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JESUS New Norm Sermon.

JESUS Christ The Original Best Plan Creator of Desperate Love Gives the New Beginning in His Christian Zion Souls, the New Norm, the New Standard. This is with The Best, His Highest Purpose Leadership, and this is also in Godsling with the new normal. There are things that people, having experienced the former normal, are anxious in the Heart to improve. Generation on generation ascended such as from wooden buckets of water to complex water systems, and likewise the Heart of this Civilization needs to improve.

Matthew 4:1 and 2 "Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. After fasting forty days and forty nights"..., Matthew 4:11 NAS ..."angels came and began to serve Him": THEREFORE WE NEED BEGIN TO BE HIS NEW IMPROVED VICTORY SPIRIT!

Angels Are Already Beginning "to serve" as Many as are JESUS Christ UN Broadcasting!

The worst is increasingly quickly (2 John 1:10 & 11) losing authorities and powers. Even the desert dung beetle shows people how to collect such as water from the air.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, emphasizes the 5 Pennies Rule concerning humidity and the thirsty as indicated toward Global Warming, Heavy Water, and Radon, Victories in 1 Before The Fact.

In the Desert critters gather water from the air such as "using an ingenious series of tips and bumps on their wing scales"

( (intelligent design) (Revelation 10:1).

To Give Water [food, supplies, systems, & money] to the thirsty, and JESUS 1 Best Authority control, is correlated to removing Global Warming humidity and some storms' powers, and oversimplifying to put as much of the water into the cup as Best For All With Most Appropriately Fitting. There is 1 Best JESUS Faith yet We apply as indicated, for Us to be fitting into Given applications. In one of the pertinent examples there have been expensive scrubbers.

If to put water into the cup of the Thirsty, and if trace carbon is in it and if to include activated carbon then likely facilitating toward reducing Radon in People; let such expert groups so consider priorities in JESUS Original Plan Spirit with Given situations as some humidity harms and some helps. A somewhat calm magma pit opening at the bottom of the ocean may have heavy water that systematized may serve to remove heat: related there are various types of applications for refrigeration. In other words, JESUS Tube Parameter Benefits All His Ascending!

Friends, Peace! With humble Bravery likewise Broadcast! There was this week an ad on TV about lovers of monies, and whether [such as with savings] able to "outlive our money" they wondered. Preceptingly from a recent JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon was explained JESUS Ascending Family Victory Over people in hard works saving money for their caskets and funerals. This doesn't mean be careless to live a wild life (Luke 15:32), rather Broadcasting the 5 Pennies Rule, after humbly Prayerfully Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Goodness.

So rather than works to take monies from others (currently Maintenance amount applies as on above Main Page link) is to look at their Souls as for to first respond rescue (Good Samaritan) with how to Gather (yesterday's JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Sends In New Victory Over Sent Sermon at

Note the above "fasting forty days and forty nights" also fits the recent JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 35: JESUS, Not The Cross Sermon ( in other words JESUS suffered the hard part for Us and not merely on the cross; they tried to kill Him as a Baby, they took Him away from His Heavenly Father's House Of Prayer, they scoffed at Him, they betrayed their Faith [His Faith] and conspired against Him, He preached on foot, yet Gives For Us To Give The New Better Way.

If considering Baptism [and not to treat You as merely a child], remember the newborn hardly crawls, yet You are invited to Leap With Us as 1 Broadcasting HIS Original Good Word(s). If You are invited to to JESUS Work and Do It, then how much greater Better for Us Will Experienced JESUS Work!

10 August 2023 AD.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, emphasizes the 5 Pennies Rule concerning humidity and the thirsty as indicated toward Global Warming, Heavy Water, and Radon, Victories in 1 Before The Fact.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 35.

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