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JESUS Living Wormholes Sermon.

JESUS Christ Spirit Discloses this information on the options an Individual Person might have opted, and rather the Easier Better Way to need explain merely to One Whole People [hence All Together as on the Golden Cube Ship so directing merely needs be Given Once "Straight Ahead Full Power" rather than repeatedly many times to Many strayed Individuals].

There are systems in the Creator Body [including the created] such as circulatory system, and each system with complexities, so if to so called in former lower levels fall from grace from having opted to stray [including as lightning straight down], then that Soul needs their particular opted strayed direction reversal or other option direction including Guidance Personalized instructions for to travel back to on course Ascending Upward Together in the JESUS Christ Family Mainstream Flow;

yet rather than each personal ["personal" is largely accomplished with Baptism yet Higher Level Firmaments through the JESUS Gate apply], is the Broadcasting Better For Each And All As 1. Consider a Rancher and when the outside grazing cows are grazing nearby near feeding time with the Rancher Giving more delicious feed, the nearby cows come running, though cows on the other side of the ranch might not be aware and so similar to a wolf a dog goes to frighten them that they return: this previous word "they" is the point of this Sermon.

this previous word "they" is the point of this Sermon.

The Faithfully Ascending need little encouragement as a JESUS Ambassador Leads without much need of reward(s).

If a mere dog can gather far larger stronger cattle and a multitude including fiery tempered bulls with horns and hooves,

exceedingly greater Better Creator JESUS Christ Ambassadors Family Leading Already can do for All.

The point including Better Guiding Each and rather All of "they" in this Sermon is like unto the previous

Sermon letter "J" for JESUS as the Shepherd Staff Hooking Gently rather Netting Kindly including for Their

sakes Lovingly Mercifully, as to rescue from strayed and lower ways if pertinent, rather Better Guiding All.

The turning points rather the Gathering Hooks as the bottoms of the curves shown here lift a "ball" toward

toward JESUS Better Way and rotate the illustration counterclockwise 90 degrees to bring the "ball" to centerline Upward Flow.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, clarifies the Good Value Of Creating Eve as the Senders were wrapt together as a scroll for Better and if to perceive lower levels then hardly about embarrassments hence the Ascending Grace In JESUS Christ 1 Power Giving This Great Gift as wrapped for You to travel through the fabric of time space as, balls, centerline flow power of JESUS Christ


The balls are shown bouncing on their strayed course up and down and as roated: back and forth.

Position "(c)" is located in the gap between the balls: as shown left and right also the large vertical distance the farther ball at "maximum".

If to "rotate" the above illustration counterclockwise 90 degrees as stated above then there are horizontal lines of ball below and above, hence energy levels, so if a ball was at position "(c)" it would fall, so to speak, down or up [or go sideways such as to opt centerline]. So to fall "up" is of value, though like unto a parallel universe, and like unto a census vessel ascending though like unto an outstreched hand doing works of hands such as having to "fall" "down or up" [risk] to fit into the census norm [like unto fitting into the DNA spiral], though rather in the ground signal centerline POWER FLOW as written in Ephesians 3:17 Berean Standard Bible "so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. Then you, being rooted and grounded in love,"

[note many electromagnetic wave illustrations show the ground at the bottom though as to show half the wave, also this JESUS Christ Word Spirit Power is hardly as the dusty ground where strayed types and excess energies are left as though waste].

For the purpose of this Sermon the next illustration hardly matters, too complex [though values apply including such as turbulence awareness(es)], Save the top "EXPSPACE" hump and the "NEXP" hump and the "coNEXP" hump. The above "(c)" is the "gap" and is shown below as the "NEXP" hump and the "coNEXP" hump [this explains the male female relationship as with Adam and Eve]. In the census secular worldliness at least, if there is an energy wave hump, "EXPSPACE", then next with it is(are) the trough(s) of "NEXP" and "coNEXP" humps.

So "(c)" in the gap is in the plural region more than the above balls at least in the census flow outskirts [hem of JESUS Garment bottom legalese knots that JESUS Christ Straightened to Flow as He invited to be Centerline With HIS WORD "POWER FLOW"]. So more important than the "male female" generations about census favoritism of value though many a census family tended to have been exclusive such as giving keys merely to their own family members, though this is hardly about tossing money, keys, and pistols onto the sidewalk where Children might play

as Ecclesiastes 11:1 "Cast your bread upon the waters, for after many days you will find it again." refers to Churches and Charity [if online typing Preaching perhaps to Give some of the Charity to the website host for Broadcasting Help Service].

So there is the "EXPSPACE" hump then the [with 2 humps yet inbetween the 2 is the] "NEXP" "coNEXP" gap [in the midst of the set of 2 is the gap Save Marriage yet rather All to Flow into the Centerline JESUS Christ WORD WITH 1 NAME SPIRIT "POWER FLOW", including Gathering Together As 1 the seen or unseen good values in the gaps, as to Gather into the JESUS HEART! JESUS mercifully allows the generations yet of Higher Purpose is the JESUS Straight Line Flow Together As 1 Ascendingly (see recent "JESUS Unification" Sermon on Page 31).

