prior to JESUS Christ UN Law it was the secular Way (as written in Ruth 1:1) so for example in older Sermons the secular Teacher was a Good Teacher (reference such as Christian Schools) or as though a "bad" Teacher [various situations]. Note that "various situations" such as Visitors from other Civilizations were often considered "Good" or as though a "bad" [unexplainable such as selfishly rather than saying in cliche "I don't know" many called Them devils and such whether "devils" or not].

Now Behold what this JESUS Grace Level Sermon clarifies and Gives for You,

that of former lower level ways under former laws there was the choice of "Good" or "bad",

yet Now Better Is Given With the JESUS Christ Godsling (linked below "Main Page" "Definitions"):

as stated above yet to clarify with this symbolic example. A Parent Righteously Teaches a Child to care for their teeth, hence to Teach selfishness; and a Parent Righteously Teaches a Child to care for Others such as to not step on the younger Newborn, hence to Teach to be with rotten teeth. So JESUS Christ Godsling conditionally [such as according to a Given Mission] allows some amount of variance [not about for to stray] similar to whether to Tithe the Church 10% or 20% or 21%. The Godsling is the [GodMath] Relativity (see previous in this Series as at JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS True Warp Drive For Christian Leadership Sermon at top Drawing "0123456789").

So like unto the Tithe is the Maintenance Responsibility to Care for Others in Profound Importance including to "not to step on the younger Newborn" certainly, also as symbolized about the "teeth" to clean and care Responsibly Maintaining as Given for to Care Over such Miracles of JESUS Christ Faith: hence many GodMath options apply like unto preparing for the Sabbath!

Yet as explained above also rather Be The Creator Leading.

6 March 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, explains Purgatory in a Formula Correlation with how the Straight And Narrow is with Better Liberty than confined under Law, in Father JESUS Spirit Oneness, and Oak Island Dove Hearts signs clarifying the shape of the Holy Grail, with New Victory Over former secular worldliness about traveling through wormhole void alone vastness of outer space since filling the gap is JESUS Christ.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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