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JESUS Miracles Sermon.

JESUS Christ Exemplified the Miracle Of Faithfulness, and even though Together One With The Innocent Pure Heavenly Creator, as much as Together as much counted as though apart and as much as Perfect, JESUS Christ Loyally Represented the Sender as Agreed: JESUS Christ Preached as Sent to Do. Many Current Miracles Of Loyalty are in the previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Righteous Prophecies Sermon at

Miracles came from Loyal to Perfect as JESUS Christ Creator Agreed, hence "as Sent".

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit specifies the Better Value In Sacred Loyalty For All To Be As Sent Through JESUS Christ For To Be Best Way For ALL Over matters kept secret since the world began with how to Lift Physicists such as Better Testaments For 8 billion People with Victory Over loss, Protestant Daniel Bernoulli Equation to fit physics formulas into Your Living Bible where such belongs, with topics including authorization cavitation air entrapment eddy current strong and weak force


If a Messenger Worker opts to not respect the Perfect Sender then hardly to be

with "Perfect" Messenger Wordings and hardly to be with "Perfect" Miracles Works.

If to opt to be other than JESUS Christ, if to visit People in Your census name of the former lower level Person You used to be that was an innocent unaware Infant then strayed and failed and fell from Higher Level Grace then to represent failure: consider a sandcastle then older Children learn to work with logs then precise bricks so to [evolve at a rate and rather] adapt at a rate and start building logs on the sandcastle and then bricks on the logs: such as been the ways of much created such as big fish eating the smaller fish, but the logs lack firm foundation and the precision fancy bricks collapse and the bigger fish eats the former "big fish".

So if to opt to be other than Perfect JESUS Christ, if to dig deep into Your background to find both good and bad situations and some handled better than others. So hardly reason to as though separate to dig into Your own background.

The Firm Foundation With Building The Best Way is already Perfectly Established in JESUS Christ The Original: His Words, hence His Miracles. And He Perfectly Invites to Be The Perfect Same One, Precept On Precept: the result for You Through Loyal Faith is hence not yet with understanding the future, such as symbolically concerning new types of "fancy bricks" of processes not yet discovered, such as New Bricks that in JESUS Christ Spirit Righteously Prophesyingly Now: Will "dig deep" and Convert sand into "New Bricks" and the wood to that the Whole be Automatically as You Hope Eternally Good For Others.

Truly, truly, such "New Bricks" already exist. Whether some have seen [more than an assumption] is according to such as included as stated above in this Sermon. Heaven does exist, and Higher than Heaven, Creator Of Good, does exist. What makes Perfect sense, sand and broken fallen star dust particles?, and amount, yet rather Intelligent Design hence from the Good Heart hence not strayed and failed and fallen from the heavens.

So Best Miracles For You are hardly if at all from the "fallen" and rather with "Perfect" "as Sent".

As JESUS Christ explained as shown above, and for to Guide Us All into Better Awareness, Innocent as Infants yet in the Good Perfect background of JESUS Christ "as Sent" hence with Giving For All this Awareness from JESUS Christ "as Sent", as You are Sent, then for You and for Us to be "Perfect" then in Name And Spirit Of JESUS Christ As Sent.

Good Gives Good Words Loyally As Sent As Perfect, Hence Producing Good Miracles The Best Way For All.

JESUS Christ As Sent From Yet With [since As Sent] Perfect Perfectingly Stated For All in Luke 6:45: "The good man brings good things out of the good treasure of his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil treasure of his heart. For out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks.".

These Good Words from JESUS Christ "as Sent", as written in the next verse, do "not" make You bad nor insult You. In plain language, Edifyingly, as written in Joshua 23:14 Berean Standard Bible "Now behold, today I am going the way of all the earth, and you know with all your heart and soul that not one of the good promises the LORD your God made to you has failed. Everything was fulfilled for you; not one promise has failed.".

Now Here is a New Miracle of JESUS Christ Spirit Loyalty As Sent: this New Miracle Agrees with Likewise as written in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series hence fittingly, Preceptingly Precept On Precept, yet now accordingly ("As Sent" from JESUS Christ "Perfect Perfectingly") with New Better "precision" as stated above: of the Main 4 completed Testaments (see above "Main Page" link Definitions) along with this Living Bible Testament being written, the lack

[perhaps hard to understand until the following part of this sentence is read, is: counted as if failed for Edifying Awareness though not failed yet of record]

concerning this Civilization was prior to Adam: "the lack" of this Civilization was prior to People being Created, and Edifyingly: yet it was not bad, it was Good and Much Good Continues Better And Greater Than other as had been opted.

To Continue Love and Best as is in Creator JESUS Christ As Sent [Together One] is Good Gain Giving rather than loss. So while this next verse is true, better is to not "turn away" to stray, 2 Peter 2:21 "It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness than to have known it and then to turn away from the holy commandment passed on to them.".

