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JESUS New Holy Spirit Sermon.

As written "But the Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will help you remember everything that I have told you" (Amplified Bible), and the "Advocate" is "(a) an advocate, intercessor, (b) a consoler, comforter, helper, (c) Paraclete. An intercessor, consoler" (

Beyond the census in the Spirit Levels a "JESUS New Holy Spirit" Step is added for the Souls to make the transition more smoothly with more Awareness Before The Fact to see it is Better Gradually and less seemingly risky and less scary [though fear the Lord for Your sake even though the Lord is Kind]. So the added Step is "JESUS Spirit Pulses" so as to no longer rely on the relatively lower level need of JESUS Christ to be rejected by You, hence this Enlightens You for to Enlighten All; Given left to right, Ascending right to left:

JESUS Spirit Faithfully / JESUS Spirit Pulses / Better than census level though hardly enough for JESUS Spirit Work [toward lusts for to be Comforted in Heaven].

Some Pages ago in this Series was discussed how JESUS 3 times appeared smiling, though disappeared each time i thought about a selfish comfort lust a tiny amount.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, reveals how JESUS is With Us and the next Higher Level Holy Spirit step for Many, and guides Anewly as to how to encounter Outer Space UFOs and strange spirits and critters, 3d gif coming out of the monitor.

JESUS existed in the Garden Of Eden, though Adam and Eve did not always see Him.


To be seen, is for You sake (similar to "Comforter" yet rather than another be sent). Matthew 18:20 Berean Standard Bible "For where two or three gather together in My name, there am I with them".

The previous Sermon "Righteously Prophesies concerning the Holy Spirit change" for the Best For All, since created creatures in the form of Humans were comforted by selfish lusts, such as about Gifts and such as Tithing, hence formerly about lower levels of things, Miracles after-the-fact of Giving One's Soul for JESUS Christ Faithfully, Baptism with Ascending as in this Series [it should be in Your Series too: Create New You Broadcasting like unto a Holy City set on a hill making Heaven On Earth in low places and High Levels Gracefully humbly Prayerfully Spiritually].

The Creator is available the instant You opt to Ascend whether seen or unseen. Though prior to JESUS Christ in the census 2,000 years ago for to straighten the census, there were many 1st Testament confusions, such as Commanded to not murder, but murders murdered each other so as if a sign to murder murderers but it is not.

Prior to that Commandment was Deuteronomy 17:6 "On the testimony of two or three witnesses a man shall be put to death, but he shall not be executed on the testimony of a lone witness": it no longer applies [not for Law, not for Grace, not for exception since JESUS Christ Original Plan automatically compensates [though hardly excuse: Be Always Seeking to do Best For All hence Original JESUS Christ Way As All Hoped As Sent]. To opt to not be in the Garden Of Eden should of Your Grace no longer apply. To prepare for the Great Flood no longer applies, yet the recordkeeping applies at least currently.

Faithfulness has been as though to Longsuffer lack of Miracles ( yet Anewly as in this Series in more recent Pages is Victory Over Longsuffering according to the JESUS Christ Ascending Way Best For All; in other words Your Faithfulness Continuing to Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Word With Work becomes the Miracle [singular form of rather than many Miracles plural]. How can Faith, also be an after-the-fact Miracle?, Transfiguration independent of time, also such as consider to Righteously Prophesy In JESUS Spirit Best For All [hence as JESUS Christ said with fitting precept on precept], so if to see the future and solve Before The Fact then until the seen event time, is You being with the Miracle Before The Fact.

If a possible Witness sees something and perhaps has a pic, it is less merely the Witness, toward both the Witness and the pic similar to a Witness. So the Person and/or a Lawyer and/or Attorney might have that pic [perhaps of an alleged creature] analyzed by an Expert Group and the Expert Group might say the pic appears untampered but is not proof of that type of creature [and perhaps true] so the "Person" if doesn't have to pay that Expert Group since there is "no proof" that the Expert Group did any work: this point being Faithfulness such as an Oath on the Christian Bible. And this applies concerning Witness Credibility and Evidentiary Support.

The "Expert Group" can be clear about it Before The Fact, if that Group opts [perhaps payment in advance]. Yet this Sermon is of Grace. If Lawmakers opt, They can make more laws although too many already (reference for instance merely case law and the overburdened Courts) so rather reference "Law" link below, though there is much for Lawmakers to do to simplify (see JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Love Sermon Formulae at for instance) more concisely hence generally easier to remember.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, reveals how JESUS is With Us and the next Higher Level Holy Spirit step for Many, and guides Anewly as to how to encounter Outer Space UFOs and strange spirits and critters, show SOME self vulnerabilities, 3d gif coming out of the monitor.


So to Fear JESUS Christ be with this perhaps scary thought. Unselfishness is Vital, it is Necessary if to encounter other Advanced Civilizations [such as similar level to this Civilization]. The former way was to have military might to be ready to exterminate if indicated or if needful. I rather fear JESUS Christ. Even so be with this, if You can be Brave [Yes You Can]: with encountering be humbly Prayerfully Broadcasting JESUS Christ [that might be why such came to encounter (Magi...Gifts).

Unselfishly Proclaim Your vulnerability, Precept On Precept.

?!? Historically such as in the 1st Testament was a display of might as with shields and armor and swords. That perhaps can be done too, if opted (Matthew 4:2). How would They respond if We breathe on Some and They pass from the census?, or if They attack Us by breathing and some of Us pass from the census (some Native American Indians). A space visitor might such as dwell in high radiation levels. If to invite into a rocket but find out too late They perish if the temperature is higher than 60 degrees: sorrow.

To Lead is to be the Exemplar for the Visitor, so to be the first to show SOME self vulnerabilities.

We have a selfish instinct from the Tree Of Knowledge to defend, yet Our Faith To Prevail is the JESUS Christ Way For All.

22 May 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, reveals how JESUS is With Us and the next Higher Level Holy Spirit step for Many, and guides Anewly as to how to encounter Outer Space UFOs and strange spirits and critters, show SOME self vulnerabilities, 3d gif coming out of the monitor.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 33.

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