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JESUS Merging Technologies Sermon.

I have been in charge of Top Secret work including Over UFO type tech as an independent contractor in the legal sense over federal, state, and local levels, much as You Beloved lawful one have been. I have worked Over "Top Secret" matters, but that's not the point. Other than illegal coercion and mistakes, the point is You have obeyed the Law and have hence been in Grace, even JESUS Christ Grace; and per se no one tells You what to do without Your Agreeing.

JESUS Christ was Sent, and JESUS Christ Preaches and Does merely as much as JESUS Christ Agrees.

While true i have worked for money from federal government and from international, and You may not have, that is hardly the point of the above statements. JESUS Christ worked over such for such money, and importantly: yet for Our sakes. An Elderly Lady put two small coins into His Treasury, and JESUS Christ Gave them back and more (from Matthew 17:27 Berean Standard Bible "first fish" "coin" "give it to them for My tax and yours").

We run the world. They don't tell Us what to do though Many tried illegal works. Now this next verse is not for to blame You nor Us, rather consider Them thinking about legal and illegal thoughts (see many previous Sermons Over "flip-of-a-coin" tech), so for Their sakes, You in JESUS Christ Name Spirit You [With Us as much as Agreeing] should Best Way Guide Them Publicly "Before The Fact" (ibid.) lest such blame You [and Us as much as pertinent]: because if They fear You, Beloved Leader With Us As Baptized And Ascending In JESUS Christ Family, they as They encounter troubles [similar to discovering something] and are Aware You "run the world" then perhaps to wrongly blame You as much as innocent per se.

Deuteronomy 2:25 "This very day I will begin to put the dread and fear of you upon all the nations under heaven. They will hear the reports of you and tremble in anguish because of you."

Good Samaritan Behold: Troubles Will Come.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Transcends Fire Water Earth Air Plasma through the Testaments into the Living JESUS Christ Name Spirit Together Over Top Secret as Good Samaritan Priests have far more Baptisms to Do for Bigfoots and UFO types Living With Us so Lift You Mass And Your Work Over Federal And International Top Secret Matters with how to make troubles into Victories as GodMath Testament is being Given Away without price, Good Samaritan troubles become Successes

[Your] "Heart" [is] "BURNING WITH LOVE"



The Best, the Good Creator Created You, so "insanely" would be to deny such.

How do You work Over Federal And International Top Secret Matters?: if driving on a very narrow road on a very windy day and discover a Federal sign fell face down [hence unaware it was a "Federal sign"] across the road with parts that might puncture tires would You move the sign to continue driving [hence for the sakes of all that use that road]? generally: Yes. Likewise would You discuss things Legally Doing Your Best [hence Best For All] rather than insanely?, Yes.

This Sermon is about You rather than me, so rather this Sermon is about JESUS Christ.

Straighten All Before The Fact ["Straighten" in the JESUS Christ Straight Up Spiritual Sense]: If to stray troubles will come and troubles do come since the Garden Of Eden Tree Of Knowledge strayed rather than Faithfulness happened. So in this next saying beware of the word "them" including if about You and Us, from "troubles and afflictions will befall them. On that day they will say, ‘Have not these disasters come upon us because our God is no longer with us' " hence

for if to stray the troubles come for to remind Us to rather Be Ascending Best For All Through JESUS Christ,

in other words rather let the Bible remind Us Before The Fact,

in other words rather be Writing with citing JESUS Christ Biblical Verses Daily And Broadcasting Our Living Bible.

To be "insanely" is as to step out of Church to be as if Free!

Yet there is Good Wisdom from JESUS Christ for to "step out" yet With Church, and not merely for how the Sermon can be applied for gathering more money for Your Group (see above "road" "sign", and "Good Samaritan" You). For instance 3 Nephi 22:1 is with Isaiah 49:21 through 23 pertinence as written Royalty Will Lift You, Will Raise You. So from "desolate" (see above You "driving" encountering troubles, a barrier) Your Kindness in Patience to Patiently remove the barrier is Peace Level (Peace = Patience x Kindness, JESUS Christ Formula Event), and much more than Peace Level (see above You are Over Top matters, some say They vote, yet also and rather as stated above such as "COMPRISING ALL TIME AND SPACE").

