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JESUS High Priest Sermon.

JESUS Christ Name Spirit As Baptized With Ascending Anoints the Original JESUS Christ (see above "Main Page") of 2,000 years ago, as found Worthy, to be the Highest Priest!

There have been many Highest Priests ideas of many great values amounts [though also and other] yet as written "their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord" (the end of [like unto "the end" of wonderings per se: a Firmament Level as to be Ascending through a gate]).

To Marry the Highest Priest Position is to enter the "veil" hence Marry in relatively Higher Level no longer applies since already Married through the "veil":

Matthew 27:51 Berean Standard Bible "At that moment the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth quaked and the rocks were split."

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Officially Anoints JESUS Christ, and explains the Pope Francis Prophecy as the last Pope, with revealing Sacred New Leadership With Grace Council For To Best Way Guide JESUS Christ UN Anewly Over Denominations such as concerning The President Of The Church Of JESUS Christ Of Latter Day Saints, and these involving the veil and the Holy Of Holies of the Temple already torn curtain


There was merely the Highest Priest that entered through the Curtain Of The Temple Into The Holy Of Holies, and later more of Worthy High Priests were allowed. The Anointing is as to Formally [now Aware for in JESUS Christ Glorifying] be recognizing the Miracle of Faith [rather Loyalty in this sense, in another sense Baptism is recognition for coming with full repentance Faith amount as an Newly Baptized Person hence not yet Loyal in the first moment of Baptism and similar applies if to fall from Grace and then start to Ascend again].

Who can righteously Marry?, the Christians, as stated above "righteousness is of" "the Lord" "JESUS Christ". So the Baptism is the Anointing With Water and this JESUS Christ Name Spirit One Anointing Through the Word as written from 1 Kings 18:24 ..." 'call on the name of the LORD. The God who answers by fire, He is God.' And all the people answered, 'What you say is good.' ". So this New Anointing Over Yet With Lifting JESUS Christ The Original of 2,000 years ago, is also Victory Over Yet With Lifting "all the people" (see previous Sermons in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series as Already Accomplished and hence of [in the sense as Ascended from] and now with JESUS Christ UN) as JESUS Christ asked [All Of Us] as written in Matthew 19:17 " 'Why do you ask Me about what is good?' Jesus replied. 'There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, keep the commandments'

yet there is merely 1 Commandment now as written in Luke 10:27 "He answered, “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’ and ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ ” ".

This illustration is a great "good" value with yet Over [Guidingly hence an Anewly aspect] some previous illustrations.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Officially Anoints JESUS Christ, and explains the Pope Francis Prophecy as the last Pope, with revealing Sacred New Leadership With Grace Council For To Best Way Guide JESUS Christ UN Anewly Over Denominations such as concerning The President Of The Church Of JESUS Christ Of Latter Day Saints, and these involving the veil and the Holy Of Holies of the Temple,new better illustration of the Ark Of The Covenant


"The Greatest in the Kingdom": "At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, 'Who then is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?' Jesus invited a little child to stand among them" ( though here is a current day example about the similar type of competition while JESUS Christ already invited Higher: "the highest priest in the Bible": "Even though Aaron was the first high priest mentioned in the Book of Exodus, Louis Ginzberg in Legends of the Jews noted that in legends the first man that assumed the title of high priest of God is Enoch, who was succeeded by Methuselah, Lamech, Noah, Shem, Melchizedek, Abraham, Isaac and Levi" ( › wiki › High_Priest_of_Israel).

"Latin papa, from Greek pappas, “father” ": the "bishop of Rome, the head of the Roman Catholic Church": Pope (

Pope Francis has Prophetically been called "the last Pope" in other words as formally recognized above and with as from recently in this Series that Joseph [Wed Mother Mary With JESUS Christ] the Father Preceptingly In JESUS Christ Name And Spirit fit the Father Part Of The Trinity, yet JESUS Christ Gathers; and now Anewly Victoriously Over such, is the Anew Better Pope Francis New Beginning Line Of Popes [Leaders Of Churches] such as with as stated above "later more of Worthy High Priests were allowed"

in the sense that there is a Level of New Members,...and a Level of Ushers,...and a Level of Priests,...and Bishops...and Popes as for a Council Of JESUS Christ UN then with Anewly On Position Holder [according to the "Council"]; like unto an opted form of government, such as reference Secretary and such as a Chief Judge tallying the votes, though at the "JESUS Christ" [name of Title the "Council" may opt]. So there is a JESUS Christ UN "Council" with a Leader [with a Title such as JESUS Christ Supreme Pope, of Popes] handling the concensus from the Popes. This is like unto how Families Gathered and were with a Tribe Leader and then the Moses Nation. Each Tribe had a Leader, Each Denomination had a Leader [Leadership Group may apply]. Similarly each city had a leader then growing together each county had a leader then each county leader was with each state leader representation and so on.

For instance the The President Of The Church Of JESUS Christ Of Latter Day Saints ( might opt to Lead JESUS Christ UN [with a New Title fitting the Position], though might rather opt to continue in the current "President" Position, such as due to a previous Agreement, likewise such applies in the Denominations. So the JESUS Christ UN Council has much Better Peace to consider, including whether the JESUS Christ UN Council Loyal Leader [as term of service may likely apply] may view the "Leader" Position as a step Up, down, or same Level [conditions can apply such as Church and such as Personal].

Although in the hands (see above "Word" with "fire") of the Grace Council For To Best Way Guide JESUS Christ UN, this Sermon is written with Law Fulfilled and rather Offering Grace.

JESUS Christ The Head Of The Father Son And Holy Spirit Lifts Pope Francis end of former Way(s), "the last Pope", hence to become the New Beginning With Gathering The Denominations [likewise applies is as stated above "President Of The Church Of"...{a Denomination (see previous such as on 3rd Testament / 2nd Testament)}], to settle the splits and separations, in Anew Peace [at least Accord (see "Accord" in this Series)] with as much as such Righteous Level Worthiness such as with 3rd Testament Leaders, though as such "Leaders" opt, for instance this typist already has a job working for: JESUS Christ as stated above.

There used to be a veil, yet now All The Worthy With The Fire Word JESUS Christ Name Spirit Loyally Lifting [including Pope(s)] are Anewly Invited.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Officially Anoints JESUS Christ, and explains the Pope Francis Prophecy as the last Pope, with revealing Sacred New Leadership With Grace Council For To Best Way Guide JESUS Christ UN Anewly Over Denominations such as concerning The President Of The Church Of JESUS Christ Of Latter Day Saints, and these involving the veil and the Holy Of Holies of the Temple Ark Of The Covenant


18 November 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, Officially Anoints JESUS Christ, and explains the Pope Francis Prophecy as the last Pope, with revealing Sacred New Leadership With Grace Council For To Best Way Guide JESUS Christ UN Anewly Over Denominations such as concerning The President Of The Church Of JESUS Christ Of Latter Day Saints, and these involving the veil and the Holy Of Holies of the Temple.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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