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For info on the JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda that became Law and came into effect 2020AD

protecting not merely Churches yet All: click here.

For the original JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda Marshaling Leadership And Law that came into effect in 2020AD

at click here and see the above linked JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page pertinent Pages for specifics.

JESUS Knowledge Sermon.

JESUS Christ Knowledge is the 7th Seal (see as linked above at top of "Main Page" in large font). Yet this Sermon is for Edifying for Gathering, concerning the steps prior to the census level stepping up into JESUS type of "Knowledge".

Prior to this Sermon Publicly in the Census (JESUS Christ UN), JESUS Christ Gave info to the Worthy privately hence about less than ibid., for instance 2nd Testament Conspiritors and Crucifiers against JESUS Christ were not worthy to received this "Knowledge" of JESUS Christ Wisdom. Today because ibid. was enabled after the Peaceful Christian reception of that Great And Ancient Holy City Jerusalem, because of the JESUS Christ Desperate Love Giving as it is time [about Second Coming] and rather than about so many timelines according to wars [and although fulfilled], rather according to this Civilization Peacefully Agreeing with JESUS Christ (ibid.) Desperate Love [and the levels of it Flowing as Given left to right with Ascending right to left in example: Deep Devotion Faithfulness / Mid Level Love / Love thoughts that pass quickly such as characterized in momentary flirting].

Adam and Eve had Supreme (Worthy Of Existing in the Heavenly Garden Of Eden) Knowledge though in the "momentary" sense [unwed, having not invited the High Priest JESUS Christ to Officiate toward Authorization]. So as in atheistic China (various secular sources) it is as China continues such strayed at risk ways it is self opted to be doomed to failure, Save there are Christian Missions and Christianity increasingly Overwhelming in China; so China is as a Toddler near a lamp. Praise Be for JESUS Christ Lifting You to Broadcast JESUS Christ UN lest China be left alone a relative amount at risk hence to eventually fail Save the Christianity amount, though let Us do other than let Our Friends become so embarrassed.

JESUS Christ inner space Desperate Love Flowing Out is more important than

the sum of knowledge against Faithfulness seen and heard and sensed after-the-fact:

consider this Magnetosphere and how light bends, such as to look at a star is similar if to look at a Person or a Temple.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, clarifies KNOWLEDGE CANNOT ACCESS LOVE yet how JESUS did access Love hence Creator enabling High Level Joy, and explains some levels of Love, NASA gif Magnetosphere bends light and brain waves, pic China source of misleading.


Secular projections have been based on after-the-facts assumptions as if about the future

though such have been about things already passed, few goodly (Matthew 22:14), MANY OTHER!

JESUS Christ RIGHTEOUS Prophesying After Baptism With Eucharist is as easy and simple as saying ..."when you host a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind, and you will be blessed. Since they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous" yet with referencing: "(from Berean Standard Bible) as JESUS Christ said" about 2,000 years ago. Hence Victory Over "MANY OTHER!".

If to say the previous without faith, then goodly [for as Many as Believe, such as to be Good Samaritan(s)]. The above gif also applies to innerspace according to "Microsoft Bing" sense "2. the part of the mind not normally accessible to consciousness.". So even the secular admits: WORLDLY SECULAR KNOWLEDGE CANNOT ACCESS the Love of JESUS Christ Within! Works of hands without love is hate. It is a system under mere Law without love hence slavery (rather as linked above "dc/gov" site JESUS Christ UN Law yet including "Love" with "the Best Faith Path Of Love")].

Knowledge as if without Love yields lack of joy about unhappiness, immoral, strayed, illegal, and as opted other than above stated "JESUS Christ RIGHTEOUS Prophesying". How did JESUS Christ access this Higher Level Love "consciousness"?:

JESUS Christ Wisdom / JESUS Christ Love First Faithfully Precept On Precept Then Accessing Knowledge / JESUS Christ Love.

This above Triadic Flow is "Precept On Precept" according to:

JESUS Christ Faithful Love / JESUS Christ Love Poured Out For All / JESUS Christ Lovingly Innocently Obedient*.

"Obedient" is in the form of Obedient to as much as Sent hence as much as His Original Plan to Accomplish such Mission, and including such as Obedient to Law and His Parents, though Obedient to Temple Word Law And Parents And Elders And much as goodly [as much as Better For All as much as Best Way For All]: He Obeyed many qualifiers, let Us do likewise, Friends.