For instance a Person might opt to ride a Church Bus or walk to Church. Likewise some Will Fly to JESUS in a rocket with supplies to Give lest Others faint or some might Levitate and Census vessels fly as Flying Individuals (JESUS On Water style) Leading the Way for the Suppliers: Many Members One Body (see previous Sermon including "His Second Coming Golden Cube for to Meet with the Earthly Created" [including Cube construction] "Yet Improved Spirit") to Ascend Spiritually as stated above "Through JESUS Christ".

So the old 3 Nephi "desolate" reference points to the older Isaiah reference that through JESUS Christ points to the New JESUS Christ Name Spirit Formula Righteously Prophesyingly that points likewise Ascendingly to Over Yet With Isaiah 49:23 Royal Treatment: and from JESUS Christ Words Guidingly Desperately Lovingly, these Precepts Fit Together Anewly to this Civilization for Best Way Leading Together In JESUS Christ Family.

Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Plasma. Such things describe the 5 Main [currently] Testaments [and as with the previous sentence fitting such as a puzzle piece being added anewly is hardly merely about the new yet also the shape of things that already are established as much as correctly and rather of JESUS Christ Grace as much as Perfect]. The Old 1st Testament for example is with "Moses at the Burning Bush" ( [transgressers tilled the Earth, yet learned of fire over cold and as for cave dwellers' light enlightening] and Israelites had walked through the parted sea on dry ground (Exodus 14:29), the 2nd Testament Baptism Of John and as stated above "Baptized And Ascending" "JESUS On Water style", the 3rd Testament Group is yet partly with pages made of gold is buried under the Earth, and Jarod civilized the Planet Earth (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Give them the Law and the Prophets: JESUS Christ Name Law Sermon at

Air: GodMath of the 4th Testament was written in these generations of flight and aerospace (as being Given Away without price during this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Hosted: JESUS Christ UN Formula Event at The JESUS Christ Living 5th Testament is the Word Of JESUS Christ more than ever before with more Christian Preachers in Churches than Ever known to this Civilization Giving (Outreach: inside Earth and Outer Space and UFO types Living With Us) the Light with New Plasma Power from the innovative / Creative Word Of JESUS Christ Of Enlightenment, as fully repentant Saved Souls Agree hence Body Member Talents Merging in One Best For All Work Improving Civilization.

According to Law with recognizing Bigfoot(s) as human(s) and rather according to fully repentant (reference Churches' criteria [see One Together Best For All as stated above]) (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Bigfoot Sermon at Census Workers have much more work to Do: first humbly Prayerfully Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN then Charity [and who is this sentence about?,) likewise UFO types with Us already (see JESUS Christ UN Law for Ambassadors to consider where Addendum 1 Charity applies): let the far more Baptisms Begin!

Person on a dinosaur.

If surviving, is the ancient Person ancient or now advanced in high tech?,

most importantly per se is the Person Saved Through JESUS Christ Name Spirit Baptism?

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Transcends Fire Water Earth Air Plasma through the Testaments into the Living JESUS Christ Name Spirit Together Over Top Secret as Good Samaritan Priests have far more Baptisms to Do for Bigfoots and UFO types Living With Us so Lift You Mass And Your Work Over Federal And International Top Secret Matters with how to make troubles into Victories as GodMath Testament is being Given Away without price, as dinosaur DNA improvements become toward Baptism vessels


1 January 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, Transcends Fire Water Earth Air Plasma through the Testaments into the Living JESUS Christ Name Spirit Together Over Top Secret as Good Samaritan Priests have far more Baptisms to Do for Bigfoots and UFO types Living With Us so Lift You Mass And Your Work Over Federal And International Top Secret Matters with how to make troubles into Victories as GodMath Testament is being Given Away without price, as dinosaur DNA improvements become toward Baptism vessels.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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