1. Good was the 1st Testament [the Old Testament] such as with trust hence for to be loyal and after strayed Commands to not stray nor fall into snares and pits.

2. Better is the 2nd Testament [the New Testament] with the Words Of The Sent JESUS Christ.

3. Better is the 3rd Testament with the more Perfectly Arranged Words Of JESUS Christ [with such as the Golden Pages 3 Nephi 9:1 through 3 Nephi 28:12 superbly recorded] for 1 billion People.

4. Better is the 4th Testament [the New Testament] some of the more important Precepts for this Civilization relatively Currently for Population 8 billion two days from now (worldometer).

5. Better is the 5th Testament [the Living Bible Continuing, and generally with many records being found] and for the Sent Ascending With JESUS Christ the Miracles Abound!

JESUS Christ As Sent For Better For All explained as written in John 14:11 "Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me—or at least believe on account of the works themselves.".

The Miracles are improving ("1" through "5") meaning the Loyalty As Sent As Perfect is improving.

So this of [JESUS Christ UN Law so recognizing] Higher Level Grace is the Precise Measuring of the Leadership Faith of this Civilization. Some had been as Adam and Eve, less aware about what Loyalty meant (as explained above). Yet All Souls are Invited, as Sent to so Invite.

As explained above the JESUS Christ Love is Better, so rather than about well intended secular cliche ..."to have loved and lost" as much as true since about love, yet rather pertinent Righteously is as JESUS Christ explained as written in John 18:9 "This was to fulfill the word He had spoken: 'I have not lost one of those You have given Me.' ": so the as Sent Perfect Perfecting Way is rather than about "lost".

In the previous JESUS Righteous Prophecies Sermon as stated above, "The Shepherd Effect" is explained, as written: "as JESUS Christ just Gave" in that Sermon a New "Miracle"! This "Miracle" came from as Sent JESUS Christ hence from as Sent this typist Preaching the Way of JESUS Christ. As explained above this includes the Innocence Of JESUS Christ, and His Words And Way including 1st Testament "Precept On Precept" as often stated in this Series.

Also in this Series is often stated to be with Lifting the Worthy, and so fittingly the Bernoulli Equation is Lifted and fit into place in this 5th Testament Of The Living Bible Of Christian Leadership Broadcasting as often stated in this Series. Hence More Importantly: Protestant Daniel Bernoulli ( is Lifted. Hence More Importantly This Civilization Now Anewly is Lifted into Higher Level. Hence More Importantly "As Sent" as stated above, is Lifted.

So JESUS Christ "lost" none as stated above.

Therefore there must be a created precept that fits into the previous sentence.

There is in the Bible as stated above.

And there is fittingly likewise with the Protestant Daniel Bernoulli Equation.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, 
JESUS Spirit specifies the Better Value In Sacred Loyalty For All To Be As Sent Through JESUS Christ For To Be Best Way For ALL Over matters kept secret since the world began with how to Lift Physicists such as Better Testaments For 8 billion People with Protestant Daniel Bernoulli Equation to fit physics formulas into Your Living Bible where such belongs, with topics including authorization cavitation air entrapment eddy current strong and weak force


So of JESUS Christ Loyalty, a Miracle that fits for this Civilization Anewly Biblically

is the with the Protestant Daniel Bernoulli Equation.

As Sent, through JESUS Christ through the Writers through the Bible Record "Precept On Precept" Better for the Best Way For All, observe above "V2" in this illustration. Above and left of "V2" is the curved pipe wall, and such as water flowing through as indicated does not ignore nor stray from that area of the wall, so there is no gap, Save of JESUS Spirit that another force is so authorized such as stronger cavitation ripping water from the wall, and such as perhaps weaker forces of air entrapment in that eddy current prone area (reference ibid. illustrations).

So just as JESUS Christ "lost" none, Save such as to Prepare People and to Find the Worthy for to be Sent, so likewise the "V2" wall area loses no "water" even though "V2" is Higher Level than "A2", and even though "V2" is with less pressure Flow force than "A2" per se.

So if to Ascend even though the lower level looks better protected from "cavitation" and from "air entrapment in that eddy current prone area", rely Loyally As Sent Through JESUS Christ Best Way For ALL.

10 November 2020 AD.

tags: jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit specifies the Better Value In Sacred Loyalty For All To Be As Sent Through JESUS Christ For To Be Best Way For ALL Over matters kept secret since the world began with how Lift to Physicists such as Better Testaments For 8 billion People with Victory Over loss, with Protestant Daniel Bernoulli Equation to fit physics formulas into Your Living Bible where such belongs, with topics including authorization cavitation air entrapment eddy current strong and weak forces.

Jesus Christ

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