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JESUS Holy Spirit Sermon.

JESUS Christ prior to being born in the census witnessed Pure Adam And Eve opt to fall from Grace to be under the Law, known today in the secular worldly sense as legal, similar to daters that fool around [strays, many fell down into perps levels such as enslaving trafficking, even Adam And Eve became the source of all crimes]. The animals in the Garden Of Eden did not become better than Adam And Eve since under dominion, though some similarities applied such as critters in a Heavenly Level.

Though in the previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Transfiguring Sermon at it was asked "Will You turn to those as described as "sinners" for answers?": rather to Say and Do ad JESUS Christ, and if to seek Counsel then rather than "turn" is as written in the Christian Bible "Please request the word of the LORD first" (from hence as written at the top of the JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page because of enabling JESUS Christ UN Law recognizing Higher Level Grace this Generation was found Worthy so [no longer merely for original Disciples, rather Anewly:] for the Public "JESUS Christ ICCDBB Opened The 7th Seal"!

So the Public was Lifted Through a Firmament Level! All of this Civilization, and All the created, and as much as Agreeing and Doing Likewise including in Heavenly Places And Levels was Lifted and as Many as continue to become Aware Agreeing and Doing Likewise now and in the future are also Lifted.

In the 1st Testament there were after the fall from Grace and prior to the 2nd Testament,

and Behold How Important These Words Are:

there were Many obeying the Law and the Prophets!

The Legal People treated the "Prophets" of Grace as Law too.

The Law did not require Them to Obey the Righteous Prophets

Yet They DID!

So Ascending into Higher Level Grace was not merely an option to Them:

Grace Too Continues As Law To And For The Righteous!

Of The Good Word And Way

They were the Good Seed

and the Good Deeply Dug Roots

with the Founding Of The JESUS Christ

The Living Tree Of Life (see above Now Open to the Public "7th Seal") as with

"Nehemiah 8:15" and "Matthew 21:8" at

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, explains how the Righteous Spirit improved through history with JESUS Christ the Tree Of Life Inviting


To opt to stray and fall and leave the Garden Of Eden due to embarrassment [and after that risks of persecutions by other fallen: people and critters] had a type of flow falling Triadically left to right:

opted to stray then opted to continued in risks then fell and continued until into pigs and dept of the sea drowned [asleep as mud then compressed dust then rock].

It is much harder a Leap Of Faith to Save and Lift "rock" through many levels such as primordial ooze levels then plants levels then critters levels then into full repentance and become a Legal Census Person and Baptized [Save JESUS Christ Ability] than the light burden to invite a stranger to Church and They Become Enlightened.

The Flow Ascended in the Righteous:

JESUS Holy Spirit Name / 1st Testament Faith amounts though UNKNOWN GODS so to speak (like One Of Us) / Individuals that lived in the census.

Pertinent and more concisely:

JESUS Spirit / Former lower level [yet with as Many as Righteous though be aware Money Changers were on Temple premises] Holy Spirit / Individuals tilling the soil.

The previous sentence does not say Tithing is bad, especially for the sakes of the Donators and such as Freewill Offerings and such as Families and Friends Giving Presents, and Recipient values such as Hoping for Better and such as for rather to Likewise Be A Giver [as to learn the Giving Way as the Givers Evidenced and if unselfish amount then Exemplar amount rather Continuing as JESUS Christ hence in JESUS Spirit.

What was a major problem in ancient history?, many problems such as selfish conspiracies, wars, falling,...though this question concerns the reason beyond the love of money, in other words Before The Fact?: a lack of [currently Your] Writing the Living Bible: Best Leading Recordkeeping!

To consider many Bible Books were written such as in the 3rd Testament, FOR TO BEST GUIDE CIVILIZATION THROUGH THE CURRENT [Important] AND RATHER FUTURE SITUATION(S).

To Longsuffer to Work so much such as to build a ramp for Baptizing, but then to merely say It's Ok let's go swimming and boating and such as forget it was for Baptizing is an oversimplification of the real danger, worse than about great big fish in the water able to swallow big vessels: this is hardly about keeping the plans with You, and rather Writing All The Best: For All. Many yearned to be popular: Behold: JESUS Spirit Gives This Path Already, including the previous sentence. Best For All Writers can be Aware of Each Other(s) Notes and the Righteous Best Way Ascending Notes Agree As 1.

Even if a lower level novice Christian, like unto a hand Member Of JESUS Body; consider the High Priest Preaches With The Mouth, and in Maintenance the "hand" feeds the "Mouth" including the Highest Level Eucharist: "1".

In this Series recently was mentioned: a Sermon Given from another Preacher for JESUS Christ and that other

"Preacher" wondered if anyone actually read it. Go and Do Likewise! Whether They Read

or not has little to do with You if You properly publish, in the sense that in so Doing You have done what You could without excuse. When JESUS started Gathering Disciples "Another of His disciples requested, 'Lord, first let me go and bury my father.' But Jesus told him, 'Follow Me, and let the dead bury their own dead.' " (

The Kingdom Of Heaven Is Within, yet the JESUS Christ Spirit Way is Holy and much more and Better than merely than about thinking thoughts: that's what the secular worldly have done, even the Legion thought to go into the pigs;

rather Be The Good Samaritan Highest Priest As JESUS Christ So Invited You And All Us.

Even rather than "like One Of Us" JESUS Christ Invites You To Be JESUS Christ:

though rather than for selfish bragging

to be humble yet Brave, start Doing so that hence forth that if

any sees what You did, They can see it is what JESUS Christ Did

hence Preparingly Plans To Do and Better in the Future!

Let the Bride be Fit for the Groom, and rather than wondering about who's in charge (see above "1st Testament" "UNKNOWN GODS" "One Of Us" plural individuals: census vessels are worth more than such as items to be bought and sold in Churches [above stated "Ascending" Applies]). The unaware in the 1st Testament called God or "GODS" by many names, example: "For to us a child is born. To us a son is given; and the government will be on his shoulders. His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." (Isaiah 9:6 New Heart English Bible).

JESUS Christ Proved the Good Best Way: "Proved".

From Best Righteous Faithfulness came the Proof with the Known Facts. The Righteous Good Blessing Miracles came from that same JESUS Holy Spirit Through The Thread In The Righteous "Proof" ["The thread of your life" ( rather The JESUS Living Known Spirit As Proven Thread Of Our Life] is in these same Good "Known Facts" Best For All. The archaeologist for instance in interested in "Facts".

To read other than Bible secular books is to stray about flip-of-coin amounts, hence with much goodliness available, such as an archaeologist might discover a Scroll though such as among the "dead" and bearing disease and not merely about DNA, such as to cause many to stray. 1st JESUS Way then with Ascending as much as Good is added to and for You and Us, even if to temporarily interpret as if other than "Good" [consider above stated about selfishness, and consider situations already in progress such as a small about to come to Earth and perhaps cause a situation about a Person (see somewhat older Sermons on Before The Fact about a Given situation, and the Bible on chance according to The Creator JESUS Christ: form the Best Future Before The Fact)].

To be Clear: Adam And Eve fell, JESUS Christ did not fall though humbly descended the amount for All Our Sake(s) once for All for the Best as All Hoped.

The other "GODS" ideas [about Others, about Each rather than "1"]

have been as about other religions which worshiped god(s) of destructions.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, explains how the Righteous Spirit improved through history, but gods of destructions doom themselves to failures


6 February 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, explains how the Righteous Spirit improved through history.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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