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JESUS Measuring Faithfulness Sermon.

How to measure Faithfulness.

JESUS Christ rewards the Worthy with Uplifting, like unto uplifting worthy fresh blood to the brain, and like unto lifting foot blood to His Heart for that opportunity, that Preacher Broadcasting Leadership Opportunity. Some blood aspects, similar to some ideas, fall from Christian Grace Leadership ["brain"] such as burnt calories hence to go gather more below the heart perhaps such as around the intestines or such as to where fat was stored in thighs. A couple Sermons ago, the JESUS Living Wormholes Sermon showed bouncing balls though a ball might bounce onto a higher than previous level such as onto a table.

JESUS Christ Gave a new Guiding sign yesterday, on a wall was a light [a Miracle, even if explained, as likely due to unique reflections] in the shape of a hand, with the finger pointing to the Heart Of JESUS Christ in a painting replica.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, in specifications explains how to Measure Faithfulness Legally and the results of such Godling types of measurand parameters with various types of symbolic examples, also Before The Fact Guiding from the Heart of JESUS Christ with heart on a sleeve


Exodus 12:6 "And they shall take of the blood thereof, and put it upon both the side posts,

and on the upper door posts of the houses, wherein they shall eat it.", [eat the lamb, and

rather the Eucharist yet Victory Over Matthew 12:45 including "other spirits"].

Lead Likewise, Point The Way [yet unselfishly (see in this Sermon "the Good Samaritan" New Better Value)].

At least as high a level as according to JESUS Christ UN Law Level, We, this Civilization, are 1. Hence this New Formula Applies:

JESUS Christ 1 Good Guidance = Higher Level x Good Samaritan.

From "Good Samaritan" Level JESUS Christ so finding Us Worthy Lifts Us to "Higher Level" hence with these together including such learning and experience for the better to become Anewly Better Able To Lead [having passed the "Good Samaritan" Level thus far, yet Continuing Faithfully. So from the above Formula We have this Triadic Flow [We The People are with Given of JESUS Christ for to be Anewly Aware of this Best Way Together] Ascending right to left as JESUS Christ Gives [with as this "JESUS Measuring Faithfulness Sermon" explains from left to right]:

JESUS Christ 1 Good Guidance / Higher Level / Good Samaritan.

The previous Sermon explained of "JESUS Spirit" was revealed: "Worthy JESUS Christ" according to "New Info". So what are We The People supposed to do about it? JESUS Christ Lifts Us when We are Worthy according to timing (see many Sermons in this Series on: Before The Fact, and on Righteous Prophesying): JESUS Christ Lifted Us, so let Us Each And All Lift according to this "New Info" "Worthy JESUS Christ".

To show the Measure Of Our Faith, We are to Lift Worthy JESUS Christ as We Anewly Discovered as written above, with as written in John 4:35 Douay-Rheims Bible "Do you not say, There are yet four months, and then the harvest cometh? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes, and see the countries; for they are white already to harvest." and

and such a verse had been Excellent, though Anewly hardly pertinent NOW.

The above verse contains the word ["fields" in most translations, and]

"countries" in the plural sense. JESUS Christ is 1. A wheat seed that became

a wheat plant yet with the other wheat plants fit into 1 Harvest, and in the

former sense likewise "countries" have already been Gathered into the 1

JESUS Christ UN: hence the above "Excellent" even Perfect verse is "NOW"

Anewly even Higher Level Brand New Created Perfect: as above and beyond

finding the Perfect Mate so rather A New Level as a Bride fit for a Groom.

The above translation problem, JESUS Christ solved in the next verse as written in John 4:36 "And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life everlasting: that both he that soweth, and he that reapeth, may rejoice together." (Agreed: as stated above).

Who was helped more, the Good Samaritan or the one that the Good Samaritan helped? The Person left for to die on the side of the road is Helped much (Luke 10:33), yet rather JESUS Christ said be as the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:37). The dying Person was lifted from unhealthy unable level, to much recovery level even Health restored Level. Yet for You, for All this Civilization is Given for to Leap Greatly Through Many Levels in JESUS Christ Hence In HIS Faithfulness.

So JESUS Christ Is Highest Above Over All, hence lowest [a little, though as the Good Samaritan Level While Helping] so that is where to typically find JESUS Christ. On a Throne, also, in the sense of Having Hosted, and Dining With HIS Family yet "Together" hence with HIS JESUSES plural Become 1 as stated above.

