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JESUS In This World Sermon.

JESUS is Good, the source of Desperate Love Giving and Joy and Peace and of His Original Plan for Best For All. If You do not bring JESUS into this world, Creating Heaven On Earth..., then hardly in the next world, such as after passed away [or even having passed from such as grade 8 to grade 9]. If You fail to bring JESUS Goodness into this current situation, then to have become entrenched, stuck-in-a-rut, addicted to such as trivial pursuit [not about the game though nice, legal, as for the so interested as for kinship with friends].

Often experiences have taught as i confess, if to "fail" an amount of Faithfulness in this world, it is that much harder to Flowingly Ascend As JESUS Christ Way Better New Perfect on the former level, in the next world, meaning Purgatory [normally pertinent about Many about: the Living and opted to stray for selfishness toward tyranny (Ezekiel 32:25 & 26).

Since "such a person has no root, but endures only for a while, and when trouble" "arises" about "the word" such "person" "falls" (Matthew 13:21).

A Christian might say They were Christian 50 years, though if to stray due to a distractions in thoughts, then as Missions Failures (miss point, miss train, coitus interruptus, even Leviticus 22:4).

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, reveals JESUS Soul thus far, confessing the Hardness Of The Work as though trivialized of Overriding Faithfulness Ascending As JESUS Taught And Did, Leviticus 22:4, miss point, miss train, miss the ship, miss the boat, coitus interruptus, masturbation, Eunuch for the Kingdom Of Heaven sake, Pope responsibilities, Priest responsibility, Preacher, funnel, tube parameter, diameter, ascending way


Yesterday's Sermon again emphasized such as "fully repentant". And i confess again 2 Sermons ago specified "how to Pray all Day". Look and Behold these Words of the JESUS Original Plan, i'm in the Living Bible, at least as much as confessing; if to be "fully repentant" Baptized and "Pray all Day" then do this Broadcasting yet rather without need to confess, Save in JESUS Christ Soul to Confess as much as Good [hardly for your selfishness, yet] for All Them. JESUS Perfect is without "Them" therefore for "JESUS Original Plan" Creator.

Not necessarily exaggerating, if not on time every moment of Your Faith in His Faith, then as a dead man walking.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, reveals JESUS Soul thus far, confessing the Hardness Of The Work as though trivialized of Overriding Faithfulness Ascending As JESUS Taught And Did, Leviticus 22:4, nocturnal emissions, premature ejaculation, sexual activities, sex, Wed, Marry, Eunuch, Wedding, xray, catch a ride, thumbing.

( / Google "missed the train" "gif" "wordpress").

"But this is what the LORD says: 'I will reward your evil with evil; you won’t be able to pull your neck out of the noose.

You will no longer walk around proudly, for it will be a terrible time' "

[concerning Lexicon, not "Against", rather "Above, over" for this People, Protection for this My People]

( New Living Translation with the Anewly Best Perfect In JESUS Soul Lexicon).

Hardly about death, though even corpses thrown onto corpses can cause the New Hope to point the JESUS Way as a finger that pointed down or sideways might be repositioned

to point up similar to as shown above as written from Ecclesiastes 9:11 King James Version "chance happeneth to them all" (fairly recent Sermon "happeneth": JESUS 1 act of happening).

Be original JESUS Christ Faithfulness 1 with His Original Plan Faithfulness, and if not to stray from Given Missions then this NEW VICTORY as much as for "All Them"

Over yet with as much as pertinent, above stated "Leviticus 22:4", so if the Mission Given per se includes "Leviticus 22:4" then humbly Prayerfully be obedient.

And when is it not?: Be Gentle and Graceful on the New Visitor, and Welcome also the New Church Member, and if to Welcome Visitors then to allow

legal minimal for the Ascending, yet as the "New Visitor" is Given a measure of Grace, so much more Responsibility For The Worthy,

such as not to daydream while driving a car, and Ascendingly not to blow up the Milky Way while distracted in playful fun

(this is not anti-video games nor anti-TV...though let's make All More Worthy and lower level yens become as pacifiers.

Thanks Be For JESUS Soul Guiding during this. While writing this it was as if to die needlessly, JESUS already did it,

though JESUS Guides Ascendingly for Every and All to be Improving, and Perfect, it's Possible, it's as You Hoped.

26 August 2023 AD.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, reveals JESUS Soul thus far, confessing the Hardness Of The Work as though trivialized of Overriding Faithfulness Ascending As JESUS Taught And Did, Leviticus 22:4.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 35.

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