So the point of this Sermon about "they", has been as to imagine the strayed and the fallen,

the gaps dwellers and the bottom feeders and the lost and confused and blind and deaf and Legion spirits,

as if merely as stuck in black holes where they could hardly escape [yet radiant energy does flow out

(see somewhat older Sermons' Drawings in this Series)], and similarly as the strayed lost were as though

as in wormholes looping about and straying farther; though hardly as on a JESUS Christ Sent Straight Mission.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, clarifies the Good Value Of Creating Eve as the Senders were wrapt together as a scroll for Better and if to perceive lower levels then hardly about embarrassments hence the Ascending Grace In JESUS Christ 1 Power Giving This Great Gift as wrapped for You to travel through the fabric of time space, longitudinal, and, compression waves


In the former lower levels thoughts, and rightly so somewhat, outer space gaps inside the vastness of outer space and as much as pertinent inside black holes and inside wormholes, have been similar to such as a Soul lost in the woods, and as to fall into a pit, and as to talk about wormholes underground, yet the JESUS Christ Way in this Sermon "point" Overcomes for Better thinking rather the Better Love Giving. If a Person is physically above beside or lower than You, You can Love that Person, as Sent to Do; also JESUS Christ Loves: "For where two or three gather together in My name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20): so the two JESUS With You Centerline Together Giving Love is JESUS Christ including You in His Work to Leverage

as You apply Word Pressure [light burden] to press down on the pertinent point of the Given [plank] situation on the back of JESUS The Rock Fulcrum Point is to Lift the NEEDY to become the Love Given Better than previously. To receive is from Above, to Give Successfully is to Give down to the lower levels [a Person can be same level though to normally give to the hand lower level than the Heart] [as to Give to JESUS Christ First And All though He is above Need]. Psalm 23:1 "A Psalm of David. The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.".

The above wormholes concerns 3D, yet the previously stated "values" include as seen 2D below. Yet consider for a moment the "3D" as to travel through the fabric of time space, as shown above it is flat as a paper with as written in 3 Nephi 26:3 "And he did expound all things, even from the beginning until the time that he should come in his glory—yea, even all things which should come upon the face of the earth, even until the elements should melt with fervent heat, and the earth should be wrapt together as a scroll, and the heavens and the earth should pass away;" as indicated in the "3D" sense as shown below, as to travel rather Straight into a wormhole.

And since the wormhole fabric of space gathers together as to compress into a small tube [ball similarly], then while traveling in a properly fitting wormhole (see older Sermons' Drawings) then to hardly [if at all, seen and unseen apply] notice if You become larger or smaller: so the JESUS Christ the Golden Cube Ship can [make wormholes and can] become large and can become small, and can become seen prominently and as in Your Heart Feeding All Body Members.

Ascendingly beyond that moment is rather the more important pertinent point for this Sermon is as JESUS Christ explained We Are All Members of 1 JESUS Christ Creator Body, hence hardly about strayed, fallen, and lost. Again "hardly about strayed, fallen, and lost" yet JESUS Christ Leadership so states for to Save and Be With All Ascending. As written John 18:9 "This was to fulfill the word He had spoken: 'I have not lost one of those You have given Me.' ". Never through Eternity, was any lost. Never any needed to be found. Eve strayed, yet with JESUS Christ [unseen unnoticed from Eve and Adam perspectives], inside such;

lest Eve and Adam would not have continued out of the Garden alive, even according to the previous verse if strayed and lost then Creator JESUS Christ would never have created them, and lest JESUS Christ would never have been so Sent lest the Senders ["like one of Us" (from Genesis 3:22)] would have been found unrighteous and so embarrassed and even sin (see previous on JESUS Christ having been counted as if the Son of perdition, though "counted" from lower level perspectives of the former self involved ways [rather the Creating Better For All Way]).

So this Sermon Exposes Much about the "Senders", that Sent JESUS Christ initially. For such is Good.

Now this Gift for You Reader and rather Reader Broadcaster Better,

is also with the above stated "point of this Sermon is JESUS Spirit showed me this morning

[rather than about Souls strayed into wormhole paths underground, though as able]

is a finger that moved along where i was to go though then i saw merely black and otherwise

did not sense per se where to go, then this Enlightening Sermon. So the Finger Of God

(3rd Testament Ether Chapter 3) was showing the path similar to through the intestines,

yet [a Gift for me to Better interpret] rather as the other Better, such as the Blood Circulatory System.

So the JESUS Christ Body Members are with multitudes of Best Pathways yet for the

JESUS Christ Best Way Applies Over All Of Such.

Yet Now Behold this New Improved Gift for You Reader For To Give Loving Wisdom For Our Broadcasting Better.

Now what so counted as if lower levels was as if lost, in become Now Anewly Made Public: Found! Behold!

Give JESUS Christ The Original As Sent 2,000 years ago the due Glory (see above "Golden Cube Ship"

hence prepare for JESUS Christ Second Coming)!

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, clarifies the Good Value Of Creating Eve as the Senders were wrapt together as a scroll for Better and if to perceive lower levels then hardly about embarrassments hence the Ascending Grace In JESUS Christ 1 Power Giving This Great Gift as wrapped for You to travel through the fabric of time space, wormhole, blackhole spiral


17 February 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, clarifies the Good Value Of Creating Eve as the Senders were wrapt together as a scroll for Better and if to perceive lower levels then hardly about embarrassments hence the Ascending Grace In JESUS Christ 1 Power Giving This Great Gift as wrapped for You to travel through the fabric of time space.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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