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JESUS New Marriage Sermon (updated 10 February 2023 AD concerning Churches...with "girding').

Of what Grand Event do so many Greater Family Relatives Gather Together from far (reference Magi and Shepherds [Yet Anewly Better in this Sermon]) to Celebrate Together the Family Increase in [Better than merely in] census?, [with Newborn related info also in this Sermon, yet...] often in census Families the Greater Family Number Of Relatives Gather Together from far the Wedding (example JESUS Christ ICCDBB: Covenants, Gifts, with Benefits Sermon at

This concerns "Before The Fact" (often in this Series concerning Light Burden Longsuffering Faithfully), prior to the JESUS Christ First Miracle [even prior to the stray and fall of Eve and Adam], as written in "The next day there was a wedding celebration in the village of Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there," though the less about the under the Law sense (yet Legal with the actual web address cited) and more Evangelism Together "different" (stated in the next link) sense for the Better For All Awareness as much as pertinent in this Sermon within this translation was stated here for the purpose of explaining "the village" cliche toward Everyone knowing Each Other and so pouring out from houses for to be Attending hence New Living Translation.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, of Grace explains how You are required to pay for the sins of a Visitor and the precise amount, hence a glimpse into Higher Heaven Level Purpose far above the learning to diaper Thyself stage with specifics reverencing Church and Family criteria to gird with inviting Peace, a little salt, and a little sweet, young adult JESUS Christ prior to His 1st Miracle with Mary, Magdalene, Disciples, Family Wedding, gird


The Family and Friends are excited and thrilled with the prospect of successful Marriage many years with Welcoming into Family [and New Friends (reference Spiritual Fellowship)] and with Likewise Welcoming the Newborns into the Christenings and as They Mature to opt full repentance and to become Baptized Ascendingly, as the Family Magnifies and Grows and as the Friendly Community Likewise Benefits as Blessed [Events] and so Prospers from Heaven Above.

So We are aware of these census Values, like unto a crop with seeds for food yet such as first fruits and such as bigger Better fruits [Word] Planted for even Better Harvests and Hostings in the future. So this is toward Church and Heavenly.

This "JESUS New Marriage Sermon" goes from the census Great Magnifying Growing Good Value, to the Better, Anewly Given Now for to be pertinent in Your [rather Our] Ascending Into Heaven even rather to be Leading The Way [Save as already Having Led, Yet even so: 1 JESUS Christ Family Leadership (including "village" and greater)]:

how to explain?: to understand and become Better in Awareness of this Higher JESUS Christ Level of Heavenly Purpose Anewly, is Given now starting with the [at risk of familiar, rather as much as Good (ibid.)] lower levels less discussed in High Level Church Sermons;

Adam and Eve opted to fashion and wear fig leaves garments [as if able] to hide the transgressing from JESUS Christ Creator God [as Sent, as All Hoped For Better] as to have waste [toilet related areas] knowledge without continuing Faithfully in JESUS Christ Lifting Name Spirit Together Trustworthily [as has been known as strayed into risks and fallen from Grace: so Law handles the lower functions stuff for rather to Redeem in Grace as much as Worthy and Good for Redeeming through JESUS Christ];

the "lower functions" of Adam and Eve became known to each other: so Anewly Now what is the Higher Level Value?, to make more in selfish images?, hardly, rather if Adam and Eve would have continued with JESUS Christ as in the above pic then [more like unto the Baptism] and more like unto the Church Wedding that Sanctifies Through the Sent to Save: Savior JESUS Christ.

And so to explain more clearly, hardly about Adam and Eve about works to hide, and rather than [of genealogy yet as much as involved in the lower level census amount of producing of JESUS Christ, and] about the act of mating, is the

New Heavenly sense that if a Man is ungirded and His Woman as Wed Wife is ungirded,

then this New Heavenly sense is that when the 2 become as 1 Each girds the Other

at least the amount that becomes girded. This so to speak is a small thing, this "amount" "girded" yet explains the far Higher Level Heavenly Principle thing. In other words, rather than persecuting each other under laws and under such as exclusive cliques, the Heavenly Higher Level than Honeymoon and such [at night as to hide] is that as shown above the girded Fellowship, and importantly this New Girding hardly merely our lower level Maintenance responsibility,

yet rather We Gird Each Other, like unto diapers and rather as at Hospitals, also as Clothed in the Cleansing Blood Spirit [As We Give] Of JESUS Christ.

All sins become washed away, yet in so girding, like unto the press of the [Mass] Crowd the Heavenly Way, is the Accepting hence the Inviting of Visitors into the Churches (update added 10 February 2023 AD JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Valentine Sermon at with what Higher Level Girding means). The High Priest...Clothes Them Anewly With The Immersion Baptism (see somewhat older Sermons in this Series on former Sprinkling ways of Value, rather hence forth Ascendingly as JESUS Guides).

