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JESUS Heals Sermon.

JESUS Christ is the Living Known Name Healer, in Spirit and in flesh [as He opts (2 Corinthians 12:2, John 21:14) yet as i have Witnessed Him in Spirit and in flesh]. My Wife passed away, and since i was not a slaveowner over Her, for Your Edification and rather for JESUS Christ the Original Together in One Liberty Spirit including Protecting the Baptized that have had Loved Ones that passed from the census unhealed, let it be known She often ordered other than Bible Foods toward unhealthiness, until more desperate times prior to passing away.

JESUS Christ said in the Righteously Prophesying sense about beyond the current and into the future

"According to your faith will it be done to you." (from

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Anewly from as in the Sacred writings from the beginning specifies Your Healing Power Now Before The Fact.


And i esteemed Her above so Many, as Many Mass Members esteem(ed) their Spouses above so Many.

How can a Person share any Joy with a Loved One starting to Pass [end days per se]?:

We shared some Precious Joyous Moments such as when We partook of the Eucharist Together!

JESUS Christ Proved hardly merely Himself in His census vessel, yet also Proved Himself in His Holy Spirit Everywhere Good and even if He in the Spirit appeared as if merely a self vessel with as if a separate Name than the names of other Souls [this is a great Higher Level Value in this sentence].

JESUS Christ Proved Himself In The Holy Spirit.

JESUS Christ Proved it about 2,000 years ago as explained in the previous Sermon: inside and out (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS' Side Sermon said as written He "proved His Purity" as written at

Fasting is very muck like Proving Your Spiritual Purity,

though such "Fasting" needs first be humbly Prayerfully Broadcasting JESUS Christ Name,

lest to opt not in JESUS Christ Spirit hence other results.

Faith types, amounts, rates, and other situations may apply and hardly merely about the self, and moreso in Those In Need Of Healings.

Which is easier and Better:, to Preach Safety Orientation Before The Fact and importantly with THEIR PERSONAL EXAMPLE (cliche "personal savior" applies in Grace though toward Maintenance levels, and secular full repentance need, rather JESUS Christ Original Plan is Best For All [hardly about divided minds' separations as if broken various pieces] or to try to Heal a Person that was run over by a forklift or that had their hand cut off by a machine?: to raise the dead has been considered harder than to Heal The Living (John 11:37 / Mark 2:12 / Numbers 16:30): after a Person or body part is DOA is hardly strategy for the Best Way.

And why is "with THEIR" [not Your example] "PERSONAL EXAMPLE" important? if to say a person dove off a cliff into water but struck a shallow rock, perhaps the hearer has no interest in diving off any cliff hence toward not paying attention. Yet "THEIR PERSONAL EXAMPLE" is very important to Guide rather than about their options about foolhardiness in the workplace [such as changing Church lightbulbs (The Lightbulb Dictionary of Financial Terms)] perhaps relying on Salvation if to opt to be careless about Safety Responsibilities. Leadingly invite the person to give a personal example such as [symbolically]: You worked hard cleaning daily to have such nice teeth, right?, so rather than foolhardy be safe continuing with a nice smile.

"PERSONAL" has been toward the personal confessional and rather personal partaking of the Eucharist and rather to be a Church Officer. Yet rather "PERSONAL" has a New Level Value For All For This Whole Civilization And With All The Creator Family And The Created (JESUS Christ UN Law Officially Recognizing the Higher Level Unseen Grace): so We opted Peace Improvingly as We voted rather than foolhardily being disloyal, hence Best Way For All (ibid.).

So teach: JESUS Christ Best Way Safety in the Beyond Personal sense "with THEIR PERSONAL EXAMPLE" awareness of how one Person's carelessness led to injury then longsuffering then death unable for Them [at least in the lower levels sense] to repay. This is the JESUS Christ Higher Level Loyalty Way

with the lower levels Maintenance Responsibility Work(s) in situations such as ["THEIR" "EXAMPLE"] at the onset of noticing a Healing NEED situation, for instance the previous Sermon discussed where the sword pierced JESUS Christ including for this reason in this sentence: You may opt to Preach such as in [Your, and such as in "THEIR"] JESUS Christ Healing Book [perhaps for to sell, rather free if able (Faith amount applies also as Sent applies)]: Many suffer constipation hence to stretch the large intestine adversely as in a spot to overfill a balloon and that spot may be as the previous Sermon indicated, similar to how one car can have a flat stopping many cars behind. So applying the right amount of pressure to where as illustrated in that JESUS' Side Sermon can help and rather Give Proper Credit: it can Heal Many because of JESUS Christ.

Ascending is for JESUS Christ, Maintenance is for Gathering Many as JESUS Christ Sends Us All to Do. The above story of my Excellent Christian Wife, His [JESUS Christ's Excellent Christian (Luke 20:35)] concerning Bible Foods is extremely important pertinent and valuable including for Personal Ascending, Group Ascending, and For All Ascending!

Other things that things under Dominion Firmament that creatures have eaten have been known as if foods to those creatures, though in Your Opinion it is very likely that You do not call poisons: foods. Rabbits are not Bible Foods, rabbits eat feces. Pigs are not Bible Foods, pigs committed suicide (Mark 5:14) rather than repent.

JESUS Christ Words With JESUS Christ Precepts Fit Together line upon line, Precept On Precept, Sermon On Sermon. Hospice Patients may tell You what They had often eaten: patterns exist, such as typically an obese Person often ate a lot, associated with heart fat and other troublesome matters. Do You want to buy troublesome matters?, exceptions can apply such as if to lack a vitamin so to eat such to change Your system, though Responsibly for JESUS Christ eating less of the other.

What is a mere 10 days?: "at the end of ten days," the Bible Foods Eaters "looked healthier and better nourished" than the Others that ate Royally.

Wine is a Bible Food, yet how could JESUS Christ Give "for All" (as stated below) if Many opt to not be Ascended Up Into Pertinent Level Worthy To Receive?: the unworthy go to dust and then as written in Genesis 2:7 Berean Standard Bible "Then the LORD God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and the man became a living being." and generations: every moment is Genesis again yet rather Ascending More Best For All. It is simple to understand if such as to awaken from a dream, in the sense of one reality and then the next, continuing "Genesis again" though rather Better hence "Best For All". And be Aware of JESUS Christ the Best are found "Best" and so are Worthy per se and Lifted per se and so Sent as Ambassadorship for that pertinent Leadership Level.

As in the Sacred writings from the beginning "He ties his donkey to the vine, his colt to the choicest branch. He washes his garments in wine, his robes in the blood of grapes" (Genesis 49:11 Berean Standard Bible).

Of the Bible Foods JESUS Christ said "eat; this is My body" and in the Worthy Baptized Mass plural Members Each sense "Drink of it, all of you"

This is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins." (from Matthew 26:26, 27, and 28 Berean Standard Bible).

JESUS Christ Pours Out His All including All His Spirit and All His Authority and All His Innocent Flesh and Life Blood: for All.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Anewly from as in the Sacred writings from the beginning specifies Your Healing Power Now Before The Fact, the blood of JESUS Christ, all, poured out for All


12 December 2020.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, Anewly from as in the Sacred writings from the beginning specifies Your Healing Power Now Before The Fact.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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