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JESUS New Birth Sermon.

JESUS Christ Provides a Higher Level Heavenly Lineage Anewly, from the Perfect, that is Better than the Past, into the New Better Higher Level Perfect that is Righteously Prophesying Perfectly for to Emulate Before The Fact. This is as written Preceptingly: to Leap in Faithfulness Righteously Best For All through JESUS Christ Desperate Love Giving Work Wisdom is New Birth Victory [hence to explain and Preach hence for to Edify, for to be Solved rather than to separate,] Over unknown name hence unknown spirit of the Old 1st Testament, and Continuing Faithfully Likewise is as the Heavenly sign seen this morning.

The Heavenly Guiding sign in a dream [as though i was as from toddler becoming teen] was as a bed then to notice the lump of the unmade bed blanket then the lump was pulsing and as breathing up and down and the lump became swadling and an Infant As JESUS Christ Delighted! And this is the interpretation Given: from "Edify" the former secular levels ideas under laws hence predictions such as to use stones to scratch the ground for self to eat [even so for both Adam With Eve Together to eat hence to first Wed], that rather the Living JESUS Christ Way is the Living With The New Better Living Righteously Preceptingly.

From that which was not living, to Create The Highest Level Best!

So the New Beginning in the future is no longer about starting over again, rather

Be Best And JESUS Christ Perfect Leader One Now, and start from that Level!

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit,  Gives the BEST OF JESUS CHRIST, BETTER THAN THIS CIVILIZATION has ever heard Save the Immaculate JESUS Christ as much as WE CAN BE THE Immaculate JESUS Christ so Receiving yet rather GIVING Lifting JESUS Christ Family Edifying Together All Perfect hence into Same Level 1, smiling baby pic


Soldiers might have fought and taken a fort, yet

"remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive" (

"When one gives a smile, it multiplies",

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, smiling baby gif


Before Adam and Eve left the Heavenly Place for to perform works with hands of created vessels, the 2 opted knowledge type faith, similar to merely a part of what JESUS Christ said when supposed to be with the Whole Sum of the Way of JESUS Christ; similar to merely the first part of "their swords into plowshares" (from Isaiah 2:4) as if how to have a plowshare save if to first have a "sword": that has been how the secular predictions strayed works have worked in multitudes of opinions and faith types and risks and under perpisms.

JESUS Christ Ascending Grace Giving is the Giving of Better Before The Fact

as JESUS Christ Ascending Grace Giving is the Giving of Perfect and Better than had been told.

The Bible is Good and necessary for record and as much as Good for Good Remembrance, yet the Creating of New Better than previously exists in JESUS Spirit in the Christ Position With All Authority Over All Power hence: All Power Is For Good for the Better hence Perfect!

To stray is to risk, as if merely about the thought of this sentence. Yet continuing Better [similar to repentance from mere predictions for any reasons, then the New Better Way]: rather as written in Luke 4:18 Berean Literal Bible "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because of which He has anointed Me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim deliverance to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to send forth in deliverance the oppressed,"

and even rather than JESUS Christ said in the previous verse yet because in that situation

JESUS Christ was targeting [rather focusing on] Edifying those that rejected Him

(, so no longer from stating the problem then the solution

though allowed, such as to send a Person to the store even though a truck might run over Them,

yet rather in JESUS Christ Name Spirit Grace With His Authority Over All Power hence no

longer separation, no longer rejected, no longer cast out by Him according to former levels

strayed ideas, yet rather as so often Preceptingly in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series

to Flow: Together We JESUS Christ Family Leadership is the Flowing Perfect.

Even if i make future mistakes, this is no excuse for You nor for others to make mistakes. And rather to Emulate hardly merely the cast out options of Adam And Eve, rather from the BEST OF JESUS CHRIST TO ANEWLY CREATE THE BETTER THAN THE BEST YOU HAVE EVER BEEN AWARE!

Creating Better in this JESUS New Birth Sermon, therefore is Being with Receiving this message. Yet with this of course is yet rather GIVING.

27 February 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, Gives the BEST OF JESUS CHRIST, BETTER THAN THIS CIVILIZATION has ever heard Save the Immaculate JESUS Christ as much as WE CAN BE THE Immaculate JESUS Christ so Receiving yet rather GIVING Lifting JESUS Christ Family Edifying Together All Perfect hence into Same Level 1.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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