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For info on the JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda that became Law and came into effect 2020AD

protecting not merely Churches yet All: click here.

For the original JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda Marshaling Leadership And Law that came into effect in 2020AD

at click here and see the above linked JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page pertinent Pages for specifics.

JESUS Happeneth Sermon.

JESUS Christ Gives Miracles! Rejoice! Broadcast For All!

Multitudes have tried JESUS' Way and it didn't work according to them. >Multitudes [not merely this Civilization] have tried JESUS' Way such as Starting A New Church, and/or Broadcasting online, and/or texting many about JESUS, and talking about JESUS at get togethers, and quit or quit somewhat. My birth Dad told me "Never be a quitter" interpreted per se from His Lead [from the Best of His Leadership] to say and do Good Eternally. Edifyingly to quit sin is not a quitter at all, other than full repentance [then Christian Baptism].

JESUS Christ With His Original Plan as He Delivered

[and as We Ascend through Levels as He Continues to clarify for Us if We misinterpret a point here or there..., if none other Counselor Guides]

is the Protector of His Faithful: so how could "Multitudes" say and do as JESUS Christ, but fail?

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, explains why some Christians and some others have failed, and rather Guides into Perfection, Transfiguration, Moses, Elijah


JESUS Transfigures, Appearing with Moses and Elijah.

JESUS Christ did not forsake You Triers [quitters, idlers; rather Friends], "No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not understand what his master is doing. But I have called you friends, because everything I have learned from My Father I have made known to you" (John 15:15 Berean Standard Bible) and this applies as much as Your Faithfulness [Edifyingly not lack of faith similar to stopping from eating ice cream does not equal slim: His Faith is Good, other strayed ways involve contributing factors complexly with awareness in this generation as Vertical Tube Parameter].

As yesterday's Sermon illustrated the strayed Christians encounter the Vertical Tube Parameter Diameter, with arrows showing [looping rather] Guiding back to Centerline: to where His Ascending Family Dwelleth [Ascend] (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Offers Full Repentance Sermon at

Here is a symbolic traditional example of how Multitudes could say and do as JESUS Christ, but fail: a split second of not keeping Your eye on the road.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, explains why some Christians and some others have failed, and rather Guides into Perfection, 2 cars crashed, car crash.


So We should be without any amount of "split second" other than JESUS Preaching And Doing. I don't argue that point. JESUS Christ is as JESUS Christ 100% Perfectly.

Rejoice in this sentence, JESUS Christ came in the census 2,000 years ago and when put into Mother Mary the whole world and all created did not immediately become Perfect, as JESUS Christ is Aware that Growing Better is Better [Rejoice] than such as a 10 year old taking keys and starting the car to go to work and shopping as the Parents Do. Why not make all Adults rather than 10 year olds?, why not make all cars safe?, why not make work and shopping at home?, and more whys?, and much is being accomplished, though the questions, the whys..., concern faithlessness, hence against Perfect JESUS Christ, against Best Way, against "Better", and so on.

To turn against Perfect is to not become Perfect, not even for a split second. To be Perfect is possible for a long time (previous illustration of the Transfiguration).

Multitudes prayed for Miracles that did not happen as promised

except it is better to give than received,

as if excuse symbolically but I prayed for Others,

so if "I" prayed then "I" prayed for "I".

This is Edifyingly not so bad, in the secular it has been excellent.

Pray rather for what JESUS Christ Prefers, pray for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose.

Praying for Others is about the same thing, Good. The amount of Your Good Faith

Continues To Grow And Blossom Gathering Multitudes for not yet seen planets.

But the quitters aspect is hope for the previous pic: car crashes.

Today online a sampling came from Google search "JESUS Loves Sermon": "About 2,740 results" so of the 8+ Billion Census People on Earth, these Few.

Today online a sampling came from Google search "JESUS Happeneth Sermon": "No results"

so You see much JESUS Faithfulness needs be in us.

Original JESUS Christ and i Agreed for this online Sermons Series that He found Me so Doing in JESUS' [His] Holy Name And Words Hence His Spirit Of His Soul. So this is part of the Mission.

JESUS Taught daily in the Temple. No need to Preach in the Temple if empty Save the Preacher. I Broadcast whether 100 view or zero (because of JESUS Christ Exemplar [They didn't use Internet back then], rather than above stated We "Agreed"), i Broadcast JESUS Christ and Do see Many Miracles, and often hardly as i expect

though stated in other words, i expect air, my heart to beat, and many Miracles i hardly think to Give Him Thanks for [You All including Him].

So Heaps of Miracles Do Come, such as shadows recently reminding me again about the Holy Grail

(JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons On Oak Island [previous 7 words no results in quotes, some results without quotes]).

If You Do Pray for a specific Miracle and Faithfully Righteous and it Happens, did You JESUS Broadcast prior much Bravely putting You reputation on the line at great risk?

Though if as stated above "tried" but quit then hardly for JESUS Ascending Family 1 to put future Faith in You.

Example a person #1 is legal then illegal then legal again. Person #2 is legal then legal then legal. Then a crime is committed: who do they suspect first, person #1 or #2?

JESUS as a minimum was Exemplar 2,000 year ago, Preaching.

Can You do even a brief daily online Sermon 1st [after praying and lavatory] in the morning? JESUS Creates Good can walk into the parted sea if JESUS opts, the strayed have done car crashes and walked into the earthquake and into the parted sea (importantly this means as written Genesis 18:32).

9 September 2023 AD.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, explains why some Christians and some others have failed, and rather Guides into Perfection.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 35.

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