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JESUS New Better Sermon.

JESUS Christ Together in 1 Ascended from Fasting from having Given Perfectly hence Victory Over Fasting, because the Faith Path Provides Victory On Victory. The Ascending Christian "Faith Path Provides" the "New", "Better", for as Many as Ascend with All Invited. Though for to Give Them the "New Better" and rather the Faith.

What is the value of fasting?, is to cause an innocent baby to be without milk and suffer in punishment because JESUS Christ was crucified?, no.

The value of fasting is it to Give success on success [through innocent through mature Ascended Living Good JESUS Christ merely the only Way] and an example of such success is to learn to rely on His Word Faithfully, such as when in the wilderness where Faithful in the Good Word John The Baptist [with fresh water] normally found merely locusts and wild honey to eat (Matthew 3:4) and JESUS Christ likewise became into the Ascending Way Exemplar for All

so such as when the Chosen People journeyed and were an hungred Chosen People ate Manna 40 years (Exodus 16:35) and as written in Exodus 16 "11Then the LORD said to Moses, 12“I have heard the grumbling of the Israelites. Tell them, ‘At twilight you will eat meat, and in the morning you will be filled with bread. Then you will know that I am the LORD your God.’” 13That evening quail came and covered the camp, and in the morning there was a layer of dew around the camp".

So likewise JESUS Christ was in the wilderness where food was known as though scarce

yet opted New Better than to eat the Baptismal Given dove. Behold this Very Fortunate Person: JESUS, the Christ, said "So do not be afraid;

you are worth more than many sparrows" (Matthew 10:31 Berean Standard Bible).

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, explains symbolism for the sakes of Others, that the Chosen People ate the quail yet with fasting New Better Value JESUS Christ did not eat the Baptismal Dove, why this person is lucky, in chains, on a grave.

The current Best Faith talk is of something "completely new!"


The Mass Gathered itself from various citizens, to rather be 1 Mass for Good for Highest Purpose, for Best Way, for to Save All, for All. This applies not merely in the Churches, as Groups Gather even if a terrorist Gang, for something Better; terrorism begets terrorism especially against the Gang itself: does the terrorist gang buy pistols or go to Church?, the Gang buys pistols and if to find nothing against the Generous Church, the terrorists attack Others though if to find nothing against Others then to disband or if to continue then to terrorize and practice with weapons hence against itself. Is it Good?, it is "Better" than attacking the Higher Levels, it is the JESUS Christ Original Plan Way with Levels and Tube Parameters [as identified in this Series (see above Main Page Definitions)]. Rather Before The Fact Broadcast For All.

Part of a chain, a link, a ring is a symbol for Another.

Ascendingly New Better, ancient Egyptians adorned for self often, Chosen People adorned as God explained hence for God.

Symbolized New Better now with Name Awareness thus far Faithfully Prayerfully humbly innocently for JESUS Christ Best Way For All.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, explains symbolism for the sakes of Others, that the Chosen People ate the quail yet with fasting New Better Value JESUS Christ did not eat the Baptismal Dove, interlocking rings, gold, jewelry, not orgy, chain, slavery, victory


Broadcast JESUS Christ UN 7th Seal with Peace Formula Prayerfully for the Glory Of JESUS Christ, and Broadcast innocently humbly for All, to Be Found Worthy of All to be with All Agreeing. Ascend in JESUS Christ, even as JESUS Christ did such as with John The Baptist.

Broadcast to Help Them Ascend from "bound with chains and shackles" (from Luke 8:29) and Our Entire Civilization Will Benefit! There is merely 1 Best Way. An excuse is at a restaurant a Person orders beans and Another orders corn: We have more important things to discuss, such as if the system fails there no "beans" nor "corn" option (see above chains). The Good System is built according to Good Faith. Chinese Buddhists fell to atheism, yet behold so much Good as the Faith of JESUS Christ is in Them too!

To be unaware is to be as a Child, an Infant, yet even a zygote is a Blessing from God, just look how Many Chinese Atheists, even if confused, have been in works about zygotes. And look at the systems. To be atheist or as the former Buddhists, has been embarrassment, as if to say there is none greater, yet JESUS Christ The Creator Created Himself (see previous proofs in this Series), and again after the tomb (ibid.): for this is His showing All the Way, Together, the Best For All Way.

To opt to be ignorant is hardly to Best Ascend the Good For All Best Way.

The previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Good Sermon at explained what it is to be perfect. Look at the Praise for "Chinese Atheists" for i too confess having been under atheism ideas and this JESUS Christ Way Is Far Better, Beloved Friends. Behold it was taken from Buddhists and Given to Atheists, and of the previous sentence it was lifted legally and Morally from atheism to Christian [i confess i went from Christian to rather obeying the law as if more important as the Christian Preacher Doing His Best back then advised, to becoming a Faithful Christian, somewhat, again; and rather Now much more Faithful having found Christian Faith exceedingly More Valuable].

2 People might Each order "beans". When You Broadcast [opt to Lead as the Few for JESUS Christ], to find some Broadcasting "corn" value, as You opt to Broadcast "beans" value; yet another day They Broadcast "beans" and You "corn": this point is that You Will Find so many Others as You, the JESUS Christ Way, filling in the gaps, joining together bricks as 1 magnifying Tree Of Life. I confess that yesterday of Given [called natural] lighting effects i saw a sign of the crown of thorns of JESUS, that became the Menorah.

Prepare the Way of the Lord in JESUS Christ and make [Our rather Together in 1 Soul] His Path Straight.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, explains symbolism for the sakes of Others, that the Chosen People ate the quail yet with fasting New Better Value JESUS Christ did not eat the Baptismal Dove, JESUS, stern, crown of thorns, new, menorah crown


11 April 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, explains symbolism for the sakes of Others, that the Chosen People ate the quail yet with fasting New Better Value JESUS Christ did not eat the Baptismal Dove.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 32.

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