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For info on the JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda that became Law and came into effect 2020AD

protecting not merely Churches yet All: click here.

For the original JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda Marshaling Leadership And Law that came into effect in 2020AD

at click here and see the above linked JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page pertinent Pages for specifics.

JESUS Longevity Sermon.

JESUS Christ Exemplar began as written of the 1st Testament Righteous Prophets and Righteously Prophesying as the Angel would say as written in the 3rd Testament 2 Nephi 25:19 between 559 and 545 B.C. "For according to the words of the prophets, the Messiah cometh in six hundred years from the time that my father left Jerusalem; and according to the words of the prophets, and also the word of the angel of God, his name shall be Jesus Christ, the Son of God."

The Good Eternal JESUS Christ Wind Blew And Created Pure Adam, Eve, and JESUS Christ.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, reveals the JESUS Christ Spirit Manifestation Wisdom, the value of More Churches, and the Saving Grace Of Eve Embryo gif


JESUS Christ Good Spirit Wind Blows Into Your Soul Too, Continually Faithfully, though hardly noticed if You turn to stray and fall from His Good Grace. Also Ascending Applies: to sit in a pew is as Sent, to Gather Together, yet rather as Sent Preaching hence the Better Ascending Rate. How Many are You Helping with Your sitting in a pew?, You Help the Pastor and the Choir and the Mass and importantly if Visitors arrive; yet to rather Preach is to reach out for All sakes, including Evangelism and Helping to Guide Anewly Better the already Saved, as the Pastor Sends All to Say and Minister.

JESUS Christ Created Good Pure JESUS Christ And Continues Creating Good Pure Innocent Love Joy And Peace (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Love Sermon at So rather than merely sitting in a pew merely Listening [yet with Good Value] and Tithing [also with Good Value], is rather as written. "NEEDFUL IS BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN" for All "Good" "Awareness" = Grace smaller diameter awareness than about the secular works x think a Good thought rather than a stray thought (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS All Knowing Spirit Sermon at

as this Grace smaller diameter awareness than about the secular works Precept is the greater Good Pure Liberty,

greater than all the strayed and fallen confinement ways put together.

And Greater and Better than as much as idle. So We are Aware of what JESUS Christ Eternal Spirit Did, as stated above. Yet Now Behold!:

JESUS Christ was born into the census, and went out of the tomb and is now about 2023 years old. And His Longevity Continues, Eternally! JESUS Christ in the census continues even when there is Final End Time and nothing Save JESUS (Mark 9:8, John 8:9) as written in John 1:29 Berean Standard Bible "The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!": hence when all sin is removed. So then to be as JESUS Spirit In All Glory Together.

JESUS Christ Through Your Christian Preaching in the census, should be likewise, in Faithfulness as stated above, and also with as written in Colossians 3:15 "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, for to this you were called as members of one body. And be thankful.", and also with Respect for Others as written in Ephesians 4:25 "Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one another.".

For example if You were Adam, then hardly about Adam, rather JESUS Christ as stated above, so One Body, One Spirit Body All. Consider prior to Adam seeing any critters and prior to Adam seeing the Garden Of Eden as Adam was merely [a] nostril(s) of the Divine Wind Starting. And even to consider the dust and prior the Light and the start: All Was Good, All was Best. Your Preaching can Lift All Members to reclaim not merely former Pure Innocent Glory yet also Better, Anew, in Faithful JESUS Christ, even in created census People as stated concerning the Good of the 7th Seal (see above "Main Page" link, and the previous link on this page).

Good begets Good.

Your Good Preaching [Righteously Prophesying Now Through JESUS Christ] Will Beget Good!

Through JESUS Christ Spirit In You, Your Preaching Will yield the Better Harvest, the Good Way, the Best Way, Your Good Preaching Will Beget Good that Will Guide All into the Better Good.

"The good man brings good things out of his good store of treasure, and the evil man brings evil things out of his evil store of treasure." (Matthew 12:35).

Very importantly Through JESUS Christ Your Good Preaching Will Beget Good In You, and this is hardly stated for selfishness (Save see "Main Page" "Definitions" on "Maintenance"): so Your Faithfulness to continue typing [for instance] Sermons Will Improve Your Talent to type Sermons: You with Righteously Prophesyingly In JESUS Christ 7th Seal, Will Be Publishing Better and Better Sermons: the Best You Ever Did and then the New Best You Ever Did. And for All hence for when merely JESUS exists.

"Remember that tis always good to speak like one that learns, and not like one that knows" (, hence when merely JESUS exists All [including You] JESUS starts the New Beginning: so for instance You Will Enter Anewly into the Garden Of Eden, and then Victory Over such as 1st Testament wars and such as 1st Testament slavery and Exodus struggles. You Will Enter the Revelation New Heaven.

Romans 9:19 "One of you will say to me, 'Then why does God still find fault? For who can resist His will?' ": none, nothing; save as Eve of the Gift though stolen, like unto an anxious Child for to open Christmas presents prior to Others awakening, and like unto eating before it is done cooking, and rather as to be as JESUS Christ with All Authority Over sleep and Over cooking amounts.

JESUS Christ in the census 2,000 years ago was a Body Member, and the JESUS Christ that blew into Adam's nostrils was a Body Member as much as the Holy Spirit manifested to be able to move Adam's nostrils, somewhat similar to secular TV on the paranormal as a person for instance might show big scratch marks on their back from an unseen spirit: something made the scratch marks manifest even if from within such a person.

So there is a JESUS Christ that can be seen (Precepting fittingly as of "Cephas Peter" of the previous Sermon) as a Member and there is JESUS Christ Spirit unnoticed save as much as manifesting and as much as You notice, likewise as stated above concerning "Maintenance" hence Miracles that can often be seen and measured and such. So when All = JESUS, then 2 bodies as 1. In other words You [and We, in JESUS Christ] now Righteously Prophesying Will be JESUS in the census sense yet like unto growing an extra arm and many arms (some religions) and all such extra arms growing together like unto webbed toes on a duck and as Mother Mary growing round, You JESUS Christ Will fill All that there be nothing else and nowhere else and no other time.

Now about the Christian Churches, if to be counted in the census as if to leave the Church, not present for weekly Sermons for instance, as to stay home and type as stated above, as You have been Sent of the Preacher to go be amidst the Public [though as Many Christians Say and Do, Preaching throughout the week and going to Church also], it is hardly against the Church if to so leave since You Will Be Gathering People, including Evangelizing People that because of You, They Hope to become Saved, so if They live near the Church that You left [if to leave] then They would likely go to that Church to be Baptized and More!

So this is hardly about toward turncoat and treason ideas, and rather for Best For All, even for to Save More Souls: which Gives More Benefit, a town with no Churches or a town with many Churches?

So Behold the Benefits of JESUS Christ opting to Create: the typical Church Preacher Baptizes and Administers Over the Eucharist and such, but if there is a plague and many stay home or if there is a severe storm and People can't get to Church, then it is Good that You so typed. And if Your Internet access fails or if Your computer fails, then the People can leave You to go to those Churches that are near Them.

Be The Star!

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, reveals the JESUS Christ Spirit Manifestation Wisdom, the value of More Churches, be the UFO Guiding Star, and the Saving Grace Of Eve.


8 January 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, reveals the JESUS Christ Spirit Manifestation Wisdom, the value of More Churches, and the Saving Grace Of Eve, gif, pic.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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