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JESUS Joseph Mary Sermon.

JESUS Christ as symbolized here at the right hand of [God The] Father Joseph, puts Mother Mary at the right hand of JESUS Christ, (more clear than symbolized and explained in yesterday's JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS New Equality Signs Sermon at

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with how the Godhead Trinity Protectors are in specifics with Mother Mary With JESUS Christ at the right hand of Father Joseph, about Men and Women Authorities, and specifics of how i so to speak got this far.


Consider the Birth Of JESUS Christ and how Good Parents say such as "We'll do our best to protect you", or mere pertinent such as "We'll always protect you" and so as such Hoped (see previous in this Series on Eucharist Wine as All Hoped For Better) for the Chosen Parents, Father Joseph and Mother Mary continue to be JESUS Christ Protectors to the right and left [yet are also able to move around and beyond created understandings].

Father Joseph is a bit easier to explain than Mother Mary per se, as Father Joseph is Boldly Brave concerning Marrying Mother Mary, yet Innocent concerning the Conception of JESUS Christ, also if some wonder what it is to be a Man, the Wife, and likewise the single Woman, in charge of a situation such as the Residence and such as an Officer in the Church, as in charge in authority [conditions often apply] as a Man so "in charge" would be, though per se with the Man not at the Residence and not at the Position.

A Woman such as Mother Mary may be able to Give Birth to Many Offspring, hence Holy Spirit BC [more unknown than now] was about Souls, plural. When Mother Mary was Giving Birth For JESUS Christ For Best For All, in that umbilical cord situation Mother Mary [in current legal terms that have been disputed] toward the start was 1 or 2 People so to speak. So there has been a divided mind idea in the Godhead Trinity, such as so called cliche "anti-Christ at the left hand of God the Father".

As written in Mark 3:24 Berean Standard Bible "If a kingdom is divided against itself, it cannot stand.", and what this means is in the next sentence.

As Women have nursed, the Woman has typically been more over the Home than the Higher Level "work of the Lord" as written at "I want you to be free from concern. The unmarried man is concerned about the work of the Lord, how he can please the Lord. But the married man is concerned about the affairs of this world, how he can please his wife, and his interests are divided. The unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the work of the Lord, how she can be holy in both body and spirit. But the married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world, how she can please her husband.", Save Mother Mary With JESUS Christ. Then Mother Mary Was With More Children (many sources about various info).

So this Sets The Record Straight. Concerning Lawmaking, respectfully pertinent Position Holders are invited to read and consider.

Many have wondered about myself, such as how i could open the 7th Seal?, and about my name, whether JESUS Christ?: to my Amazement I opened the 7th Seal with first the realization that JESUS Christ had done it about 2,000 years ago, so i merely Gave such to this Civilization this year; concerning whether i am "JESUS Christ" it is as a fully repentant Baptized Person, yet to better explain: when young i went to Christian Presbyterian Church and was often listening, and often bored and distracted, and growing up a little i asked the Preacher and Others about whether the Church was in charge as the Bible explained or if [secular] Law was in charge and was wrongly [Respectfully humbly, Blessed People please forgive yet make the Innocent Righteous Truth Broadcast] told Law was in charge, such as Churches had to comply with plumbing and electric and other codes of Law.

So i became a secular even in Church, and Beloved Friends, secular told lies and not in the Biblical sense that the whole situation story was told that Good Achieved rather than strayed ways. Be with this previous sentence when Writing Your Part Of The One Whole: JESUS Christ Living Bible.

In 1977 AD a Christian, Dean, convinced me about how it was possible to be unfaithful in the Beginning and in the Garden Of Eden, He said "ambition", and this Series Of Sermons has said as specified in many Biblical ways and rather the Gift to opt (Tree Of Knowledge Fruit) was stolen, rather JESUS Christ Gives It Freely, including BC, though for the Worthy (reference Eucharist).

So after those strayed secular fallen into agnosticism and atheism ways, after infant sprinkling Baptism [i asked a Christian Preacher if need to be Baptized again and He said "No" as is Biblical, though hence for let Christening exist and let the more mature be concerning more important decision making: so this is a function more of Preaching than merely about symbolically how fast a Person develops. This is More Concerning JESUS Christ Completely rather than about the vessels He created yet a concern of Souls In One JESUS Christ. And These are matters of Grace, likewise such as stated above concerning Over "Lawmaking"; also individual Church criteria applies.

Loyally in JESUS Christ as with transferring secular jobs and hence changing Churches, i went from back Pew Member to Usher to Preacher. In Churches there were some situations and i wondered how such Loving Hearted People could justify doing such things, such as making fun of a Church Member that went a little too far, not illegal though there morals were a concern, and reading the Bible JESUS Christ said in some verses that fit that situation and such various pertinent things, and after Teaching JESUS Christ walked away from those People, such as about Matthew 13:58.

So i wrote and published the 4th Testament (see above "Main Page"), with writing this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series Loyally. With time, some dreams became more as reality in the sense i was able to control much more in dreams [though to this day i often control nothing in many dreams and am unaware of pertinence and hear very many untrustworthy naysayer spirits full of questions and unable to explain, in the Biblical sense, and also some Helpful Souls].

Also Good Angelic Spirits came such as singing in my vocal cords inaudibly Save in my head, and such as controlling how i flew over trees in some dreams. Eventually JESUS Christ The Original Appeared Clearly, Beyond Doubt, Delightfully, Joyfully, and in dreams, visions, and while awake seeing, and while awake with signs being seen and heard, JESUS Christ and i have interacted, though after i asked if i should learn to Lead so perhaps half the day i would lead [i call myself a trainee] and the other half He would Lead?, He Agreed [a Joy rather than being struck by lightning] in this providing of these Sermons daily.

I don't hear [that i understand] so much lately and don't see Him as much lately; and am not aware of Angels for a long time, currently; so this i interpret with the Sermons that normally Astound me, as being on the right track at least in the sense of hardly needing correction(s). Likewise when JESUS Christ does appear, often Nicely, Reassuringly, and then disappearing. Yet His Precepting Spirit Continues Guidingly, with the Words He spoke to me Personally and the more words He spoke in the Bible.

13 November 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit reveals Sacred Faith Over matters kept secret since the world began with how the Godhead Trinity Protectors are in specifics with Mother Mary With JESUS Christ at the right hand of Father Joseph, about Men and Women Authorities, and specifics of how i so to speak got this far.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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