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JESUS New Perfect Sermon.

JESUS Christ Chose His 12 Apostles. This is a Gathering, like unto God Choosing His Chosen People, Gathering such from tribal level, to create a New Nation, Perfect relative to the former lower level: "lower level" per tribe hence Edifyingly as if to Edify each former tribe with explaining symbolically in the secular worldly sense cliche: [secular selfish I, rather currently to this Civilization now] "We will make Your small tribe a Great Massive Power" [tribe rather Nation] (Biblical especially such as after Moses passed away, also reference more currently the movie Lawrence Of Arabia, and rather the Living Bible Today with above linked Main Page referencing JESUS Christ UN already Law and recognizing this Grace).

JESUS New Perfect (example Cephas) / JESUS Perfect (example original 12 Chosen as Disciples Ascending to Apostle Level) / JESUS Christ UN Grace / conditionally Law for to repent lest suffer.

JESUS New Perfect Faith Strategy / JESUS Perfect Begetting Perfect [hence more Perfect] / JESUS Grace All 1.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, shows how easy it is to be one of the 12 Apostles in Heaven Top Positions Over the Book Of Revelation with explaining how the heart thinks whether by input by Others or rather New Perfect like unto Cephas, i saw, you, thee, under the fig tree, praying, faithfully, highest, level, thinking, Holy Strategy


JESUS Christ Invites. JESUS Chose You, Beloved.

JESUS Christ [then described as God, the God Of Abraham, YHWH, Messaih,...] Chose the 12 People to be His Disciples (Luke 6:13), Good. But some fell astray [strayed and fell as to be in need of the Good Samaritan, like unto an infant that in all it's understanding cannot help itself so to speak]. The defeated [due to self defeat, likewise due to faithlessness concerning the Best Way Faith hence Edifyingly due to little faith or strayed faith] opted to no longer walk with JESUS Christ.

So some disciples were no longer with the others that had formed the original 12 Disciples.

Cephas was then added (1 Corinthians 15:5).

"Cephas", this Sermon, this New Perfect is as if in the name of "Cephas" though rather than tempt People to stray about their own names, this Sermon is in the name JESUS.

"Cephas" became the New 12 Disciples, then thereof the New 12 Apostles.

Has Anyone ever imagined it would be great to be 1 of the 12 Apostles?, Yes!

In the Book Of Revelation it is explained how some Souls are in the Highest Places, such as being with Highest JESUS Christ, and likewise seated in thrones [Positions for Top Position Holders] in Heaven.

Cephas became the New Apostle Level, You can become the New Apostle Level and rather JESUS.

We JESUS Christ are like unto the heart feeding all yet like unto the heart [other than the brain Edifyingly,] thinking to time the pulses.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, shows how easy it is to be one of the 12 Apostles in Heaven Top Positions Over the Book Of Revelation with explaining how the heart thinks whether by input by Others or rather New Perfect like unto Cephas, top positions in Heaven


A heart can be made to start, and a heart can be made to beat pulses, though such hardly makes the Person in the sense to remove every body part then hardly a former Person Created Of the Creator. There is in the Mother Mary Immaculate Conception moment a Value greater than such as many parts might make a type of car. Rather the Best car, though hardly of value if the Given Mission requires a boat [such as a Mission to reenact Disciples Fishing.

Many yearned to be with Host Jesus at the table in Heaven or seated in nearby thrones, and such things too need come to pass and rather quickly for the Lovingly Wise Reason that All Others Ascend as 1, as 1 JESUS.

Individuals have Great Values, see above Mission(s), Mother Mary, and Cephas.

Righteously Prophesying through JESUS Christ Name Soul Spirit [after full repentance (as stated above "lest suffer")] as We All Ascend [whether to see a Person Ascend or not], We Will Ascend Faithfully Improvingly. So the lower level former Perfect Will Become to the current Level, as needless sufferings.

For instance there is a great Joy in a Promotion, a great Joy in a Newborn, a great Joy in Marriage, and a great Joy in a New Church Addition. Friends these things too Will pass away so as to no longer have the value for You, yet if to Breathe into the the dust, then value for the Anewly Beginning: this is the Law and the Righteous Prophets rather Vesting in JESUS Christ.

Destroying bad people lower than animals, doesn't apply in Heaven lest to not be Heaven. So there Righteously Prophesying In JESUS Christ Will Needfully Come and end to this civilization sense of definitions, for instance a dictionary [Bible Dictionary or other] may contain the word "Gentleness" though of course the word "Gentleness" is lower level than the word "Kindness" therefore We The Ascending to humbly Prayerfully serve JESUS Christ in Our Hopes of Better hence Better For All, Will Righteously Prophesyingly Witness the end of the word "Gentleness" (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Love Sermon at for the Need to Ascend rather than repeat a grade.

Kindness is such as like unto the Good Samaritan, while to Gentleness is less about carrying the Victim to a Hotel for Care. A Person can be Gentle while carrying, though the Kindness is about the Whole Mission More: moving the Helpless to the Hotel for Good Proper Care. So Kindness is a Higher Level than Gentleness with exceptions if such occurs, for instance if to Kindly move a bomb away from a Mass of People it seems Goodly though if within the Mass if to start to move the bomb harshly abruptly jerking it and banging it into things and it explodes due to lack of Gentleness then Gentleness seems as if more important and Higher Level, as if no sense about the above though rather the Priority and the [temporary rather] Given Situationaly Priorities of the Mission.

So We can Loving Care to Be the JESUS Creator Way, then already Prepared concerning Victories Best For All Over Given Situations.

So We the Righteously Ascending are New Victory Over the "dove" [of the Baptism] of yesterday's Sermon. Stated plainly, the JESUS Christ Original Plan Gracefully Ascending Way We no longer have to serve under the below Human Firmament Level critter(s). Rather than a "dove" coming down to greet a Person Being Baptized, JESUS Christ Alights With The Christian [Hence JESUS Name Soul Spirit As Baptized] Priest Hand On The Head.

JESUS Fixed the counted for Our sakes as if broken [though it was not broken] Baptism, and JESUS Christ can fix me (Saint John 1:51).

JESUS Way = Best Strategy Newly For All: New Perfect.

This JESUS Christ 1 New Perfect Faith Gives: JESUS Christ 1 New Miracles for to Give For All (Saint John 2:11).

7 June 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, shows how easy it is to be one of the 12 Apostles in Heaven Top Positions Over the Book Of Revelation with explaining how the heart thinks whether by input by Others or rather New Perfect like unto Cephas Strategy.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 33.

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