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JESUS Joy Sermon.

If You want to know what true love is, You have to have Joy in Your Heart; and therefore to Give to and for All [as much as Good], that Joy, as fun is toward selfishness while Joy is about sharing and to Give Joy; so therefore as Joy Begets Joy, if to Give Joy then not to "want". To not "want" nor be in need is to learn the Way of Love (see formula below).

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Righteously Prophesies Preceptingly yet in JESUS Christ New Beginning Spirit Way having Mathematically Figured Best Way Direction Guidance For All with Bible Formulas and New Biblical Ratios of Jesus Christ's IQ, new brain power, paths, flows, parts of the brain


It's nice to see how the brain works such as to know how People think. To know what part of the brain JESUS Christ utilized when thinking of Love and Joy and the New Beginning Plan are with His Maintenance Level Values. From His Pure Heart Unseen the Spirit Faith came.

And how to describe?, i had never seen Bible Formulas before, so many People have reasonably wondered: how did he [me] ever think of that?: first it was JESUS Christ The Good Eternal Faithful Unseen Spirit that thought brought such into existence, like unto a Person walking that trips over a huge gold nugget and finds more, though rather Believing JESUS Christ Faithfully and then as He Said [no tripping, no falling, no harms, self concerned imaginary risks fade away].

Foolish one moment and Faithful another moment and repeating has been the ways of the strays [and this is not about wearing a straight jacket, and this is not about parts of the brain]. This concerns the Whole, JESUS Christ, His Family Including Unseen And Seen, and the Good as increasingly revealed in All if You are Ascending. Helps come in seen Maintenance levels, such as the dictionary even if often wrong [not excuse to stray, and] since the JESUS Christ 7th Seal solved.

In JESUS Christ Spirit Be Aware, the Heart can be Good, or other such as to love money and love greed and addictions and in a moment to lust such as to leap and see of chance if able to fly; though the brain has often been about complex plans to rob Others including God.

Give JESUS Christ The Credit and He Will Heap Blessings On You: how can You figure out these formulas, becomes how can You not, as long as Faithful.

I confess is was no math wizard. Yet Behold: Mathematically Figured Best Way Direction Guidance For All, Bible Formulas, and New Biblical Ratios All to the Thanks and Praise of and For JESUS Christ! I was no science wizard, i was no history expert about Hebrew Language 2,000 years ago, and do not remember many names in the Bible; maybe You do remember names and are expert, though this point is that JESUS Christ Will Magnify According to His Highest Purpose and perhaps magnifying Your Favorite Hope And Talent: He is Nice and Does such. He can make Your weakest embarrassment and make it into Your Victory Crown Of Glory [for to Give All, for to Bless All including Him and You].

To the Magi and Shepherds in the census, JESUS Christ the infant seemed less smart than all the other People present, for instance JESUS evidently didn't even know how to use eating utensils [i just didn't know how to spell "utensils", i had to look at the dictionary (yet see JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Jesus Christ's IQ Sermon at who gave me this Power?: JESUS Christ showed Us the Way)].

JESUS Christ hardly evidenced brain power when born, yet what did He do that the smart Kings were not able to do?: JESUS Christ Brought New Hope in the form of Joy To The World!

This New Joy From His Heart for All is likewise [Ascendingly, Preceptingly For Planning His Second Coming New Beginning] is as in recent Sermons with many Biblical sayings specifically calculated as in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Love Sermon at revealing the Good Path from Patience to Higher Level Joy.

Hence the Flow Direction:

Joy / Peace / Patience.

Hence the formula:

Joy = Peace x Patience.

Patience is to Joy as Peace is to Love.

Hence the ratio:

Patience : Joy :: Peace : Love.


Peace : Joy :: Joy : Love.

For feast Joy likewise unto the JESUS Way, Mother Mary had the Waiters do as JESUS Christ would opt.

JESUS Christ obeyed and made the Joy so.

Righteously Prophesying yet in His New Beginning Spirit Way Preceptingly, JESUS Christ Will Do Better For All!

JESUS Christ Faithfully Will Do So In The Spirit Bringing New Unimagined Better Joy!

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit Righteously Prophesies Preceptingly yet in JESUS Christ New Beginning Spirit Way having Mathematically Figured Best Way Direction Guidance For All with Bible Formulas and New Biblical Ratios of Jesus Christ's IQ, governor of the feast wine celebration joy Mother Mary my time is not yet come


16 December 2020.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit Righteously Prophesies Preceptingly yet in JESUS Christ New Beginning Spirit Way having Mathematically Figured Best Way Direction Guidance For All with Bible Formulas and New Biblical Ratios of Jesus Christ's IQ.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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