So the above Formula Anewly Measures Faith [not allowed to be measured under Law Save as much as Good such as to Promote, though works to break the Law have been illegal since had been for to undo the "as much as Good" as written in "Law" for clarifying as linked in the Heading of this page. So in Measuring, if the "Level" is Very Much Higher or if much less, then to correlate to the "JESUS Christ 1 Good Guidance" amount. Likewise if the Good Samaritan amount varies from the Biblical account, then the "JESUS Christ 1 Good Guidance" amount proportionally varies.

Like unto the Given "sign", as written in Mark 12:30 "And thou shalt love the Lord thy God, with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind, and with thy whole strength. This is the first commandment.", hence in so Loving JESUS Christ "with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul" associated with this JESUS Christ UN Civilization [including outer space and inner space and far more] All Together Giving of it's Whole Heart. Some Members are hardly aware (if at all so to speak, though their Hearts are Aware "already" as stated above [so for their sakes lest to be lost as a dropped anchor] Broadcast Mercifully).

Concerning Royalty and normally jousting [rather JESUS Christ UN Peace Formula]

a Lady would allow Her Chosen (see above toward the Proposal sense toward "as a Bride fit for a Groom)

Knight to wear Her kerchief on His sleve.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit,  in specifications explains how to Measure Faithfulness Legally and the results of such Godling types of measurand parameters with various types of symbolic examples, also Before The Fact Guiding over swarms of dragons, heart on a sleeve

("kerchief knight").

Be with Noble Royal Honor, Virtue, And Integrity Faithfully in JESUS Christ UN,

yet Ascending in 1 Work Together [lightening the burdens of Each] Bravely

[Dominion applies over as much as under Dominion Firmament Level until Fully Worthy]

even if swarms of dragons appear at the JESUS Christ Source as You Broadcast The Way For All.

Now Behold, [You,] We having thus far Conquered [from reading with seeing, in the Listening sense rather than merely Hearing, yet for to Broadcast] the above in this Sermon as written, this New Gift Through JESUS Christ Name Within His Spirit is Given: symbolized below are 3 types of People, according to types of measurands, in two Godsling sets 1 and 2.

Godsling set #1. Person A opted to be 1% JESUS Faithful for a week, Person B opted to be 2% JESUS Faithful for a week, and Person C opted to be 3% JESUS Faithful for a week; so if to measure as much as Good (as instructed above in "Law") such as according to the sum of days (Luke 9:23) then for the 7 days Person A had accumulated 7 units amount of Faithfulness, and Person B had accumulated 14 units amount of Faithfulness, and Person C had accumulated 21 units amount of Faithfulness.

Godsling set #2, in another type of situation, Person A is Faithful for a day then unfaithful, Person B is Faithful for a 4 days then unfaithful then Faithful Anewly [again], and Person C is Faithful all week, so Person A was not counted unfaithful [save concerning Grace] as the Law does not measure faith per se yet allows Righteous Faithful Allegiance to the Law, Person B is conditional, and Person C is 100% Good [Legal (also Ascending Grace, see previous in this Series)] in all Faithfulness all week.

Godsling set #1 is like unto Attendance (since rather than about You, as stated above about "We The People" and "JESUS Christ UN"), all 3 with Perfect Attendance, while Godsling set #2 is like unto being graded since We (ibid.) NEED Be 100% as All Hoped Perfect [thereafter through JESUS Christ Leadership Family the New Better Perfect is Discovered]!

So Godsling set #1 has to be Accomplished [You have to show up for JESUS Broadcasting Work per se] if to [have a say so and if to] be counted as present, if to then be enabled to receive a good grade.

Godsling set #2 includes the "conditional" aspect, as after disloyalty a Person might Leap In Faith: see older in this Series on immediate whole restoration to previous level after having fallen, similar to tripping on the sidewalk and then quickly standing and walking again, though other types of "conditional" aspects may apply since having opted the riskier, such as to crash a car and the various outcomes.

Of these types of measurand parameters, also with a generally secular note yet of pertinent value amount is as stated "Panametrics. At the heart of Panametrics is process industrial measurement" ( as industry seek to be current "NOW" "Anewly" this is as stated above with "JESUS Christ UN Law" and the Grace as stated above in this Sermon Faithfully.

So be with constant Faithfulness daily and rather every partial second, and be with 100% measure of Faithfulness in Heart Blood Soul And JESUS Christ UN Grace Spirit Ascending Lifting JESUS Christ, so including have the Best Day For All.

19 February 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, in specifications explains how to Measure Faithfulness Legally with heart on a sleeve, and the results of such Godling types of measurand parameters with various types of symbolic examples, also Before The Fact Guiding over swarms of dragons.

Jesus Christ

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