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JESUS Soul And The Bar Of Judgement Sermon.

Hearing from JESUS Christ continues to be of Supreme Good Value Eternally, yet as with this Sermon is Faithfulness though Anewly. Listening to and for JESUS Christ With His Highest Purpose For All, JESUS Christ has been explaining in recent times of some amount of [Faith In Him hence] less in Desperate need to hear Him and less need likewise therefore to Listen [not that any should not Listen to Him, rather] for the Higher Level Sense (previous Sermon).

It is as to have passed 1st grade in Church School, and then with mild amounts of reminders such as listening and reading the recordkeeping rather Writing the Living Bible With Broadcasting In His Name Spirit And Soul such as in Church Adult Education Level hence hardly as much in need to hear the 1st grade level [of value] repeatedly again. So how to Edify?, it is as to find a Child doing needful chores rather than merely playing [goofing off], so such as to reward such as toward no longer needing to find a Babysitter and such as toward handing the car keys.

When fully repentant and Baptized is with JESUS Soul rather than about Your proven wrong ways.

And so to start as Christian Preachers say, please forgive yet stated for New Members' sake(s),

when starting Church Membership frankly it often seems to the New Member about foreign ways

clumsy to through the orientation process, and similar to a Person transferring as with relocation.

So if Given a Mission from JESUS Christ then to go where the "clumsy" are for to Straighten Them.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Found JESUS Christ Worthy At The Bar Of Judgement, Ascending from John The Baptist to no longer merely help the poor in Desperate Love Help Guidance NEED, High Priest Administering the Eucharist to the Usher or similar, symbolic


Symbolically the Usher shown above is standing at the Altar [of the Eucharist] though the Usher is hardly the High Priest [though may substitute if the High Priest opts [or is unseen, as though not present (reference Churches criteria on such protocol)]. Often with Large Congregations, in many Churches the Eucharist is Given to Each Usher to Administer to the Usher's Respective portion of the Congregation (likewise JESUS Christ had His Disciples put the Mass into groups of 50, Mark 6:40).

A Person needs be Worthy of Baptism so first prior to Baptism is full repentance, likewise prior to as shown above the [High Priest and] Usher needs be first Worthy, a Level Of Christian Worthiness (see recent JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Christ Name Spirit Creates New PCS Sermon at

So the High Priest Gives to the Usher to Give to the Mass. At the above situation symbolically, and

as "the High Priest Gives to the Usher": this is very similar [symbolized as if the Usher] to You in

the future Standing at the Bar Of Judgement with JESUS Christ Standing on the other side, though

a vary humble setting, the Bar Of Judgement looking as gray painted wood, old toward worn out yet sufficient.

So this is a JESUS Christ Name Spirit Soul Righteous Prophesy concerning You Personally, as was my situation with JESUS Christ The Original. If the Bar Of Judgement is New and Improved, Good, for JESUS Christ is Worthy, though would Others be sufficiently Worthy?, and there is the humble concern. A Person of a too selfish in luxuries background is written in Matthew 19:24 Berean Standard Bible "Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.": the used to luxury Person may enter if to first be with none left behind without luxury (JESUS Christ Victory when as Hoped: the Second Coming)!

And "the Second Coming" as All Hoped for Best hence with His Choir [His Gathered Choirs, (John 10:16)] hence the New Song, even His Lively Word.

"can·ti·cle/ˈkan(t)ək(ə)l/noun noun: canticle; plural noun: canticles; singular proper noun: Canticles; noun: Canticles; singular proper noun: Canticle of Canticles 1. a hymn or chant, typically with a biblical text, forming a regular part of a church service. 2. another name for Song of Songs (especially in the Vulgate Bible)." (Oxford Dictionary).

Also pertinent for instance are the Purgatory level spirits that have asked each other for help. High Priest [if so,] humbly submitted is this Sermon from the Word of JESUS Christ with as written for You Personally (reference above Usher) in John 14:16 "And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Advocate to be with you forever": This JESUS Soul And The Bar Of Judgement Sermon Message for You Personally [also for All without this Ministry charging any price, no copyright, though if to copy part then of JESUS Christ Grace Maintain the context].

Though having stated the above, Family Friends Be Making All Worthy hence Be Ascending Lifting Best rather than similar to passing the buck Save as Much As For All Best Way Ascending therefore in JESUS Christ Name Spirit Soul; in other words a Christian Counselor and a Christian Advisor and Likewise a Christian may have Good Advice though JESUS Christ Gives the Best Advice Eternally, so seek rather Him Oneness For Best For All [in other words rather than seek often goodly info from Others for instance a Christian Electrician offers Electrician info and a Christian Plumber offers plumbing info yet Your Church needs both rather All and Eternal JESUS Christ Gives: electro plumbing All, Perfect info.

Priest, You have Ascended thus far, to High Priest Level, Thank You!

Yet You were Baptized in the Name of JESUS Christ.

Who does Eternal JESUS Christ ask, for Help?

The Father is already 1: JESUS Christ.

The Holy JESUS Christ Spirit is already 1: JESUS Christ.

Be as the humble fully repentant, in "JESUS" Name Prepare to Be at the Bar Of Judgement.

For All, therefore, hence Broadcast for All: JESUS Christ UN [for starters so to speak]:

become Worthy for visiting JESUS Christ at the Bar Of Judgement.

All You need to do is be Eternally Perfect.

Nothing hard about that, unless a Person lack Faith in JESUS Christ.

This is as JESUS The Creator Invited You, for to Offer.

So as written in Psalm 33:11 "The counsel of the LORD stands forever, the purposes of His heart to all generations."! Innocently 1 John 5:6 "This is the One who came by water and blood, Jesus Christ--not by water alone, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit who testifies to this, because the Spirit is the truth."!

Now JESUS as You have been Baptized as You Promised to rise above former secular worldly strayed and fallen ways

Behold this Astonishing New Message as Never Prior in this Civilization Now Made Public, for the Worthiness such

as explained about You and You Ascending hence All Civilization Ascends. This New Message is the New JESUS Christ

Spirit Bar Of Judgement Unseen [above was stated the former "old toward worn out"] Anewly For JESUS Christ is Worthy,

so also with a New Bar Of Judgement, and for this Reason: Original Good Eternal JESUS Christ i humbly Agree as You

invited for Best For All, hence i now find YOU Worthy,

hence JESUS Christ New Victory Over the former Bar Of Judgement.

Luxury background People rejoice! Behold the above luxury scene is Anewly Sanctioned as having been found Good and Worthy for All!

So this does not undo the former "old toward worn out" Bar Of Judgement, as long as needful.

A mount of waves or dust has been blown of various winds, rather JESUS Christ Gives The Better Way For All Souls.

JESUS Christ Gives Our Faith to also do Work, often about hands (see above, the High Priest Administers to the Lower Yet High Level Mass),

Anewly [rather than "tear" the old (Mark 2:21)] Give from the Higher Level Giver to the Highest Level, also.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Found JESUS Christ Worthy At The Bar Of Judgement, Ascending from John The Baptist to no longer merely help the poor in Desperate Love Help Guidance NEED.


18 March 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, Found JESUS Christ Worthy At The Bar Of Judgement, Ascending from John The Baptist to no longer merely help the poor in Desperate Love Help Guidance NEED.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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