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JESUS Honorable Sermon.

JESUS Christ Honored Us with His presence in the census 2,000 years ago with Preaching and Showing Us how to Best Way Live.

Many created People react as "Honorable" is associated with as often shown on TV the English Royal Family and Knights though such have actually been less about jousting and more concerning Chivalry. Chivalry is "the sum of the ideal qualifications of a knight, including courtesy, generosity, valor, and dexterity in arms" ( So "Honorable" Preceptingly is as previous Sermon On Sermon stated in JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series: JESUS Is Now Doing Sermon at concerning the Good JESUS Christ With The Best Way For All, rather than about very risky jousting (reference: friendly fire) and worse.

Chivalry shown here with Bikers Honorably Respecting The Principle Of Sharing The Road.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Gives the sum of the ideal qualifications of Worthiness of Sacred Ascending Over previous matters kept secret since the world began including JESUS Christ Ascending With Family Leadership, and with how JESUS Christ is clearly the Creator including Over Genesis as in the first Book Of The Bible of old on which Many Honorable Swore Oaths Of Offices Principles, bikers, bicycles, bikes, also King / Prince / Duke / Marquis / Earl / Viscount / Knight / Squire / Page / Peasant


This Ascending Agrees With JESUS Christ Family Leadership,

rather than merely as if stuck at age 12 when removed from the Temple.

JESUS Christ Ascends With Family Leadership, and rather simultaneously at least: for instance a Child may follow a Parent so the Parent responsibly keeps looking backward as rather Beside Each Other and greater Delight is as written in Matthew 24:46 English Standard Version "Blessed is that servant whom his master will find so doing when he comes.": Best Lead Paving The Way.

Some roads Pave The Way horizontally, though the Righteous Christian Church In JESUS Christ Name And Spirit As Baptized Best Leads Precept On Precept Paves The Way Ascendingly and rather than merely after-the-fact as outer space rocketry has been as much as merely secular having pretended separated from the Creator JESUS Christ.

As written in 3 Nephi 9:15 "Behold, I am Jesus Christ the Son of God. I created the heavens and the earth, and all things that in them are. I was with the Father from the beginning. I am in the Father, and the Father in me; and in me hath the Father glorified his name."!

What if You are told all day long everyday that You are wrong, bad, and worthless: You might be suicidal: that is what We The People are doing when loving courts [with conspirators (have You ever been such as on Jury Duty?)] and persecutions (reference Roman Crucifiers) if against redeeming social value [it's the Law] and rather With Churches And All Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law Recognizing Higher Level Grace [including Honorable, Righteousness, Mercy,...and redeeming social value: the Uplifting Ascending Spirit Of JESUS Christ Exemplar].

Understand a so called Peasant can be as Honorable as a King, and without price, without buying favors.

The dictionary explains Honorable is with the "upright", and You are Aware of the Principles Of Faith and now with "principles of honor" with "dignity" similarly "distinction" [see many Sermons in this Series on Best Way Distinguishing], being "noble" and "illustrious" [and not merely gifs and illustrations yet fittingly Preceptingly], similarly "distinguished" and "worthy of honor and high respect; estimable; creditable bringing honor" similarly "credit; consistent with honor" [also JESUS Christ set a Child in the midst:] "a title of courtesy for children of peers ranking below a marquis" and so this Flow of Positions:

King / Prince / Duke / Marquis / Earl / Viscount / Knight / Squire / Page / Peasant

( thread); (JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series: Covenants, Gifts, with Benefits Sermon at

So for instance a typical Page is of Peasant experience and education, such as Continuing to Ascend [in the secular at least] For Added Worthiness hence to become this formula:

Squire = Page x Peasant.

Knight = Squire x Page.

Viscount = Knight x Squire.

Earl = Viscount x Knight.

Marquis = Earl x Viscount.

Duke = Marquis x Earl.

Prince = Duke x Marquis.

King = Prince x Duke.

So JESUS Christ Honorable Ascending Flow Way Guides Us through the Paved Path Heavenly at least in a type of government sense, and this Principle Of Faith and now with "principles of honor" applies for the greater Good as with types of Positions and even types of Methodologies as for to First For JESUS Christ Be Leading Righteously even Perfectly.

I send You out on a Great Mission [lest cast out as debris] as Sheep amidst wolves [rather future Sheep with Mission Success],

rather than look at the Rain Forest Jungle and to stop and regret the idea naysaying: "It's a jungle out there" [as if unaware where to begin].

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Gives the sum of the ideal qualifications of Worthiness of Sacred Ascending Over previous matters kept secret since the world began including JESUS Christ Ascending With Family Leadership, and with how JESUS Christ is clearly the Creator including Over Genesis as in the first Book Of The Bible of old on which Many Honorable Swore Oaths Of Offices Principles, log roads, also King / Prince / Duke / Marquis / Earl / Viscount / Knight / Squire / Page / Peasant


28 November 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, Gives the sum of the ideal qualifications of Worthiness of Sacred Ascending Over previous matters kept secret since the world began including JESUS Christ Ascending With Family Leadership, and with how JESUS Christ is clearly the Creator including Over Genesis as in the first Book Of The Bible of old on which Many Honorable Swore Oaths Of Offices Principles, also King / Prince / Duke / Marquis / Earl / Viscount / Knight / Squire / Page / Peasant.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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