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JESUS In Outer Space Sermon.

JESUS Christ is everywhere as much as Good hence everywhere though any lacking Faithfulness in lower levels astray, opted to look away from JESUS Goodness hence unable to look away or stray but such do not understand, hence such as opted have been severely confused and confessed "I'm sick and tired" of "you", "JESUS", and "everything" as such search how to be a perp; Save through full repentance and to be through JESUS Christ Faithfully and 1 JESUS Family Work including Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN as needful now, in the census as a minimum

[note there is a Book Of Remembrance for Each to write hence to improve that situation of "Each", for the future such as to post a warning sign in the Living Bible about a pitfall and rather remove a pitfall and rather that merely about the self hence Best For All as JESUS Christ said in Matthew 6:33 Berean Standard Bible "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be

added unto you.", hence Anewly through JESUS Christ: added unto and for All!:

therefore provide the JESUS Christ Good Eternal that cannot tarnish nor cause harm]!

If JESUS Christ sends You an His Mission, then to Go Do, though naysayers may see You and falsely accuse for selfish ego so say "You turned away, I saw it".

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, reveals why JESUS Christ left Earth while unseen in the tomb and Gives the New Vacation Plan For You To Administer Over with Humans weighing about over 1/2 trillion pounds, Good Samaritan

People passed by the Person lying in a roadside ditch, yet be aware such as concerning current Japanese

high speed rail Commuters that the Good Samaritan Work today in the census is Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN.


JESUS Christ is everywhere though unnoticed. This Series often talked about the "Perps" "Naysayers" and such that opted to stray into risks, hence about lower levels yet for Edifying in this Series hence rather for JESUS Christ Best Way For All Giving Desperate Love, the Peace Formula, and the 7th Seal.

So notice the previous sentence such as "7th Seal" about lower levels of situations, yet the same JESUS Christ Best Way For All Broadcasting His "7th Seal" is Eternal Good Truth Righteously Faithful: Eternally Higher Better Levels. The lower levels loop around, the lower levels repeat situations. World without end Ascends.

JESUS Christ can appear multiple places simultaneously. Yet for a Higher Level than "Perp" level, Edifying such as concerning the Ascending Preacher, if to consider merely 1 JESUS Christ in the 2,000 years ago sense and about merely 1 JESUS Christ that walked out of the JESUS Christ tomb per se; why did JESUS Christ leave Earth fulfilling All the Righteous Prophets as did Enoch?: Genesis 5:23 and 24 Douay-Rheims Bible "And all the days of Henoch were three hundred and sixty-five years. And he walked with God, and was seen no more: because God took him.", as symbolized here.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, reveals why JESUS Christ left Earth while unseen in the tomb and Gives the New Vacation Plan For You To Administer Over with Humans weighing about over 1/2 trillion pounds, NASA Falcon 9 rocket carrying the company SpaceX's Crew Dragon spacecraft launched 2022 on JESUS Christ UN Mission going to the International Space Station, ISS

Falcon 9 rocket carrying the company SpaceX's Crew "Dragon spacecraft" launched Oct. 5, 2022 on JESUS Christ UN Mission going to the International Space Station, ISS.


The answer is in the question. JESUS Christ left Earth [not for lower levels reasons to as if stray as if to be able to hide from the Omnipresent Creator as written even if unseen in Deuteronomy 31:6 "Do manfully and be of good heart: fear not, nor be ye dismayed at their sight: for the Lord thy God he himself is thy leader, and will not leave thee nor forsake thee"] in the words "fulfilling All", having fulfilled all the Law and "the Righteous Prophets": so JESUS Christ is is done on Earth until Earth Bride is Worthy to receive His Second Coming [in the Everlasting sense rather than about Visitations].

It was on Earth in the Census [note: He was felt in the womb though hardly in the tomb UNSEEN hence as written in Matthew 8:20

"And Jesus saith to him: The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air nests: but the son of man hath not where to lay his head."

