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JESUS IS FACT, Rather Than About Debating, Sermon.

JESUS IS FACT AND REAL AND ALIVE, rather than about unfounded other side debates or wars or unawarenesses. In secular schools some Teachers and Professors Would Separate Children To Be Against Each Other, To Compete, or To Be On Teams Against Each Other such as To Get An A And Cause The Others To Fail.

"To Cause The Others To Fail" was not merely "To Get An A", rather to entirely overcome Everything the Other Side said even if what They said was Perfect. If They said a Beautiful Solution Best For All, the secular assignments of "some" confused "Teachers and Professors" was to be more credible as if able even if in tactics to embarrass, humiliate, undo their knowledge, and to undo their Splendid hard work(s) to discredit Them.

Secular hatred of innocent Children is wrong. Secular hatred of innocent Perfection has been wrong.

If there is a need to itemize, Ok, yet Normally to Do as JESUS Christ Explained: The Best Way For All, as All Hoped, hence as Sent.

If You like Tangerines and Oranges, and are out working while Your Family depends on Your income though become suddenly out of work

and about to lose Your house and clothes and things though are hired by a Tangerine Lobby and told Your job is to eradicate the Orange Industry

then would You sell Your Soul, Your Moral Principles [including "You like Tangerines and Oranges"] because a less Ascended Person told You to "eradicate"?

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, concerning the military and fat people..., explains what is Best For All, tangerine war.


Who is the flamethrower?: the destroyer and those that so opt, for love of money.

Notice the confused told you to "eradicate", and said nothing about helping to improve the tangerine industry.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, concerning the military and fat people..., explains what is Best For All, tangerine war.


And what about computers programmed to follow orders?

JESUS Christ stated "For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and for the gospel will save it. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?" ( And if You are Broadcasting the previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS New Holy Spirit Sermon at, then Many "Outer Space UFOs and strange spirits and critters" may become Friendly prior to encountering rather than to assume You are high risk (see above).

Maintenance Responsibility includes that where there is a monetary system for goodly reasoning, then to be handling the money properly, income with lower level ancillary expenditures so as less about being a slave to money indebtness. I'm an Elder now and Hopefully Prayerfully creating continuous improvement the Best Way For All, though when young at home and in school there was hardly any mention of checkbook nor of banking, and it continues today, unawareness because of greed, camoulaged under the guise of for security and future reasonings. So "future reasonings" might not have included much about the Hopes of the Innocent Children that the Parents bore. To invest in a Candy Store and in a Toy Store can be considered and rather than the above illustrations.

For instance "Child's Play Toy Store pays an average salary of $3,579,913 and salaries range from a low of $3,161,497 to a high of $4,057,354." (

JESUS Christ said many Perfectly Good things, that this current Civilization has often misinterpreted. Let's fit these Perfect Sayings, with these Perfect Precepts, Together the Best Way For All. JESUS Christ said in Luke 12:52 Berean Standard Bible "From now on, five in one household will be divided, three against two and two against three."

"From now on, five in one household will be divided, three against two and two against three",

plainly Edifying the secular level way: this is not at all about separation nor for to destroy.

This is stated invitingly, NOT to kill JESUS Christ [nor Us nor as Many as Each Hoped For Best].

Furthermore "plainly" stated this is not for caste system by birth, nor for illegal pyramid scheme

nor prior to jury verdict for to sue to then arrest prior to jail [then prison then above pic].

JESUS Christ said in Luke 12:49 "I have come to ignite a fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!"

JESUS Christ said in Luke 23:31 "For if men do these things while the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?": the answer was shown in the previous pic.

The answer was shown in the 1st Testament. The previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS New Holy Spirit Sermon at"


To take the parables of JESUS Christ and to put them out of context, to make them counted as if not pertinent

has been that You in this Civilization as much as so doing, even a tiny amount feeling as if backed into a corner

as if no other choice, is the measure of Your Character or lack of it.

Luke 12:43 "Blessed is that servant whose master finds him doing so when he returns"

Lifting the Worthy hence the Good, Level On Level.

Edifyingly this is not about me nor JESUS Christ, We already Broadcast. This concerns You, Beloved.

This is very little about JESUS Christ [and "me"], for Your sake to do Best For All As Hoped. Invite the former so called enemy to become Your Asset, and rather than by trickery, Broadcast. Rather than by a hook that injures is the net, and rather than the net is the Best Love Invitingly [not crazy, rather Law and then rather Legally Yet Morally] Preceptingly.

What does "backed into a corner" mean?, to a fat Person it means no Candy Store, to a pistol salesperson it means no wars, to a drug addict it means no more crazy, to a secular teacher it means to teach the Good as JESUS Christ Taught And Did and not merely as if Your Classroom it is His Classroom With His Students and for the sakes of the teachers JESUS Christ OWNS The Adminstration Over You so no excuses. If They come to Your Candy Store and are too fat, advise Them about not buying for Their Sakes, yes even if to talk about their appearances: where their strayed confusions led them their spirit followed evidently so talk with them to see how much is addiction or such as if not fat but pregnant (previous Sermon explained about exposing "SOME self vulnerabilities").

I am vulnerable as much as, and rather if i stray away from JESUS Christ Best Way For All, so then i would fall: now You have the idea as if how to defeat me. In my life a person punched me and others merely because that person felt like it, another had their attack dog draw blood from me and from many other children, another fired some of us without warning the day before Christmas; and yet i Bless Them Now [these are real and actually happened], worse happened to JESUS, and JESUS Christ and i Bless and Invite Them.

In High Level cliche "Visitors Welcome!"

On TV, some actually went to war and with missing limbs invite to be like them, as they say "I would do it again", yet Edifyingly JESUS Christ is not for destroying limbs of His Faithful Children (without price applies: Revelation 22:17). To have limbs blasted off has been to needlessly suffer. Who Will Save the Innocent victims?, not you if you encourage wars ways. Broadcast the Best, Before The Fact. Bravery does not equal hiding behind a pistol. Cowardice has been in works to hide behind the pistols. I was an unarmed security guard with weapons often being fired nearby, rather now Preaching, Broadcasting the Better Way For All. I confess about the other jobs, yet Broadcasting JESUS Christ The Best Way For All needs no confession.

Behold how mean this Sermon sounds, did the Roman Legion Give lives for me, hardly; yet JESUS Christ DID.

Some would murder on the pretense of upholding the Law, but to break the Law does not uphold the Law. Laws that allow any to commit murder are not Law but have been illegal activities. What if a terrorist group comes and begins cutting off limbs, the TV militants have been Ok with losing limbs, FACT. Why would terrorists [including White Collar] attack?, lack of Giving Best For All, FACT.

This Sermon is not mean, it is Very Polite And Kind And A Beautiful Blessing Over All The Created Eternally at least so far Ascended, for this current Civilization Leadership Level, With Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN 7th Seal All Good!

23 May 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, concerning the military and fat people..., explains what is Best For All, tangerine war.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 33.

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