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JESUS Linda Sermon.

My Beloved Wife about a year younger than me, after 45 years of Faithful Marriage passed away yesterday: as written from 2 Corinthians 5:8 New American Standard Bible "we are of good courage and prefer rather to be absent from the body and to be at home with the Lord.", so She is in Heaven as humbly Prayerfully if Our Creator was Willing For His Highest Purpose, compassionately a day later JESUS Christ Righteously Prophesyingly showed me in prior days [again showing me a strange residence modern dwelling place attached to a black factory (was in at least one Sermon though note hundreds of Sermons have become missing) as JESUS Christ showed a year or two ago and showing Her with me such as in the place with golden trees and golden houses].

I had told Her of many Visions and Dreams, and She told me of Hers Likewise; and We had often seen many Holy signs such as lights converging on walls far beyond the norm of coincidences, as Guidingly the signs normally became entered into this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series; though i did not tell Her about the recent Awake Vision JESUS Christ until the proper day.

This Sermon concerns some current matters Many wonder about, the other than Birth so to speak, hence JESUS Christ.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit explains how to handle the passing from the census known in the census as death specifics such as Hospital and Funeral, Linda now with JESUS Christ Father Holy Spirit.


Having Worked for JESUS Christ for decades and increasingly (see previous Sermons on "automating Maintenance"), much Desperate Love was involved for JESUS Christ Best Way For All hence less about the Firmament Level between the JESUS Spirit In A Census Person Now, and the Afterlife With JESUS Christ.

The "Lord" as stated above in the Afterlife With JESUS Christ / ___?___ / A Census Person Now.

The "Lord" as stated above in the Afterlife With JESUS Christ / [death rather] "sleep" (John 11:23 & 14) / A Census Person Now.

A Spouse can contribute for Good, Leading, also behind the scenes so to speak sharing Leadership. While my Wife was rarely entered into this Sermons Series, for instance during some price hikes i wondered whether to cancel Internet subscription for awhile, though She insisted continuing. So much of this [Precept On Precept (Isaiah 28:10)] is directly due to Her [and such as we humbly Prayed JESUS Christ Father Holy Spirit Together].

So above are some Higher Level Holy things. Some toward practical Maintenance Awareness concerns the above "?": i was tending to Her as She became less able to walk and didn't want outside Help [nor me being around too much: rather a Helper than in need of Help]. So i got Her things though put my foot down in cliche, saying if You want food, You do it, so She started calling for Delivery Services, and it was Good: at least She had to move more than lying there on the bed watching TV as well deserved after so many long years of very hard employment works [also She was over Quality Assurance sometimes, in our Partnership including over Top Secret International matters].

Then She could no longer eat, even as my heart softened of JESUS Christ Spirit when She coughed some and i Gave Her a throat lozenge. Then She asked me to Help, She continued increasingly to humbly Lovingly ask "Help me.". She continued to demand no other People be involved. So starting to Help we humbly Praying JESUS Christ, and feeding Her though She accepted very little water and Bible foods, and slightly for few days Her health was improving.

Then the rate of worsening health became faster than the rate of "improving" (specifics are in recent JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Healing Sermon at , including about fighting as a turn away key about knowing [not knowing hence: hardly aware {see below "cast out"}]).

Now with JESUS Christ Faith First, then in Maintenance Level here is an option for You to consider the timing (as discussed somewhat recently in this Sermons Series).

In Her situation it was time to call 911 as in the moment a Good Soul of the Holy Spirit explained [Other Spirits were similar though this One was pertinent as even the word Perfect applied at least in the situation].

First Responders quickly arrived in many minutes while continuing on the phone with the Kind Soul answering the 911 call. Questions were answered. They took Her to the [Hospital: All were very kind at Atrium Healthcare (no legal affiliations unless otherwise stated: see older Sermons in this Series discussing this and other disclaimers)] Emergency Room and She was soon "stabilized" [shockingly i had to fill out no lengthy forms] and moved to the Intensive Care Unit, ICU.

There were so much specialized equipment with many very high tech controls and measures [like unto a jumbo jet cockpit] as Highly Competent Staff Worked Over such [including some referencing such as: "God"]. Electric lines abounded as with sensors, and there were tubes in Her mouth and tubes into Her flesh. I tell You as i told Her, all such equipment and controls and such were inside Her, and JESUS Christ Creator is very smart.

She was improving daily [and i was petting Her head and massaging Her feet [exposed parts] though visibly [aside from tubes in mouth, holes in flesh, and similar]; inside unseen to me [save the monitors] She was deteriorating though Loyal Faithfulness continued in supporting Her with Good info such as Your Heart Rate has improved [for awhile, moments] [and i reminded Her of Good memories and Good daily things making Her Aware. Spousal Hope was Given rather than other. Hope if a Miracle and Good Health Again (without going against the above "residence" Way of JESUS Christ).

The Staff reported daily the more important [unseen], cirrhosis of liver [green skin, bloated stomach] associated with less walking ability and loss of muscle perhaps from alcohol, kidney failure [works to remove waste through tube], and evidence of cancer in the lower abdomen: all increasing as countering lessened [let You and Your be with Better JESUS Christ Loyalty for to Overcome this Level as We had experienced]. She was helped, though if with timing if She was not able to improve to continue in the flesh, artificial support systems would be removed as the expert Staff [opted and] would handle if Best.

So with ongoing Staff counseling an important consideration ( was the 3rd Day.

The Nurse with my Agreeing started shutting off equipment. Linda continued and after awhile i left, and hours later was informed She had passed. Staff advised me to find a Funeral Home and [Google] [and phoned and the selected Funeral Home would so serve] so informed the Staff of the option, and during this Sermon the Funeral Home phoned me simplifying the complexities, with pricing for Their services as We Agreed.

It was said in this Series to JESUS Christ Best Way Lead, including to Convert lower levels to Better Worthiness, and Before The Fact rather than after-the-fact. Also Better than to cast out, though recently the Holy Spirit convinced me to cast out and be Friends Eternally, Agreed; and here is Anew interpretation of the "cast out" idea: as stated as Baptized in JESUS Christ Name And Spirit "Best Way Lead", though if too difficult (see above about "rates") Be Faithful [though be rather than to pass-the-buck], that Another [Christian normally] with another talent may Lead Over a condition Better than self ability.

It is Hoped this Helps Best Way Guide Many through JESUS Christ Father Holy Spirit One and through related similar things.

19 November 2020.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit explains how to handle the passing from the census known in the census as death specifics such as Hospital and Funeral.

Jesus Christ

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