Applies Wisdom is the Work(s) of Love lest Love be at rest in the restless Soul(s) as written at

Young's Literal Translation "And the wicked are as the driven out sea, For to rest it is not able, And its waters cast out filth and mire." and

Isaiah 59:8 Berean Standard Bible "The way of peace they have not known, and there is no justice in their tracks. They have turned them into crooked paths; no one who treads on them will know peace.".

People have wanted to know "knowledge" [also the sum of it], but People forget and have forgotten, Save JESUS Christ Remembers in the Eternal Good counted as though repeatedly yet rather Ascendingly Better. Similar so to speak, in a situation a Toddler enjoyed stacking blocks but was not impressed by a car, even though the car could deliver blocks for playing. The car has complex systems of much knowledge planning yet Precept On Precept is the JESUS Christ Spirit Bringing Such Together As A Whole. In other words Edifyingly, China is hardly atheist as JESUS Christ In All Power And Authority Brings All Together The Best Way.

For instance does China own the Magnetosphere and the outer boundary of the Known Universe and the Victory Over the "the part of the mind not normally accessible to consciousness" as defined above [and rather than in the partial sense, also the above gif shows the Magnetosphere whipping around and also not shown is how such powers are whipping around inside Earth and inside China and inside the Chinese minds]. So the Magnetosphere knows somethings: unaware to the "Chinese mind(s)". The Magnetosphere reacts, JESUS Christ Oneness Giving Desperate Love Ascendingly Best For All proacts Before The Fact.

Love lifts the Heart Joyously, this is easy to understand. To know has been to flip the coin in logic and former laws that did not make perfect as written in Hebrews 10:1 Berean Standard Bible "For the law is only a shadow of the good things to come, not the realities themselves. It can never, by the same sacrifices offered year after year, make perfect those who draw near to worship.".

["China" and] Far East religions have had a problem, such as Pangu having turned in part to dust and stone (Genesis 19:26) in much part [Earth relative to the mere surface of the Earth though also see above effects] and such as into the lotus and the turtle under Dominion Firmament;

and i confess i have a similar problem, hardly because i have a "turtle" artwork on the property out front ("But the one who perseveres to the end will be saved." Matthew 24:13), rather the "problem" of Ascending that Many might worship me when supposed to reverence rather JESUS Christ of 2,000 years ago yet even All are to become JESUS Christ yet humbly as stated above "yet with referencing" "JESUS Christ" and His "JESUS Christ UN" "Love" "Law" and the Far East does not deny there is something known as "Love" so rather be "Accessing" such Better Way "Wisdom".

As explained above JESUS Christ Lovingly Knows All Good Eternally Rembering

Yet Creating Ascendingly hence Anewly Better. So in the future when [All that

exists is] merely this "JESUS" [as explained above] then All In One Are All

Aware Of All Knowledge so Victory Over want of Knowledge, no more knowledge

need, hence merely JESUS Love exists with Exemplar JESUS Christ Starting the

New Better Creating Planning.

This is what Love does, it creates Better. Righteously Prophesyingly Distinguish as much as Faithfully Ascending Through JESUS Christ [even if merely to think about such pre-Baptized]:

if to have merely Peace as with the JESUS Christ UN Peace Formula, then very nice

relative to history hence no wars, though merely temporary under Laws as previously,

yet rather to also be with JESUS Christ UN Grace then enabling "Accessing" "JESUS Christ Love"

as stated above and so with "Love" then to also Gain: "Joy"!

So as written concerning the Heart Of Love Of Innocent JESUS Christ

[though convicted falsely accused] yet for Together Each Whole Person

and This Whole Civilization is Proverbs 4:23 New International Version

"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it."

This is according to the formulae in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Love Sermon at including "Will Be [Better]. Pertinent in this Generation and for Good Awareness in JESUS Christ Spirit".

A bud from the Tree Of Life Of JESUS Christ

is better than a bud from deceptive knowledge.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, clarifies KNOWLEDGE CANNOT ACCESS LOVE yet how JESUS did access Love hence Creator enabling High Level Joy, and explains some levels of Love, NASA gif Magnetosphere bends light and brain waves, pic China source of misleading.


20 February 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, clarifies KNOWLEDGE CANNOT ACCESS LOVE yet how JESUS did access Love hence Creator enabling High Level Joy, and explains some levels of Love, NASA gif Magnetosphere bends light and brain waves, pic China source of misleading.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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