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JESUS Heart Head Sermon.

JESUS Christ Way is after full repentance to be Baptized and a Church Member with Eucharist, as these are fundamental Principles Of Faith. Hear some Sermons and learn some interacting in Bible Study Classes. Then after becoming a little Aware for humbly Prayerfully going out as Sent a little here a little Holy Word Giving there, "humbly" rather than forcefully Evangelizing and hardly with expectation, in other words a New Church Member might have been a TV star or a star at sales or a star as sculpting or a star at chemistry...though it hardly means a New Church Member would be a star at Evangelizing, and this is about the New Church Member yet rather about All Others especially JESUS Christ the Head.

The most recent Sermon and older Sermons explained about the Heart unselfishly feeding All body Members,

so First be the Heart,

feeding without price All Others [hence including JESUS Christ] the Words of JESUS Christ,

and then the Head [hence after feeding All hence after humbly caring for the foot,...and Head].

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, shows Kirlian photography of a Soul and New Victory Over Yet With Matthew 19:30 Anewly 3D Precepting in JESUS Christ Name Spirit Righteously Prophesying, JESUS Christ Washing the feet of His Apostles


The previous line said "correlate" (ibid.), and the writing of this JESUS Heart Head Sermon is on the 3rd Day of the New Year 2023AD, the Victory Day of the JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sponsored: JESUS Christ UN Formula Event, and "Victory" though according to the above, including for All! So Awarding the Participants is according to the above.

Why wash feet?, the Golden Rule applies, do unto others hence care for All, yet that All be the Head [after as stated above] hence that the lower level humbly continue humbly in the Higher Level than Heart yet With Heart Giving Best For All Faithfully, like unto as JESUS Christ said as written in Matthew 19:30 Berean Standard Bible "But many who are first will be last, and the last will be first.".

Though that was in the old days. JESUS Christ Gives New Victory Over former lower levels ways (see older Sermons in Many Victories yet as stated above "For All"), and see the above "Main Page" link and that "on 18 November 2022 AD JESUS Christ was Anointed Anewly Into The Baptism Of Fire" as He Led The Way Best For All. As JESUS Christ stated as written in John 18:9 "This was to fulfill the word He had spoken: 'I have not lost one of those You have given Me.' ", hence according to His Word, Anewly per se "Matthew 19:30" no longer applies as previouly, and more specifically "many" hardly fits as well as the Better JESUS Christ stated "I have not lost one" hence Victory For All, though if to have said this in the old days so many would have been slackers so much more.

Today, these current years We This Civilization including All Of Creation and in Heavenly Levels, are with Christian Jerusalem, 2020AD, then JESUS Christ UN Law, 2020AD [including such as the strayed and the fallen and such as about caves such as Bigfoot and such as though Heavenly Angels and such as Galactic Federation, and so on including the 7th Seal the final Seal of the Book Of Revelation that JESUS Christ Spirit Opened 17 September 2020 AD for Everyone Of This Civilization, and JESUS Christ having been as explained above Baptized "Of Fire", 18 November 2022.

So consider a ladder to Heaven and if to climb far up but to have a lower level cut off then the ladder falls, so "Matthew 19:30" is not cast out and rather Better Appreciated and not merely in the recordkeeping reminder sense. "Matthew 19:30" is a Precept that fit. If to build a puzzle do You find a piece the perfectly fits and fit more pieces then cast out that "piece" that "perfectly fits"?, hardly [meaning no, though for instance in abstract reasoning and rather JESUS Christ Better Head With Heart Way, many puzzles have been 2D yet the body is 3D, so another 3D piece might be found as a Better Fit: from Good and Perfect to Better to Better: this is the Heavenly Language.

From the Heavenly Heart of JESUS Christ, as His Heart feeds His Word to and for All Flock Members, His Head Guides such as the Mouth in the ["timing" in the situation (see previous Sermons on timing rather than about time), and] Precepting Better for instance to text rather than be interrupted by a phone call as in former ways except for emergency if priority comprehensively (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: PCS Sermon at And concerning "priority" as in this Series JESUS Christ The Head Guiding would that rather All Righteously Prophesy so to solve prior to any "emergency".

Church Planners for instance may consider many options through several meetings prior to a new venture, though i [and likely You] have witnessed so called Experts in "emergency" situations behaving foolishly: People in routines to think about "options" thoroughly, often hardly behave as expertly in "emergency" situations, similarly a new driver without accident hardly drives a car as well when entering the first slide toward the ditch.

JESUS Christ Loyal Faithfulness Ascendingly Precept On Precept Best Guides You Over such as the above stated "2D" situation per se, in other words to Best Opt from the start, in the given current situation. JESUS Christ is [With And] Over The Head Giving the Word, and how to describe and with Hearers Listening?, it is like uhnto as written in Matthew 24:40 "Two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left.": so Behold this is a Great New Gift for Preachers and such as Teachers and CEOs instructing at meetings.

Teachers for instance had the problem such as saying something to 2 students, and the one obeyed but the other student disobeyed, such as about excuses or facts such as the disobedient did not listen to the instructions, though not necessarily the case. If a Preacher Preaches to 2 Listeners, Each Listener hardly hears the same as the Other Listener [and this is not about ears and brains nor about medical health hearing problems].

If for instance to consider JESUS Christ Better Enlightening Way then to add this Gift properly to You, even if to not yet realize. Consider His Gifts even if to merely consider in the secular levels, such as about Kirlian photography of broccoli (pic at You can see in the "pic" nebulous clusters of lights, gathering areas of spirit types, and in between the gathered Masses of plasma (JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons List: Page 31) types the plasma is missing. The broccoli is not "missing".

Like unto the Preached Word, the Word goes out (and as such as the Amish have said such as perhaps: beware of the spirits of the air) and as each molecule of air and each dust particle blocks and otherwise refracts and disrupts, 2 Listeners may hear 2 types of messages. Perhaps one is more clear though the other Listener hears the garbled stuff [such as the key point of the message].

Of course the same applies to seeing and otherwise sensing: so the Kingdom Of Heaven JESUS Christ Name Spirit NEEDS Be Within A Person.

Now the Heart continues to feed All, in the JESUS Christ Family As Faithful, though the Word NEEDS be sometimes, in some situations: repeated, and not merely simply repeated yet also as explained above such as to state "3D", and as a Person shouting out a car window to another Driver "Your blinker is on", the other Driver might not hear properly (such as Doppler shifting [rates apply, air currents, vehicle resonant sound vibrations,...) though the other Driver may notice a garbled message and check the instrument panel.

A Preacher might send People out as Sheep amidst Wolves?: who is a wolf?, Your Friends at the grocery store?, perhaps ("All" You Beloved Ones: see above). That is to say All of Us should be Ascending (see above such as Anewly Anointed JESUS Christ). Preach to and for JESUS Christ and to and for All, and "3D" and in situ and in process of Ascending (as concerning the cars).

And concerning the "blinker" and the "cars", Others may see You Preaching for Their Consideration(s) and so might Act.

Kirlian photography of a Person,

even related to Kirlian photography of a Soul.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, shows Kirlian photography of a Soul and New Victory Over Yet With Matthew 19:30 Anewly 3D Precepting in JESUS Christ Name Spirit Righteously Prophesying


3 January 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, shows Kirlian photography of a Soul and New Victory Over Yet With Matthew 19:30 Anewly 3D Precepting in JESUS Christ Name Spirit Righteously Prophesying.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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