And JESUS Christ continues in the singular Head Of Family census sense in outer space [yet visiting everywhere: also fulfilling continually Hebrews 13:2 "And hospitality do not forget; for by this some, being not aware of it, have entertained angels.".

So JESUS Christ left Earth then, in the tomb Spiritually Faithfully as much as life has been

counted under the Law, hence the Living JESUS Christ left, "gave up the ghost" yet in New Victory

Over yet with record of Genesis 25:8, so where that Ghost Went was the Living JESUS Christ,

also rather than believe Law that did not make perfect [Save JESUS Christ hence JESUS Christ UN]

Believe innocent humble Prayerful Respectful JESUS Christ the Good Eternal Living 1.

So there was an anomaly [the Living JESUS Christ, the Law that did not make perfect was unaware

similar to a cloud [yet Alive] that served as the JESUS Christ Vessel*, that was and is and

Will Be [Prophesyingly] able to be in Flesh and in Spirit as He Opts: Best Way For All.

*Saint Augustine explained "He that is begotten mortal generates that which himself is", and Incorruptible begets Incorruptible begets though corruptible has begotten corruptible ( Precept on Precept. This is simple rather than complex. Proof is in the relative complexities unseen by the works of hands as much as did not give JESUS Christ the credit [hence in favor for to increase risks and multiply dangers] in the above pic.

Good begets Good, yet singular Good may [conditions apply] also beget plural Good in Many (see above "Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN" Peace Formula...).

So was JESUS Christ goofing off, asleep in the tomb?, rather He was hard at Work AS NEVER BEFORE!, [likewise] (see older Sermon Top Drawing in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Sleeping For Us Sermon at appearing to sleep [or be dead] yet rather Overseeing Everything Eternally for to be able to have been found so Worthy (Luke 19:17 and rather 1 Corinthians 15:24).

If as lower levels had counted, if to work, play, or other: for Our Sake(s) including Him Perfectly Enjoying [other than as strayed and fallen opted hence rather be Faithful in JESUS Christ lest to receive risks dangers and fallen worsening addictions results from being able to opt rather than being slaves! Lower than animals are robots, similar to clam shells without the living muscle clams: the hearts of the clams.

Asking for Your sake, in JESUS Spirit this is asked: what is it like to go Perfectly [Perfecting] on a Mission, as JESUS Christ Sends?, it is like going on vacation; symbolically as a trusted employee being sent on a sales job: so the worthy according to a boss, capable of victory, is sent on a lower level job; in other words a High Level Person is able to accomplish a low level task for instance a CEO normally is with Secretary writing the memos though in a pinch the CEO can quickly write the memo, easy as pie; though situations apply and types of talents, such as the handwriting scribble by the CEO might not be recognized and understood by the Recipient so a secular mission might fail, also be aware to Better Interpret Ascendingly.

So We see this that had been unseen Over the JESUS Christ New Vacation Plan For You To Administer Over. So this is New Righteous Proof In JESUS Christ Desperate Love Giving for Your Giving for Them Giving as Agreeing with previous "We no longer have to Longsuffer and this Sermon Newly Reveals how to according to the JESUS Christ Plan proportional relationship" (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Value Sermon at the Higher Better Level Vacation Victory Over the minute lower level [memo] yet Maintenance Responsibility Applies and also likewise Faithfully. Bear Your Vacation Cross Daily.

If the average census living human [zygote through Elder] symbolically weighs 75 pounds

and You are supposed to lift and carry "75 pounds" to a hotel with a vacancy 10 miles away

[prepare hence times 8 billion People], Good Samaritan, then rather We Send You on this

[relative] Vacation, lift and Guide All Best Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN as stated above.

25 February 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, reveals why JESUS Christ left Earth while unseen in the tomb and Gives the New Vacation Plan For You To Administer Over with Humans weighing about over 1/2 trillion pounds for the More Worthy New Type Of Good Samaritan Mission, Falcon 9 rocket carrying the company SpaceX's Crew Dragon spacecraft launched October 5 2022 on JESUS Christ UN Mission going to the International Space Station ISS.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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