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JESUS Holy Vessel Sermon.

JESUS Christ said as written in Mark 9:41 Berean Standard Bible "Indeed, if anyone gives you even a cup of water because you bear the name of Christ, truly I tell you, he will never lose his reward.": also to Be in the Name and Spirit of JESUS Christ To GIVE the water is Likewise Charitable Through JESUS Christ and Good even while in the Census Vessel Self Christian Person. So the JESUS Christ Spirit Victory In The Self Person GIVING and even though formerly in lower levels about cliche "works of hands", is this Anewly Recognized as Over Works Of Hands. This Agrees With Spirit Power In The Word Of JESUS The Christ. The Spirit is Better, though hardly if to cease from Giving Better.

Broadcast in the previous Sermon was how "Righteously Prophesyingly Explains What To Prepare For In The Near Future And How To Prepare Through JESUS Christ with NEEDFUL BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN and about" the "population explosion" and the value of typing online for You to solve (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS: How To Prepare Sermon at

People such as Apostle Paul sailed West, and in His sailing trips He went farther and farther spreading the Living Word of JESUS Christ. In the map is shown human migration from Spain to [Oak Island (see previous in this Series on Holy Grail such as in the recent JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Ark Of The Covenant Sermon in Page 31 List of Sermons)].

To Edify 1st in the secular sense then the Higher Level: People had treasures, and where to keep those biggest treasures safe [whether of Pirates and/or whether of Countries and Royal Decrees]?: the treasures were hidden where the People were not, especially far away from the Civilized More Aware People, such as toward the "Ice Sheet", Oak Island [love of "Money Pit" booty, and rather] the buried Holy Eucharist Grail when actually it should have been placed as Jerusalem a City set on a hill, though lost to JESUS Christ UN Fulfilling Law as Anewly Claimed.

For who treasures the booty, and to whom does it belong?, the lower things have been to the lower level Hopes and their struggles in works and risks, yet [be careful how Ye Listen] the lower levels MUST come out of hiding to sell to the Higher Level Priesthood, and this New Gift from JESUS Spirit to and for the "Priesthood", the looters want to sell but if unable They throw such away or importantly They play with for to make fun in selfish pride and in so playing often damage: so let the "Priesthood" caringly be Openly Righteous through legalities yet Charitable (JESUS Christ UN Initiative).

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Righteously Prophesyingly Explains What PEOPLE OF THE FUTURE Will Be Doing and explains about what spirits are hence about the secular mind and ideas rather reason to type with Great Good Value for Choirs rather than repeat shows on TV that merely show lips move yet with the Word, yet People buy headphones for music listening, and how the Word comes to Life within the New JESUS Christ UN Initiative, why the Holy Grail was placed where it is, map


Other than for fun touring about, a secular Person does not go to a grocery store destination then consider whether the pantries at home are already full of foods,

rather a Person sees the NEED [JESUS Christ Faith Applies such as to Evangelize and such as to go to Church and such as to type Sermons and Broadcast]

then prepares such as to put on clothes gather wallet with drivers license and coupons then go into the car and drive to the pertinent destination.

So the properly prepared spirit, even in the secular, whether a looter or other [and rather than about confusions] is with the best way accomplishing as planned.

So even the falling spirits have had plans, though that caused Themselves increased bothers.

Behold what the Apostles Taught, They had prior to Discipleship been affected in worldly spirit(s), then Ascended through JESUS Christ Spirit into JESUS Christ Spirit Level as written: "12We have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us. 13And this is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom, but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words. 14The natural man does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God. For they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned." (

JESUS Christ acts Directly Personally in Lives when the Best Way For All

within His Original Plan Good Highest Purpose Giving Desperate Love.

Now, as if to say other, as if to separate, though rather for Edifying

like unto a Captain Of A Giant Ship Giving Away Control that tiny tugboats serve

their greater purpose [and Grow With] moving the Great Ship;

from JESUS Christ Work Giving The Best Way For His Apostles Worked Likewise

Through JESUS Christ ICCDBB Spirit Work Giving You this Work To Give.

And Behold: a radio broadcast similar to a TV broadcast had [and has] value(s)


In other words, what is the temporary?, the temporary is as written about the world spirit level as if merely [devoid of JESUS Christ Spirit Proper Precepting] as written in 2 Corinthians 4:18 Berean Standard Bible "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.", of Tremendous Good Value and rather Greater Good Preceptingly Through JESUS Christ with as written in 2 Corinthians 5:7 "For we walk by faith, not by sight.".

JESUS Christ explained about the "Scribes" under letter of the Law that did not make perfect

Save until JESUS Christ UN Law For Grace, while also recognizing the JESUS Christ Way

that Perfected [about 2,000 year ago] the Moses Law Giver Way as JESUS Christ UN Law made Public,

that Gave into the Public Awareness For All. This is even the Living Growing Magnifyingly Better

Word of JESUS Christ Spirit:

To Read though rather than about merely letters nor merely about digital pixels such as if

merely how the size of 1 letter differs from another same character letter [a type of value],

rather the sentence as a whole, rather the Sermons as a whole, and the gist of the Most Important per se.

So to Edify, not merely wandering from water hole to water hole [not forbidden by Law though prior to JESUS Christ UN Laws confused such as no trespassing], rather as stated above in the "car" example. A Church Member hears the Word though after leaving a Service the Church Member becomes no longer hearing the Word, the moment has passed away from the census. Rather as WRITTEN in Malachi 3:16 Berean Standard Bible "At that time those who feared the LORD spoke with one another, and the LORD listened and heard them. So a scroll of remembrance was written before Him regarding those who feared the LORD and honored His name.": Go And Do Likewise With Giving: Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law With Peace Formula.

Where is Your Faith?, JESUS Christ asked [for their sakes] "How be it that ye have not written this"? (from 3 Nephi 23:11).

The mind plays tricks [at least according to the secular] and what is the spirit?: spirits are often as mental ideas.

Yet the written record [likewise recordings (Choirs) (see "tags:" "TV")] is the Living [in Them as they read: Anew Good JESUS Christ Spirit Value in Them from Us Together] Good Word Spirit: it comes to Life in them, Creators As 1 [as much as Faithfully Broadcasting In JESUS Christ Highest Purpose].

Today from JESUS Christ Spirit JESUS Christ ICCDBB Gives You this: JESUS Christ Market Penetration Way Gift for You to Light the Way: as You type online a Sermon in the Name And Spirit [Living Word In The 7th Seal] Of And With JESUS Christ, it is the PEOPLE OF THE FUTURE that read and Likewise Motivated [rates apply, situations may apply ("chance happeneth to them all" from Ecclesiastes 9:11 King James Bible)] to Give to and for You [and JESUS Christ] because You Gave to and for Them.

Scroll to the upper right to see Your Online NEEDFUL BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST Potential Reaching 8 Billion [and the UFOs...].

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Righteously Prophesyingly Explains What PEOPLE OF THE FUTURE Will Be Doing and explains about what spirits are hence about the secular mind and ideas rather reason to type with Great Good Value for Choirs rather than repeat shows on TV that merely show lips move yet with the Word, yet People buy headphones for music listening, and how the Word comes to Life within the New JESUS Christ UN Initiative, big typing online market value graph, Holy Grail map


9 February 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, Righteously Prophesyingly Explains What PEOPLE OF THE FUTURE Will Be Doing and explains about what spirits are hence about the secular mind and ideas rather reason to type with Great Good Value for Choirs rather than repeat shows on TV that merely show lips move yet with the Word, yet People buy headphones for music listening, and how the Word comes to Life within the New JESUS Christ UN Initiative Holy Grail map, big typing online market value graph.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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