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JESUS New Designer Sermon.

The End Of Days is coming as written of the Righteous Prophet Daniel 12:13 New International Version "As for you, go your way till the end. You will rest, and then at the end of the days you will rise to receive your allotted inheritance.". The End Of Time to repent is coming lest no Eternal Heaven. Therefore, and now Anewly in this New Beginning coming [Save if already Ascended into such High Level], Righteously Prophesying Anewly in Precept On Precept Fitting Pertinent Broadcasting this JESUS New Designer Sermon there Will Be the "New Beginning", so to answer whether Genesis again?, hardly, rather the New Better With Already Victory In JESUS Christ As Sent Originally Over the former Genesis that had a fall from Grace unto lower levels than JESUS Christ?

JESUS Christ New Beginning Will Be the Preceptingly Fittingly Best New Design, so of the previous Designers (plural) Each With All Souls, Will You Now As Invited Ascend to Become One of the New Designers, or to go through former Genesis again repeatedly until Right? If to solve the Genesis stray and fall from Perfect Grace, then to Do Best For All Human Level as Pertinent [minimum]. In other words more pertinent to You, Will You enter into JESUS Christ to Best Design the New Beginning Before The Fact Righteously Prophesying [hence needful for You through JESUS Christ Way to Be A "Righteous Prophet", or do you opt to backslide and stray and fall from Grace again?: be the Designer [Together], lest to be the repeater falling into harder works.

A normal adult in this generation has sometime(s) been a perp, such as to drive and illegally cut in front of another car,

so if an Arresting Officer is Christian Righteously Planning for the future as previously, but if you opt to not plan [to not design],

then perhaps as shown here: in the future the Christian Jailer arresting and taking you to prison.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, explains that if You prefer Better Civilization then You have to make it so through JESUS Christ, none else can do it for You, lest to opt to be imprisoned, rather Broadcasting JESUS with laser etching the Living Bible into distant planet rocks


"A Jailer Becomes a Christian Acts 16:16-40" (

One Christian left Church immediately after Service, Another Christian stayed to Help Lead In The Future.

The "Christian stayed to Help Lead In The Future" is like unto Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN 7th Seal, though whether the Church is Agreeingly or other has been the concern of that Church, similar to how a Person is a Plumber and Another is an Electrician; One Church might focus on a Neighborhood Baptizing Need, while Another Might focus on legal issues hence their NEEDFUL BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN.

A Toddler grabs something such as a lit Menorah to keep from falling and in so doing causes a serious fire. JESUS Christ was a "Toddler", how was He as a "Toddler" Perfect In Wisdom to break no Law such as to not burn something wrongfully?: He Planned Righteously The Best Way Best For All Before The Fact, Before Being Born And Before "Toddler" in order to be Our Example.

The "Plumber" might not be an "Electrician" so let the "Electrician" plan as Given to Do, let Each Plan Together As Invited Members Of JESUS Christ Creator Of Beginning and of New Heavenly Beginning, Firmament On Firmament, Perfect Perfectly Discovering New Better Higher Level Perfect ["Discovering" even if Eternally Aware (example Luke 15:7)].

In plain language, what if a Christian Plumber Plans the New Beginning as if without input from any Electrician, then perhaps to specify to connect pipes to run fluids, no exceptions; so if an Electrician tries to run a wire or to go wireless, unable, since having not connected "pipes to run fluids" NO EXCEPTIONS!

So We Must [for Good as All Hoped, reason JESUS Christ Was Sent], go through Perfect JESUS Christ and Continue Ascending including Best Planning the New Better Genesis Faithfully, then the Work hence the Miracle(s), the Joyous Miracles in 1 [from Our Perspective, though the created Miracles' perspective(s) may be many perspectives starting as birth(s) from dust to People; so Broadcast including in stone for Them to find.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, explains that if You prefer Better Civilization then You have to make it so through JESUS Christ, none else can do it for You, lest to opt to be imprisoned, rather Broadcasting JESUS with laser etching the Living Bible into distant planet rocks


We talk to computers and technology becomes Better: JESUS Christ Family Together 1 Designers Will Broadcast, writing into stones on distant planets.

We Will Joy in Newly Discovering what We said [selfishly rather] as JESUS Christ Guides hence Best Joy Continuing Faithfully For All.

Lazy naysayers work after being commanded from the authority the lazy naysayers respect.

Christian Leaders shed Word Power Light Revealing The Future Message For All, to Vote Before The Fact (previous Sermon at

17 May 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, explains that if You prefer Better Civilization then You have to make it so through JESUS Christ, none else can do it for You, lest to opt to be imprisoned, rather Broadcasting JESUS with laser etching the Living Bible into distant planet rocks.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 33.

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