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JESUS Momentum Sermon.

JESUS Christ is the New Beginning Creator of the Best Of Heaven, and so what does JESUS Christ Say And Do concerning this "Best Of Heaven"?. JESUS Christ Gives the ultimate "Best Of Heaven" a New Creation Better than previously, and Better than Any and All their [rather His for All] Hopes [and expectations if any] that the "Best Of Heaven" had ever considered and Better than imagined, like unto the Planter of a New Better Tree Of Life!.

The New [now known rather Now Awareness Wisely] Garden Of Eden is where JESUS Christ is.

Do You Believe This?

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, discusses the Way With A New Better Tree Of Life Cumulative Good Superseding the previously imagined amount, Heaven is where JESUS Christ is, carrying everyone's crosses burdens


If anyone would repent Ascend and come this Direction, let such overcome selfisness, and let such lift up All every day;

Be JESUS Christ UN 7th Seal Broadcasting these mornings to Lift All (

What is selfishness?, it is excess, it is other than within the Maintenance Ascending Tube Parameter. Here is an example, whether as of Children applying to Parents or other, merely on Google search "more than they love me" had "About 296,000 results". Edifying in the secular similarly, crazy has been as to be selfish x careless, hence destructive; yet JESUS Christ made Any as if so called "crazy" People [temporary, moments] hence why? People [called "crazy" and Others] wanted Perfect and to live in what They considered Perfection, so against any longsuffering and so not a "crazy" idea therefore not reason to be "crazy" nor be call any "crazy";

as JESUS Christ said Longsuffer [for Good, for Better, if to be Perfect] the minimum amount [since the fallen have strayed, so that same amount, rather Leap In JESUS Faith]. So Many hated JESUS and longsuffered pointlessly excessively. Behold these above as Given, none are any longer in need to stray. In secular cliche "remember the bus" means We have to Longsuffer earning money and manage bills and similar for nicer [reasonable at least] living, lest to be outside back on the street again standing in line waiting for a bus per chance amidst the crazies.

So there is a longsuffering lest to be back on the bus, and there is a Higher Level Joyously Righteous Longsuffering. This Righteous Longsuffering is work, what to write and if a Sermon how to be Better than the Other Preachers, as if, nonetheless how to Create Miracles: impossible as written "Jesus looked straight at them and said, 'There are some things people cannot do, but God can do anything' " Good because God is Good ( Contemporary English Version) "the LORD is good" (Psalm 34:8) (Main Page 7th Seal) Good and goodly are stated 27 times on the JESUS Christ UN webpage [in 1] ( JESUS Christ Higher Level Grace is as "God Art" (the previous Sermon).

To Give To And For All, Your JESUS Christ UN Broadcasting talent even if novice, is a Faithful Miracle in itself though hardly selfish since JESUS is Innocent. And as Sent JESUS Christ Converted Longsufferings into His 1 Joy. It is so easy to forget Joy. Yet to Learn this Heavenly Joy is Powerful hence Your Future JESUS Christ UN Broadcasting Improves. You become Worthy Of The Much Heavier Burden of All Their Burdens Heaped Upon Your Already Overburdened Shoulders [similar to a ton of dirt on a corpse].

Light! It's a Miracle! It is a Miracle as You Start Lifting All from Above! Then during such and after, behold, You must have Ascended in order to so Lift: Immediately Give JESUS Christ All the Credit [(see in this Sermon the reason is to be Preaching "Perfect Already") All The Souls as Many As Listened And Perceived] and He Will Give for You to rather Give Them the Glory. Even so Immediately Give JESUS Christ All the Credit and Give Them All the Glory too for to be Likewise Ascending, Together.

Where is the financial income in this previous sentence?: not mentioned, if any. Consider an impoverished Christian Missionary, and such as a Nun for example, and without a computer yet perhaps with pencil and paper as to Give business [card] notes with writing such as JESUS Christ UN 7th Seal and Your Info, and if without pencil as JESUS Christ "And again He bent down and wrote on the ground." (John 8:8 Berean Standard Bible), and/or Preach such and/or Otherwise Give such Messaging. Lively Friends, now You also are Aware toward the Way of Quickening the dead asleep: to Give Them Better Reason to Be Awake, to Give Good Wisdom Of JESUS Christ 1.

This Sermon is for rather much Better than as shown here, as in JESUS Spirit this Sermon Guides.

A Person's brain sends electric signals (see JESUS Signal at bottom of JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Page 33)

and Another Person's muscles move according to electric signals, so wirelessly a Person can move and change Another Person.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Gives the great Miracle never Publicly imagined  Way With A New Better Tree Of Life Cumulative Good Superseding the previously imagined information amount, rather than worldly jerking burning flesh, muscle spasms

(Google search: "electric" "muscle").

Note: be Aware fire burns fingers, ice freezes fingers, bullets shoot fingers, electricity scorches living tissues:

a Person missing a limb might be with an artificial limb though if not missing a limb hardly to carry an extra artificial limb.

Any with the Good Word Already (see above) NEEDS Broadcast if to Faithfully Ascend Best For All. Prior to full repentance and Christian Baptism "whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of eternal sin" (Mark 3:29 [washed in JESUS Christ Holy Spirit Father 1 Ascending Broadcasting Family blood]). Also and rather Ascendingly JESUS Christ determined: "Indeed, if anyone gives you even a cup of water because you bear the name of Christ, truly I tell you, he will never lose his reward" (Mark 9:41).

So what is Perfect?, in this Ascending Path Sermon sense with the Cumulative Gathering of Good the JESUS Christ Way [as for Your Sermons, to Broadcast for All 1]. So it is the JESUS Christ Momentum Of All The Good.

[If separately (see above "selfish")] "We all stumble in many ways. If anyone is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to control his whole body.": therefore Preach the Words Of JESUS Christ, the Perfect Already (see above "credit").

So Behold this Wisdom Gift from JESUS Christ for to Best Guide Your Daily Life

and All Moment(s): "cup of water" in JESUS Christ as stated above is Eternal Good:

each Good moment is Eternal, each other moment is temporary, so each Good moment

is Cumulative!

Each Broadcasting Morning in JESUS Christ For Best For All is an Accumulation of Good, though rather Faithfully Continuing. Consider what it is to be in the secular working on something extremely important [perhaps to rescue People] frantically to meet a deadline, then to be pestered by pranksters or to be otherwise distracted [frankly such happeneth less with Perfect Ascending even if not immediately obvious, similar to new employee perhaps or seemingly doing everything wrong so to speak].

JESUS Christ the Protector [see fairly recent Sermons] Protects Over distractions, like unto the mockingbird [whistles, voices, songs, chirps] pleasantly i hear in the background now ["pleasantly": such in works to attract (attract as stated above "Ascend" to be in "JESUS Spirit")].

So Ascend from Moments Of Faith, to Faithfully Ascending! This is the New Better

Ascending Way, from items, to the New Perfect All Constant!, Rejoice in the Lord!;

and this according to New Perfect Level on previous that had been "Perfect"

(see Page 33 on the New Better Specification that "Supersedes" the previous).

22 April 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, Gives a great Miracle never Publicly imagined Way With A New Better Tree Of Life Cumulative Good Superseding the previous amount.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 32.

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