Invite the Stranger hence be humbly Preaching In JESUS Christ Name And Spirit hardly merely after-the-fact and similarly hardly merely during the initial visitation meeting yet rather Before The Fact even Preparation: the Preparing of Their ears [His Ears, the Ears of JESUS Christ even if a Person is born without ears].

Above is as if contrary to the Law, and eve though Grace is Higher Level, allow the Law

[yet as Civilization Ascends there becomes less need of Law yet remembrance Awareness

Continues to be pertinent; and this pertinence now applies that the following verse is

toward Law and rather than about ungirding in Church [concerning out in public dating

Grace (reverence Church criteria and Family criteria) toward the above applies].

The next 4 verses apply with these first 3 from

1. Colossians 3:13 New International Version "Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.",

2. Proverbs 19:11 Berean Standard Bible "A man's insight gives him patience, and his virtue is to overlook an offense.".

3. Romans 15:7 "Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring glory to God.",

4. Luke 11:4 "And forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. And lead us not into temptation.".

A perp Gang did works to try to hide illegal things some Gang Members did,

rather be Legal and rather be in JESUS Christ Name Spirit Grace as written

above and in so Doing is the "virtue", the Honor for High Value for Each and rather For All

like unto the JESUS Christ Peace Formula, "Peace = Patience x Kindness" (JESUS Christ ICCDBB:

JESUS Love Sermon at rather than

to risk losing everything. A Person grows from birth such as to like food including

for health and so normally becomes greedy for food [and other self pleasures] though

if to come out of hiding, such as to have robbed a grocery store and then to be hungry

then to worry about punishment and losing works values about all "robbed" and be caught,

so rather than loop trying strayed works and repeat, is the "Peace" Way Solving in

1 JESUS Christ Best Way Work For All.

So as stated above is the solving, as written "Friends, be salt for the sake of your neighbors. Be salt for the sake of your co-workers. Be salt for the sake of your family." (

As written "And will attract people to glorifying God is that His disciples are seasoned with salt for the sake of the Gospel." with "But salt is good unless it becomes unsalty. Now this is weird isn’t it? Sodium chloride is stable, right? Meaning it cannot lose its saltiness, so what does this refer to?" and with Leviticus 2:13 says “Every grain offering of yours, you shall season with salt so that the salt of the covenant of your God should not be lacking from your grain offering.” (

Likewise "13Eat honey, my son, for it is good, and the honeycomb is sweet to your taste. 14Know therefore that wisdom is sweet to your soul. If you find it, there is a future for you, and your hope will never be cut off." (

A little salt, a little sweet, likewise little girding of each other and hence the Mass is with Many Members so the Visitor is Given a Multitude of little girdings (reference a Family Generations quilt: for to cover the whole Person(s)). JESUS Christ died for All Our sins, You are merely of Bettering Grace to Give a little girding. So in other words a Person would die for Another Person, and a Leap Of Faith might be pertinent, though the Way of JESUS Christ is already Better than former lower levels of ways to stray and fall looking to "die".

If rather than about to "die", then above stated "Peace", and Prosperity ("bigger Better fruits") Apply.

So if other than "die" is as if overpopulation: there is a crowding concern, so We are Given this Peace Miracle for to Plan Over such Before The Fact. Prior to Overcrowding is Maintenance Responsibility as in the JESUS Christ Authority As Given to His Disciples concerning His Preaching and also for [His] Their Vessels as with the Loaves And Fishes Administration Together Over the Crowd [the too crowded situation], in Grace rather than under threat of Legal Prosecution And Persecution, making Them sit in companies of 50.

So a little Together and a lot Together, a JESUS Given Season to sow, a Season to reap the Harvest and Host in great Celebration though Grace Peace Control for Each hence for All, and for All hence for Each even for 1 JESUS. Such extensive conditional planning can be hard work, though hardly as hard as lack of Peace, so with Peace are the ibid. Blessings, the Better JESUS Christ Way Awareness as written:

“Come away,” says Jesus, “come to a deserted place, and rest awhile.”

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, of Grace explains how You are required to pay for the sins of a Visitor and the precise amount, hence a glimpse into Higher Heaven Level Purpose far above the learning to diaper Thyself stage with specifics reverencing Church and Family criteria to gird with inviting Peace, a little salt, and a little sweet, off shore boat ship Jesus, large crowd.


4 February 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, of Grace explains how You are required to pay for the sins of a Visitor and the precise amount, hence a glimpse into Higher Heaven Level Purpose far above the learning to diaper Thyself stage with specifics reverencing Church and Family criteria to gird with inviting Peace, a little salt, and a little sweet.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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