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For info on the JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda that became Law and came into effect 2020AD

protecting not merely Churches yet All: click here.

For the original JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda Marshaling Leadership And Law that came into effect in 2020AD

at click here and see the above linked JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page pertinent Pages for specifics.

JESUS Heaven Sermon.

JESUS Christ is for as many as created hence for as many as seeking Heaven as Hoped so as many as opted to Broadcast, and Work as in Done in Heaven Of JESUS Christ Prophetic Fact as written at Literal Standard Version "as in Heaven also on the earth" (from the Lord's Prayer), the naysaying ideas about wars and Earth's destruction days have expired and have become obsolete as though falsehoods, yet of Good JESUS Christ You and Earth can be evaporated and restored of His Thought such as instantly gone for a million years and instantly restored as though nothing happened: if for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose (even in the secular reference time traveler movies in works to correct the timelines [wrongly unstated: for JESUS Christ Best Way]).

Important concerning Your Soul Now is the Ascending to the Best Position Level As JESUS Invited: to opt to Lead

or to opt to be as shown as the bottom of the garment dragged as if a slave.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Gives New Presidential Victory, bride in danger


Above is stated "to Broadcast", why, what good can it do?, consider the Givers of Missionary Work and similarly that You may have been in a hard job and each and every day at work there were people saying bad words (also against current Law, also reference Church criteria such as concerning if any cuss words hence about fines) and perhaps it was the secular worldly boss cussing the most accusingly for love of money, and what happens if called upon by that boss and You [might say] may have said a pertinent Heavenly Bible verse?,

when You quote JESUS Christ the Giver of the Way into Heaven, the cusser would typically pause: to give pause is to cause a Soul to stop and think about something carefully, even that they consider [hence have doubts about their own words] and then often the cusser would continue cussing to blame others though not always: KEY to successful Life: Heavenly! Even in the secular as similarly said on TV a couple days ago the liar [often] pauses before answering a question. They question their own stray line of thought (pertinent to checklist surveys, processes, methodologies, codes as in pre-JESUS Christ UN code of laws: reference case law(s) and in cliche legislating from the bench).

And what if the previously stated "boss" meets with His Customers that Broadcast the verses of the Biblical Good Guiding Words Of JESUS Christ, what then Will the "boss" tend to do?, to continue at risk of being caught, or rather cover the "boss" tracks hence toward Before The Fact hence toward rather Ascending With The JESUS Christ Righteous Prophesying Way?

Your Pertinent Best Way Guiding Broadcasting Does Have Good Value, and more if Your Whole Organization including Clients and Suppliers and All are Righteously Prophesying as Given to Be Doing. And hardly about merely now, this is The JESUS Christ Good ETERNAL VALUE!

The previous Sermon Gave insight unto New "Victory" perspective "Over" Moses and "Over" John The Baptist [1 of the Biblical Elijahs], and even with Easter once for Heavenly All the crucifixion that was legally counted as though over JESUS Christ though it was actually a Promotion ("King" yet the Heaven Glory is rather [than "Over"] With JESUS Christ.

For instance globally many Presidents suffered, such as to Edify of cliche "stuck between a rock and a hard place" about matters of faith [types, amounts, rates of Ascending, and other conditions such as about complex systems situations and such as timings of ancillary subsystems: in other words tactics (see rather older Sermons on "strategy", and above JESUS Way "Righteous Prophesying")], and the problem (Jeffersonian separation, a stop gap measure at the time) was solved per se with JESUS Christ UN Law that under Law the strayed and fallen faith was legally measured so Presidents no longer need be "stuck between a rock and a hard place" about matters of faith (Heavenly Victory likewise as stated above, though see previous Sermons on Purgatory).

Yet JESUS Christ Heavenly Best Guiding Soul Anewly Gives Victory Over JESUS Christ UN!

JESUS Christ UN [like unto Moses] Gave Victory Over the lower level former proven wrong

things about perps against the Law, and so over perp strayed fallen faith types (as above);

yet Exceedingly More Importantly Is JESUS Christ Giving Grace for to be Measured and not

covered under Law. For to Best Lead All is hardly about perps [rather solve the perps:

Convert them to Be Legal in Unity Best! So then Law no longer has purpose [save as much

as recordkeeping for memory yet JESUS Christ is with Perfect Remembering from Eternal

[as much as lower levels repeated, times applied]. And JESUS Christ Grace Lifts the

Worthy therefore to be Innocent JESUS Christ to be able to be with His Desperate Love Giving

Wisdom for to Measure the Good Faith legally as written "gentleness, self-control; against

such things there is no law" (New American Standard Bible Galatians 5:23):

and this makes it Best for Presidential Leading Over the future Planning

(see the Godsling Ascending from "Self Control" through "Peace" to "Love" in

JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Love Sermon at

Now Anewly from yet With JESUS Christ Soul Victoriously is this Gift, though many Souls have been slow to change (2 Peter 3:9) JESUS Christ UN is already Victory Over (past as in 2 Peter 3:10) such as Over the "Lake of Fire" (symbolized below scroll right)! What does the enslaver nasty "boss" (see above) do, threaten pay, a lower level thing hence opposite of this New Given Grace Way Leading With JESUS Christ Name Spirit Soul As Proven (such as above previously linked formulas in ibid. and in this Series with the already Proven Prophecies).

So what does the New Better Boss JESUS Christ Say And Do [such as for this New Presidential Victory]: see the above linked JESUS Love Sermon for starters [rather than about a beginner sense] is the Innocent Pure Perfect JESUS Christ Expert Leader Way as to start and rather to continue Best in a specified way,

and so in the lower levels of census as to automate as for starting to Better (from Perfect to Anewly Discovered New Higher Level Perfect Standard through JESUS Christ) a system. And therefore to 1st Lead the Faithfulness and this according to the Position of any Person [as explained above] as already established yet Anew Ascending With JESUS Christ Faith.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Gives New Presidential Victory Prophecy Timeline


22 March 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, Gives New Presidential Victory Prophecy Timeline.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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